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Nouvelle adresse de courriel du FIDC : convention2005.ifcd@unesco.org

FIDC I Résultats du dernier cycle

Project ID: 2022-9414
Nom du demandeur :
Shooting Stars Arts, Culture and Sports Club
Pays du demandeur:
Type de demandeur:
Montant demandé:
Pays bénéficiaire(s):
Non Recommended
Note totale: 17.5

IFCD Submissions details

Présélection | Formulaire d'examen de la Commission nationale

IFCD Preselection form - - 07/15/2022 - 11:36

1. Nom et coordonnées du responsable de la Commission nationale pour l’UNESCO
Programme coodinator-Culture
P.O.Box 47
Code postal: 
2. Justification de présélection
Quelles sont les raisons principales qui ont motivé la présélection de ce projet en comparaison avec d’autres propositions reçues par la Commission nationale pour l’UNESCO ?: 
Even though this is not a very strong application, it is one of the only two submissions we have. Other than that, it is good to be part of the network of applicants of the relevant stakeholders who are aware of and with experience of this sort of funding application. It is a learning experience for them, and it will be good for them to later learn where they we weak.
3. L'institution/organisation demandeuse
Quels éléments montrent que l’institution/organisation demandeuse est une partie prenante importante du secteur de la culture (aux niveaux local / national / international) ?: 
looking at their core business, it show they are stakeholders in the culture and creative industries at both locally and nationally.
4. Pertinence de la proposition de projet présélectionnée
4.1. Quels sont actuellement les principaux besoins et priorités de votre pays en termes de politiques culturelles et/ou d’industries culturelles ?: 
We need - A more relevant Cultural policies that speaks to the contemporary needs for the growth of this industry. - A user friendly implementation plan that speaks to the policy - Monitoring and evaluation plan - Marketing and promotions for the culture and creative industries - Arts Council that will oversee the implementation of all the above with the support of the responsible Ministry
4.2. De quelle manière les objectifs de cette proposition de projet présélectionnée répondent-ils aux besoins et aux priorités actuelles du pays en termes de politiques et/ou d’industries culturelles ?: 
They respond to the National Strategic Development plan (NSDP II) , which has ear marked culture as one of the sectors that contributes to the country's GDP.
4.3. Dans quelle mesure pensez-vous que cette proposition de projet présélectionnée aura un impact sur les politiques et/ou industries culturelles du pays ?: 
Not very clear as they have not provided any statistical indicators. But we would like to see them being part of the devoted stakeholders impacting the creative industries.
5. Autres informations
Veuillez indiquer d’autres informations contextuelles que le Groupe d’experts du FIDC devrait prendre en considération lors de l’évaluation du projet.: 
As a country, even though we are more than 10 years on after the ratification of the 2005 Convection, we are still at an initial stage with regard to the understanding the appreciation of the creative industry and its importance in over all development. There is need for an in-depth study and profiling of the industry. This proposal is part of the learner ship with regard to the fund.
6. The pre-selection process at the national level

Sehloho Soole

Sehloho Soole
Ministry of Small Business Development Cooperatives and Marketing
Type d’Organisation/Institution: 
Chief Commercial Manager

Pusetso Nyabela

Pusetso Nyabela
Morija Museum and Archives
Type d’Organisation/Institution: 

Mpho Letima

Mpho Letima
Type d’Organisation/Institution: 
Founder and Director
En tant que signature, entrez le nom complet du représentant de la Commission nationale :: 
'Mabafokeng M. Seala

IFCD Submissions details

Recevabilité | Examen technique

IFCD Eligibility form - - 09/29/2022 - 15:47

Statut recevabilité: 
Examen Technique
Le formulaire de demande a été soumis avant la date limite: 
Formulaire de demande soumis en français ou anglais: 
Le montant maximum demandé est inférieur ou égal à $E.U. 100.000: 
La période de mise en œuvre du projet se situe entre 12 et 24 mois: 
Toutes les sections du formulaire ont été complétées: 
Signature du demandeur: 
Le demandeur n'a pas un projet financé par le FIDC en cours: 
Le projet s’inscrit dans les domaines d'intervention du FIDC: 
Pays en développement Parties à la Convention de 2005: 
Formulaire d’examen de la Commission nationale: 
Signature de la Commission nationale: 
Document officiel / Statuts (avec traduction anglaise ou française si nécessaire): 

IFCD Submissions details

Évaluation des experts

8 points La proposition de projet répond parfaitement à tous les aspects pertinents du critère considéré. La réponse fournit toutes les informations nécessaires et il n'y a pas d’identification de lacunes.
6-7 points La proposition de projet répond bien au critère, même si certaines améliorations pourraient être apportées. La réponse donne des informations claires sur la totalité ou la quasi-totalité des éléments de preuves nécessaires.
5-4 points La proposition de projet répond largement au critère, mais il y a encore quelques lacunes. La réponse donne des informations pertinentes, mais il reste encore des zones et des éléments d’information à éclaircir.
3-2 points La proposition de projet ne répond pas entièrement au critère ou ne peut pas être jugée correctement en raison d'informations manquantes ou incomplètes. La réponse ne traite pas nécessairement la question posée ou donne très peu d'informations pertinentes.
1 point La proposition de projet aborde à peine le critère. Il y a un manque si évident d'informations pertinentes qu’il est extrêmement difficile de juger si la question posée est traitée.
0 points La proposition de projet ne répond pas au critère ou ne peut pas être évaluée en raison du manque d'informations pertinentes. La réponse ne traite pas la question posée ou ne fournit pas d’informations pertinentes.

Sub-Total Expert 1 : 7

IFCD Expert Evaluation form - a_wangusa - 10/27/2022 - 23:14

Résume bref du projet: 
The purpose of the project is to identify cultural activities or industries that exist within the three selected districts, namely Maseru, Mokhotlong and Quthing. The identified activities and industries will then be put into a database that will assist the players within the industries with exposure in that they will then be easily accessible and visible. The database will have all the details of the individuals and groups within such industries inclusive of their full contact details. The project will then select individuals and groups from cultural industries related to music, dance, folklore and storytelling, visual arts and the audio visual component. These selected individuals and groups will be trained on the convention on the protection and promotion of diversity of cultural expressions, copyright and recently adopted regional arrangements on the registration of copyright. The participants will also be trained in their different trades, and also on how to package their works, either by themselves or in collaboration with others in order to make them appealing to a large majority of audiences including the youth. the project is intended to train 60 people during its subsistence. Following the training, the participant will be expected to produce works, packaged in the way that they were trained. These works will then be showcased on different platforms as a way of assisting them to get more exposure and also to help them to make careers out of their works.
1.1 Veuillez décrire comment les objectifs et impacts/ bénéfices à long terme du projet correspondent à, au moins, l’un des objectifs stratégiques du FIDC et ses effets escomptés associés. : 
ER 3.1. Innovation and new business models are applied to creation, production, distribution and access to diverse cultural goods and services: One of the objectives of this project is to move what is largely regarded as a recreational sector towards being more commercial in such a way that participants and players in the sector can earn a living from their works. ER 3.2. Critical capacity development needs relating to creation, production and distribution are assessed and addressed at appropriate levels: During the initial data collection exercise, trainings and discussions with relevant stakeholders, gaps with the cultural industries' space will be identified and they will be recorded. Strategies will then be formulated on how such gaps need to be addressed ER 3.3. Participation in creation, production and distribution of cultural goods and services is widened to previously excluded regions and social groups: The project has targeted three (3) areas that were selected to try and target different groups in the following manner; ER 4.1. Women’s representation as creators and producers of cultural expressions is increased through strengthened professional networks and capacity development: The first step towards assessing the adequacy or otherwise of women within the existing cultural industries, will be to disaggregate the data that is collected to assess the involvement of women and girls.
1.2 Comment les objectifs de cette proposition répondent-ils aux besoins et priorités actuels du pays/ de la région en termes de politiques culturelles et/ou d’industries culturelles ? : 
The objectives aim to address these challenges a) absence of a proper database with all the information and lack of knowledge of copyright and related concepts for protection of works, b) no clear strategies to encourage and support the players within these industries to move towards earning a living from these activities to a more commercial existence, c) Need to packaging of CCI products d) Absence of collaboration between players within the industries and other stakeholders.
1.3 Dans quelle mesure les objectifs du projet sont-ils spécifiques et mesurables ?: 
The objectives are not specific or measurable; they are descriptive
1.4 Dans quelle mesure le projet contribue-t-il à la promotion de l’égalité des genres, à l’autonomisation des jeunes, à la coopération Sud-Sud et Nord-Sud-Sud et/ou à la participation de divers groupes sociaux dans le cadre des domaines d’intervention du FIDC ? : 
The project indicating south-south peer learning from the SADC region
2.1 Quels éléments démontrent la capacité organisationnelle du demandeur (principales activités de l’institution/organisation) et sa compétence (qualifications et expérience du personnel) à mettre en œuvre le plan de travail et à gérer le budget ?: 
Promotion, protection and conservation of Basotho culture by organising trainings and other activities meant to inspire people to embrace their culture and history,
2.2 Dans quelle mesure les activités répondent-elles aux questions pertinentes ? Veuillez expliquer comment la méthodologie est appropriée à la réalisation des objectifs ? : 
The activities do clearly indicate how they address i.e. For example, focus on recruiting staff, advertising and travel costs. These are inputs to the activities
2.3 Dans quelle mesure le calendrier est-il réaliste et cohérent avec les activités ?: 
The one-year timeframe is realistic
2.4 Les bénéficiaires directs et indirects du projet ont-ils été clairement identifiés ? Dans quelle mesure les activités sont-elles pertinentes pour les bénéficiaires ciblés et répondent-elles à leurs besoins ? : 
Yes Direct 45 people involved in cultural expression activities, 15 from Maseru, 15 from Mokhotlong and 15 from within the minority population of Bathepu and Xhosa in Quthing, through training and assistance in packaging of works. Indirect Other cultural expression practitioners from the 3 identified districts and in other districts through collaboration.
3.1 Le budget prévoit-il des ressources adéquates (salaires, honoraires, matériel, voyages, communication, etc.) nécessaires à la réussite du projet ? Si le budget a été surestimé ou sous-estimé, veuillez expliquer de quelle manière. : 
The budget is adequate
3.2 Quelle part du budget est allouée aux activités du projet par rapport aux frais généraux ? Le budget semble-t-il adéquat et les frais généraux ont-ils été estimés conformément à la limite maximum de 30% du budget total du projet ? : 
Overheads is minimal
3.3 La proposition de projet indique-t-elle des contributions financières supplémentaires au projet, telles que des co-financements et/ou de l’auto-financement ? : 
Self-funding in-kind $3,650
3.4 Quelles sont les actions prévues pour assurer la responsabilité financière (par exemple, l’implication d’un directeur financier) ? : 
A finance officer will be engaged and a clear financial management manual will be developed relating to how the funding will be utilised and at the end of the project, an auditor will be appointed to audit the project books.
Score : 
4.1 Les résultats et/ou livrables du projet sont-ils concrets, mesurables et réalistes ? Dans quelle mesure permettront-ils d’atteindre les objectifs du projet?: 
The outputs don’t have indicators, which makes it difficult to access if they will lead to achieving the objectives
4.2 Dans quelle mesure les activités principales et le budget sont-ils pertinents et adaptés à la réalisation des résultats et/ou livrables énoncés ?: 
he main activities and budget are relevant and appropriate to achieving the outputs
4.3 Dans quelle mesure est-il prévu que ce projet ait un impact ou des bénéfices à long terme sur les politiques culturelles et/ou les industries culturelles du pays/ de la région ?: 
Capacity development of the cultural industries
4.4 Dans quelle mesure le projet démontre-t-il un potentiel de changement structurel (par exemple : changements dans l’environnement politique ; changements fondamentaux des structures organisationnelles publiques et professionnelles ; et changements dans la gestion du gouvernement et des autorités réglementaires) ? : 
There is no evidence of the proposal leading to structural change at policy level
5.1 Dans quelle mesure des employés contractuels et des partenaires sont-ils impliqués dans la mise en œuvre des activités du projet ? Le rôle de chaque employé contractuel et/ou partenaire a-t-il été clairement décrit ?: 
The role of partners is clear
5.2 Comment le projet se rattache-t-il et/ou complète-t-il le travail déjà en cours dans le pays/la région en termes de politiques et/ou d’industries culturelles ? : 
At the national level, Lesotho, through the Ministry of Culture has recently formed the Lesotho Copyright Society of Authors and Artists (LESCOSAA) aimed at ensuring that artists and authors earn a living from their works through ensuring that they get all that is due to them for any use of their works. Having collaboration within the cultural industries sector and an existing database will assist in having an opportunity to get to work with LESCOSSA through collaboration in some activities.
5.3 Quelles mesures/démarches sont proposées afin d’assurer une réponse aux impacts/bénéfices à long terme du projet?: 
Following the identification of gaps, appropriate strategies will also be identified and appropriate supporting mechanism to ensure their success will be put in place.
5.4 Quelles mesures/démarches sont proposées pour le suivi du projet avec ses bénéficiaires après son achèvement ? : 
As Shooting Stars is an existing arts and culture club, strategies will also be developed for future collaboration areas between the beneficiaries of the project and the club.
Évaluation globale: 
This project aims to map cultural activities or industries in music, dance, folklore and storytelling, visual arts and the audio-visual component, that exist within the three selected districts, namely: Maseru, Mokhotlong and Quthing in Lesotho. The project also indicates a south-south peer learning on the process within the SADC region. In addition, the project aims to complement the work of the Lesotho Copyright Society of Authors and Artists (LESCOSAA) by contributing to its database that will enable LESCOSAA to collect royalties on behalf of the artists. The budget is adequate and will have self-funding in-kind of $3,650. However, the objectives are not specific or measurable; they are descriptive. In addition, while mapping of the sector is vital for the governance of culture, the proposal does not clearly indicate how the project will contribute to structural change at policy level.

Sub-Total Expert 2 : 10.5

IFCD Expert Evaluation form - V_MARCOLIN - 10/31/2022 - 13:59

Résume bref du projet: 
The project aims at highlighting the potential of cultural and creative industries in 3 districts in Lesotho, beyond recreational activities a) by mapping those actors and creating a database, b) select part of them among several sectors representatives to offer trainings on the Convention itself and various market oriented skills, such as PR and marketing, trade, to make cultural contents and services attractive towards the large public but especially towards youth, c) showcase the productions of the actors involved in trainings through different platforms. Through a more strategic approach to cultural and creative industries in territories of different nature (urban, rural) and though envisioned partnerships with the public administration the applicant is willing to improve the CCIs ecosystem in Lesotho trough increased cross-sectoral partnerships and collaboration within the sectors. The project duration is 12 months.
1.1 Veuillez décrire comment les objectifs et impacts/ bénéfices à long terme du projet correspondent à, au moins, l’un des objectifs stratégiques du FIDC et ses effets escomptés associés. : 
The following IFCD outcomes are considered : innovation on business models (ER 3,1) to various creative industries value chains to further attract the attention on the for profit and market driven dimension of CCIs, compared to a more recreation oriented approach of the sectors. Innovative dissemination and promotion tools aims to be developed through the project (showcase, publicity actions, identification of popular e-platforms where creative works could be promoted...) (ER 3.2) Critical capacity development across the value chains through a mapping activity that would allow to identify potential gaps and needs in skills development that will serve the design of trainings and meetings; (ER 3.3) Increased participation in the production and distribution of cultural goods also towards previously excluded regions and groups by : differentiating the territories where the project will take place to study in urban areas how the youth could be further implicated in the creative sectors, in rural areas, how local cultural expressions could go beyond cultural participation and be further market oriented, and in territories with minorities our those excluded groups could be provided with tools to share their cultural expressions with the larger population. The project also takes into consideration gender equality issues, by specific indicators in the planned data collection on CCIs and analyzing challenges faced by women in the creative industries and sectors.
1.2 Comment les objectifs de cette proposition répondent-ils aux besoins et priorités actuels du pays/ de la région en termes de politiques culturelles et/ou d’industries culturelles ? : 
Based on the short context description provided in the application, 3 main challenges are identified and therefore addressed by the project : a) the absence of a database on cultural actors in Lesotho and the limited knowledge of cultural actors on copyright issues; b) the traditional approach to cultural activities as a recreational space for the population rather than a strategic ecosystem; c) youth seems to be disconnected from this strategic approach and consumption of local contents while d) the cooperation between the creative sectors and other stakeholders is also less developed than it could be. Those assumptions are not corroborated by relevant source of information other than the applicant's one, or by focus groups; this would have helped strengthen the pertinence of the project approach.
1.3 Dans quelle mesure les objectifs du projet sont-ils spécifiques et mesurables ?: 
The projects is organized around 4 objectives, while their formulation is rather "action oriented" and therefore less specific and measurable (eg : conduct an exercice of identifying and documenting / developing database of individuals and groups involved in the cultural sectors; rather than "Strengthening the knowledge and information available on the cultural and creative industries structure in Lesotho through a mapping and the design of a database".
1.4 Dans quelle mesure le projet contribue-t-il à la promotion de l’égalité des genres, à l’autonomisation des jeunes, à la coopération Sud-Sud et Nord-Sud-Sud et/ou à la participation de divers groupes sociaux dans le cadre des domaines d’intervention du FIDC ? : 
2.1 Quels éléments démontrent la capacité organisationnelle du demandeur (principales activités de l’institution/organisation) et sa compétence (qualifications et expérience du personnel) à mettre en œuvre le plan de travail et à gérer le budget ?: 
The applicant missions are aligned with the project priorities. Its establishment was in 2018; the applicant activities consider the importance of partnering with other organisations and the importance of new technologies to connect Lesotho to national and international markets. The description of the project staff is very limited, although individuals are already identified for the 5 profiles foreseen to implement the project. Given the rather newly establishment of the applicant, further details on the project staff members experience, skills and competences would have secured further the capacity of the applicant's organisation to implement the work plan.
2.2 Dans quelle mesure les activités répondent-elles aux questions pertinentes ? Veuillez expliquer comment la méthodologie est appropriée à la réalisation des objectifs ? : 
While the application project description is pertinent based on the context analysis provided, the activities description focus more on micro-activities (sub-activities), such as "engagement ofd a project coordinator, .. travel to districts for meetings, consolidation of information and inputting the data..."; when the activities are more relevant (eg: development of a database, advertising the project on various platforms, formulation of strategies...) their description and methodology is not directly provided by the applicant. For example it is not clear how the strategies formulated to engage a diverse range of stakeholders and policymakers (outputs 4.1 and 4.2) will be elaborated, by whom, through which tools and sub-activities etc.
2.3 Dans quelle mesure le calendrier est-il réaliste et cohérent avec les activités ?: 
The planning appears not realistic especially for outputs 3 and 4, given the changes that have to be generated in the local context, that are among the perception changes researched by the applicant on the market driven potential of CCIs. Raise awareness on this topic alone, beyond a mapping request a certain time.
2.4 Les bénéficiaires directs et indirects du projet ont-ils été clairement identifiés ? Dans quelle mesure les activités sont-elles pertinentes pour les bénéficiaires ciblés et répondent-elles à leurs besoins ? : 
There has been no clear distinction on the direct beneficiaries per activity, as beneficiaries may change according to the expected outputs and related activities. The same direct beneficiaries are presented for all the activities, namely 45 people involved in cultural expressions, 15 par district involved in the project (3 districts in total). The same issue concern indirect beneficiaries that focus solely on "other cultural expression practitioners" others than the direct beneficiaries, while the applicant aims to involve other sector representatives, public administrations etc
3.1 Le budget prévoit-il des ressources adéquates (salaires, honoraires, matériel, voyages, communication, etc.) nécessaires à la réussite du projet ? Si le budget a été surestimé ou sous-estimé, veuillez expliquer de quelle manière. : 
The overall budget is 103610 dollars mainly concentrated on Human Resources (50 700 dollars) and other costs (39 150 dollars). Other costs include for example the development of a database, the development and duplication of training materials, accommodations, formulations of strategies. Salaries seem in compliance with the average monthly salary in the country, the costs of trainers seem underestimated given the number of actors to be trained and the different territories involved, while comparing the costs with the staff ones; promotional materials related to showcase the contents of the actors trained also appear underestimated while this is one of the key expected outputs of the project, as well as the elaboration of strategies, for which no costs are provided. If they are planned to be developed by the project staff or through other in kind contributions of the applicant this could have been introduced in the budget description.
3.2 Quelle part du budget est allouée aux activités du projet par rapport aux frais généraux ? Le budget semble-t-il adéquat et les frais généraux ont-ils été estimés conformément à la limite maximum de 30% du budget total du projet ? : 
The overhead costs are very limited : 1800 dollars.
3.3 La proposition de projet indique-t-elle des contributions financières supplémentaires au projet, telles que des co-financements et/ou de l’auto-financement ? : 
The additional co-funding elevates at 3650 dollars; it represents the applicant's contribution in cash.
3.4 Quelles sont les actions prévues pour assurer la responsabilité financière (par exemple, l’implication d’un directeur financier) ? : 
The applicant plans to hire a financial officer for the project. An auditor will also be hired.
Score : 
4.1 Les résultats et/ou livrables du projet sont-ils concrets, mesurables et réalistes ? Dans quelle mesure permettront-ils d’atteindre les objectifs du projet?: 
The outputs are in general coherent with the project background and description, however their formulation could have been improved and further accompanied by quantitative and qualitative indicators. In some cases the outputs relate more to activities than expected results (eg : identifying the types of cultural industries within 3 areas and the different players for output 1.1; this output could have presented as follows: "a mapping on the creative sectors is realized in 3 districts, based on sectors and actors data collection and analysis"). While it is planned that the training contents will be informed by the project, some topics, such as awareness raising on the convention or copyright have already been identified by the applicant and those training could have been introduced in the outputs description. There is also no clear background provided to several outputs on how they will be achieved in summery, also in relation to the activity description.
4.2 Dans quelle mesure les activités principales et le budget sont-ils pertinents et adaptés à la réalisation des résultats et/ou livrables énoncés ?: 
The actives and the budget are in general relevant, although the lack of description on each activity organization and methodology does not allow to secure that the budget costs are appropriate to achieve the outputs and deliverable expected by the project. In particular for outputs 4.1 and 4.2 the main activities are not detailed (activities 4,2,1 and 4,1,1 simply restate the expected outputs : "formulation of strategies".
4.3 Dans quelle mesure est-il prévu que ce projet ait un impact ou des bénéfices à long terme sur les politiques culturelles et/ou les industries culturelles du pays/ de la région ?: 
Some of the activities planned could have a long term impact on the country and districted involved if the mapping methodology is well structured, as the mapping could facilitate new cooperation among actors and sectors. However compared to the project description in the main application, the logic framework is still too broad and do not secure informations that could lead to long terms impact of the project, despite its potential. In addition, there is no evidence on the trainings structure that would secure their concrete contribution in improving market driven strategies for cultural actors and their incomes, as well as an increased participation of youth and minorities in Lesotho creative economy.
4.4 Dans quelle mesure le projet démontre-t-il un potentiel de changement structurel (par exemple : changements dans l’environnement politique ; changements fondamentaux des structures organisationnelles publiques et professionnelles ; et changements dans la gestion du gouvernement et des autorités réglementaires) ? : 
While structural change in the creative sectors ecosystem is one of the key objectives and concern of the project, and while the choice of three districts based on their specificities secure the inclusive dimension of the projects towards different groups of the population active in the production and dissemination of creative expressions, the methodologies and measures through which policy dialogue would be built are not clear. Parallely, if the set up of a mapping tool could lead to a structural change on the perception of the sectors contributions to different areas of Lesotho development, there are not enough informations on the activities and profiles of the persons involved in the project to secure that this would be achieved considering international standards and results.
5.1 Dans quelle mesure des employés contractuels et des partenaires sont-ils impliqués dans la mise en œuvre des activités du projet ? Le rôle de chaque employé contractuel et/ou partenaire a-t-il été clairement décrit ?: 
The applicant considers partnership development a key area of its work; however no clear partners are proposed for this project, even though it is mentioned that contact with the Ministry in charge of culture will be taken for the project implementation for instance. The involvement of public administrations (national, local) is a key element for the project success, given its objectives that include improvements on policies and measures for culture thanks to the information gathered through the project. Similarly, the project highlights the importance of cross-sectors cooperation, but there is no predetermined strategy by the applicant in the application. Contractors beyond the project staff are not clearly identified apart for the system developer and the data collector (whose experience is very limited, 1 year).
5.2 Comment le projet se rattache-t-il et/ou complète-t-il le travail déjà en cours dans le pays/la région en termes de politiques et/ou d’industries culturelles ? : 
The applicant mentioned the Lesotho Copyright Society of Authors and artists as a potential partner to engage with based on the results of the mapping, also to promote the union services towards the actors identified by the mapping. The African regional Intellectual property Organisation is also mentioned in relation to the adoption of a Protocol on voluntary registration of copyright and related rights whose objectives could be further promoted in Lesotho because of its recent adoption (2021). There are no references on other cultural policies and measures or programmes existing in Lesotho on creative industries, including though and by international partners.
5.3 Quelles mesures/démarches sont proposées afin d’assurer une réponse aux impacts/bénéfices à long terme du projet?: 
The measures to ensure the project long-term impact are unfortunately very limited given the importance that the IFCD provide to structural change. They concern the elaboration of strategies based on the needs and gaps that would emerge through the project, without further clarification on the nature of those needs and gaps.
5.4 Quelles mesures/démarches sont proposées pour le suivi du projet avec ses bénéficiaires après son achèvement ? : 
Beneficiaries involved in the project would be invited to engage with the other regular activities of the applicant. Trainees in the programme could become capacity builders in the future (although the training description does not allow to secure this statement as the perimeter and contents of the training are not clear).
Évaluation globale: 
The project addresses important aspects of a balanced and conducive governance for culture in one country, notably the need to highlight and support different dimension of cultural expressions, including their market driven aspects for which the need of data and know-how on the actors involved in the field are key. It also identify important topics for cultural operators such as copyright. However the logic framework of the project is still at an early stage of development and needs to be further detailed in terms of a clear distinction between objectives/outputs/activities, improved description of each output and activities; the partnership strategy is also lacking and seems necessary to achieve the objectives of the project, also based on arguments provided by the applicant. The project team selection and description may need to be revised to secure relevant experience to menage the activities foreseen with proven expertise and knowledge, in order to secure the concrete results and long term impact of the work plan.

IFCD Submissions details


IFCD Recommendation form - j_casas - 12/16/2022 - 20:07

Statut de la recommandation: 
Non recommended
Financement recommandé: 
Résumé de l'évaluation: 
When assessed according to the criteria listed in the evaluations, the experts did not consider this application suitable to be recommended for funding in this round. In accordance with Decision 12.IGC 6, paragraph 7, one (1) bonus point has been attributed to this project as it was submitted by a country that has not received funding from the IFCD.
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