
UNESCO and MICROSOFT commit to promoting UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of AI

UNESCO and MICROSOFT are partnering to advance responsible AI and will develop joint initiatives that promote and implement the Recommendation on the Ethics of AI, approved by 193 Member States at the UNESCO General Conference in November 2021.
Alberto Granados, President of Microsoft Spain, and Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO

To this end, MICROSOFT will support the Business Council for Ibero-America and join as co-chair. This Council will promote the development of AI that is respectful of human rights, through the use of the readiness and ethical impact assessment tools contained in the Recommendation; the exchange of experiences and perspectives of the AI multistakeholder community on the implementation of the Recommendation; the generation and diffusion of knowledge on the responsible use of AI; and dissemination and awareness campaigns focusing on the Recommendation.

Additionally, UNESCO and MICROSOFT will jointly support and promote the implementation of the ethical principles of the Recommendation in the private sector, using its ethical impact assessment tools; the generation of knowledge on the ethical impact of AI, discussion forums; and dissemination and awareness campaigns.

This agreement was ratified by Alberto Granados, President of Microsoft Spain and by Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO at the 2023 GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the global connectivity event bringing together  companies, governments and international organizations.

Alberto Granados, President of Microsoft Spain, and Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO
We are very pleased that MICROSOFT, one of the leading technology companies in Ibero-America and around the world, has joined UNESCO in the implementation of the Recommendation. We need the commitment of all - governments, companies and civil society -, and having MICROSOFT as a partner will  help us in our efforts to truly develop inclusive, ethical and sustainable AI.
Gabriela Ramos Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO

For her part in signing the agreement, Natasha Crampton, MICROSOFT’s Chief Responsible AI Officer, pointed out that


AI has the potential to transform societies around the world, and it's essential that we guide this technology proactively toward outcomes that are beneficial, equitable, and inclusive. To do this, we need to bring together experiences and perspectives across societies to better inform decisions around the responsible development and use of AI. We are looking forward to partnering with UNESCO on this vital global effort.

UNESCO and MICROSOFT are committed to supporting the countries of the region by promoting the advancement of AI driven by ethical principles that put people first and the need for coherent regulatory frameworks for the responsible development and use of AI.