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Film for Learning programme begins across UK UNESCO Cities of Film

Film for Learning programme begins across UK UNESCO Cities of Film

Sun, 09/01/2019 to Wed, 08/31/2022

Bristol and Bradford, UNESCO Creative Cities of Film, embark on a new partnership to launch “Film for Learning”, a 4 year school development initiative devised by UK film education charity Into Film and funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. The programme aims at supporting teachers and senior school leaders to use film as a tool for learning, with the aim of improving young peoples’ attainment in literacy and participation. Bristol and Bradford are two of three UK cities selected to take part in the initiative; Belfast being the third.

“Film for Learning” consists in training sessions based on previous successful activites delivered in Bradford and Belfast and will target ten primary schools in each city to enhance learning by developing innovative methods to include film in educational curricula. For the first time, the 3 UK cities will deliver the programme simultaneously, and its impact will be measured at a national level, with the aim to build a network of teachers, creative practitioners and urban actors using film and culture as a means for learning.

In this framework, Bristol and Bradford - as UNESCO Creative Cities of Film- will lead advocacy and communication activities at a national and international level to support schools, education partners and cities to adopt similar practices and enhance literacy at a global level, by promoting creative learning as a tool for sustainable development.


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