Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of Non-formal and Informal Learning

RVA observatory - 3 people

RVA country profiles and case studies

To facilitate comparisons and sharing of experience, UIL has developed a common structure for the presentation of RVA country profiles and RVA case studies. The RVA country profiles of education and training outline the challenges that RVA addresses and describe developments in standards, policies and frameworks. The RVA country profiles and case studies are continuously updated.

The RVA case studies cover implementation in three sectors: education, training and the world of work, and civil society.

  1. RVA case studies in education highlight how countries are making RVA a feature of educational reforms and an integral part of lifelong learning strategies.
  2. RVA case studies in training and the world of work present examples of how countries are using RVA to meet the needs of industry and enhance the economic capacity of the workforce.
  3. RVA case studies in civil society highlight how countries recognize competences acquired in non-formal and informal situations in communities and through volunteer work. 
construction workers looking at documents
people at a meeting in a board room

The UIL Global RVA Observatory collects and disseminates best practices from RVA systems at different stages of development and provides ready access to information on RVA. The Observatory invites policymakers, national experts, practitioners and all those with a professional interest in RVA to exchange information on their country’s RVA models. In addition, UIL reviews and analyses the implementation of RVA policy and practice in Member States. These activities and studies are to be found under RVA themes.

The UIL Global RVA Observatory is an integral part of UNESCO’s commitment to implement the UNESCO Guidelines for the Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of the Outcomes of Non-formal and Informal Learning.

Recognition, validation and accreditation of all forms of learning outcomes is a practice that makes visible and values the full range of competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that individuals have obtained through various means in different phases and contexts of their lives. RVA gives individuals an incentive to continue to learn, empowers them and enables them to become more active in the labour market and in society in general. For disadvantaged groups, particularly, RVA can create a more level playing field in education and training (UNESCO Guidelines, 2012).


12 FEBRUARY 2019

Madhu Singh: An advocate for the right to education for all

5 OCTOBER 2018

Regional Policy Forum on Creating Pathways to Empowerment in the Arab States

16 JUNE 2017

Recognizing undocumented competences of refugees in Germany

8 JUNE 2017

‘The user in the centre’ of the Biennale on Validation of Prior Learning

1 MARCH 2017

UIL expands its Global Observatory of RVA of Non-formal and Informal Learning

6 JANUARY 2017

Towards a lifelong learning strategy in Uzbekistan: Recognizing learning and competences from all settings


Global inventory of regional and national qualifications frameworks 2019, volume II: national and regional cases
Global Inventory of Regional and National Qualifications Frameworks 2019, Volume I: Thematic chapters
Global inventory of regional and national qualications frameworks 2019 Volume I: Thematic chapters cover page
Pathways to empowerment: Recognizing the competences of Syrian refugees in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey
Lignes directrices de l'UNESCO pour la reconnaissance, la validation et l'accréditation des acquis de l'apprentissage non formel et informel