
International Conference on the Ethics of Neurotechnology

UNESCO will organize an International Conference on the Ethics of Neurotechnology on the theme "Building a framework to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms" at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, on 13 July 2023, from 9:00 in Room I.

The Conference will explore the immense potential of neurotechnology and address the ethical challenges it poses to human rights and fundamental freedoms. It will bring together policymakers and experts, representatives of civil society and UN organizations, academia, media, and private sector companies, to prepare a solid foundation for an ethical framework on the governance of neurotechnology.
Neurotechnology (graphic representation)
UNESCO International Conference on Ethics of Neurotechnology: Building a framework to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms :
Room I
Type :
Cat II – Intergovernmental meeting, other than international conference of States
Arrangement type :
Language(s) :

A high-level session with ministers and policy makers focusing on policy actions and international cooperation will be featured in the Conference. Renowned experts will also be invited to discuss technological advancements in Neurotechnology and ethical challenges and human rights Implications. Two fireside chats will be organized to enrich the discussions focusing on the private sector, public awareness raising and public engagement. The Conference will also feature a new study of UNESCO's Social and Human Sciences Sector shedding light on innovations in neurotechnology, key actors worldwide and key areas of development.

As one of the most promising technologies of our time, neurotechnology is providing new treatments and improving preventative and therapeutic options for millions of individuals suffering from neurological and mental illness. Neurotechnology is also transforming other aspects of our lives, from student learning and cognition to virtual and augmented reality systems and entertainment. While we celebrate these unprecedented opportunities, we must be vigilant against new challenges arising from the rapid and unregulated development and deployment of this innovative technology, including among others the risks to mental integrity, human dignity, personal identity, autonomy, fairness and equity, and mental privacy. 

UNESCO has been at the forefront of promoting an ethical approach to neurotechnology. UNESCO's International Bioethics Committee (IBC) has examined the benefits and drawbacks from an ethical perspective in a report published in December 2021. The Organization has also led UN-wide efforts on this topic, collaborating with other agencies and academic institutions to organize expert roundtables, raise public awareness and produce publications. With a global mandate on bioethics and ethics of science and technology, UNESCO has been asked by the IBC, its expert advisory body, to consider developing a global standard on this topic.