UNESCO Event Calendar: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Last update: 24 May 2023

25 May - Education Ministers Meeting on Generative AI Online Meeting

  • CI: Launch of Webinar Series for Judges and Prosecutors: AI and the Rule of Law; 1st Webinar: IP in the Era of Generative AI - more information

UNESCO’s Communications and Information Sector, is collaborating with The National Judicial College, United States, The Lawyers Hub, Kenya and the Centre for Communication Governance, New Delhi on this timely initiative.

The use of AI is becoming increasingly widespread in our societies, and the legal profession is no exception. As AI is rolled out at breakneck pace, and Open AI claiming that GPT-4 beats 90% of lawyers trying to pass the bar exam, the webinars will cover hot topics at the intersection of generative AI and intellectual property, the admissibility of AI-generated evidence in legal proceedings, and VR/AR technologies in courts.

UNESCO has already trained over 4500 judicial actors in the use of AI in 138 countries in 7 languages

31 May - Publication of Think Piece on Chat GPT

  • Assessment of whether Chat-GPT complies with UNESCOs Framework for Ethical AI.
  • Explores issues related to robustness, safety, transparency, reliability, impact, and ethical assessment ex-ante are relevant.
  • Data sources and copyright issues are also areas of concern, as well as its impact on different groups of people.

Concrete recommendations are made to ensure LLMs are deployed safely

7 June - Publication of the Readiness Assessment Methodology (RAM) and Ethical Impact Assessment

  • The RAM diagnoses the readiness of countries to implement AI ethically and responsibly, through the evaluation of 5 dimensions. The focus is to analyze rules, regulations, institutions and capacities of governments to frame these technologies ethically. Results from the assessment will allow UNESCO to tailor capacity building efforts to country-specific needs.
  • This is a unique tool, developed after thorough analyses of existing international tools (e.g by Tortoise Media, Oxford Insights). PLEASE SEND LINK Existing tools often draw upon data that is not very inclusive or lack wider coverage, and often fail to cover social-cultural aspects.
  • The RAM fills these gaps by including, besides laws, regulations and institutions other dimensions that are often neglected such as gender equality, environmental sustainability and cultural diversity, and facilitating the collection of original data from all around the globe. It is therefore a comprehensive tool.
  • The Ethical impact Assessment (EIA) will help those involved in the procurement of AI systems ensure that the AI systems they purchase are aligned with the ethical standards set out in the UNESCO Recommendation.

Similarly, this tool is global and comprehensive, filing the gaps of other impact assessments.

14 June - ADG, Gabriela Ramos participates in VivaTech - Session "Future Living: Ethics and Opportunities of Biohacking

Location : PARIS

15 June - Webinar for Judges and Prosecutors: The Admisability Challenge: AI-Generated Evidence in the Courtroom

Online event

6 July - Webinar for Judges and Prosectors: Virtual Reality Worlds and the Law: How Judges Can Keep Up with the Rapidly Evolving Technology


7-9 July - ADG participates in AI for Good Global Summit

Fireside chat with Darren Jones, MP of the UK and chair of the interparliamentary forum on emerging technologies Co-chairing the UN 2.0 Roundtable on AI, with participation of senior leadership of 40 sister UN agencies.

Location: Geneva

13 July - International Conference on the Ethics of Neurotechnology

Location: UNESCO HQ Paris

18-20 August - Ministerial Digital meeting of the G20 (with UNESCO as the knowledge partner)

Location to be confirmed

September - Finalizing of agreement with EC DG reform for enhancing supervisory capacity on AI in the Netherlands


September - Event with Thomson Reuters on training for journalists to report on Ethics of AI in London


24 October - Ministerial event in Latin America on AI Ethics

Launch of the IberoAmerica Buinses Council on Ethics of AI, together with Microsoft and Telefonica

November - Getting AI governance right: UNESCO’s contributions after two years of the adoption of the Recommendation on the Ethics of AI.

Presentation of results of the work done with donor’s support in 40 countries. Lessons learnt. Best Practices. Unveiling of the Model Governance Framework for Ethical AI A CERN for AI? Participation of the Women4Ethical AI, and the AI Experts Without Borders

End of November / beginning of December (TBC)

Event with Brazil on the McGovern Project, during ADG’s mission to the Second Global Forum on Anti-Racism and discrimination in Sao Paolo

End of Year (TBC) - Joint event with International Chamber of Commerce, on private sector engagements, hitting the ground for the 2nd GFAI


End of Year (TBC) -

Release and launch of country reports/ publications (from RAM). Possible wider coverage within countries

Early December or first quartet of 2024 - Launch of UNESCO Ethics of AI Observatory


Early December or first quartet of 2024 - 2nd Global Forum on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (GFAI) in Slovenia

  • The GFAI is UNESCO’s annual flagship event on the ethics of AI. Following a successful first edition in Prague, the 2nd GFAI in Slovenia will bring together ministers, high-level experts and other stakeholders to discuss best practices and the latest developments in the ethics of AI, and showcase UNESCO’s progress in implementing the Recommendation.
  • The second GFAI will be significant in overseeing the launch of the UNESCO Observatory (TBD) and convening the newly launched UNESCO AI expert networks, such as the Women 4 Ethical AI platform, for invigorating discussions.

This global dialogue and exchange of good practices will facilitate the creation a new governance framework, and contribute further to the Observatory.