
UNESCO takes part in Summit for a New Global Financing Pact

Several Heads of State and Government, dozens of Heads of International Organizations and hundreds of civil society and private sector representatives are expected to attend the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact on 22-23 June 2023, hosted by the President of France, HE Emmanuel Macron.
happy children
Summit for a new global financial pact
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms :
Room X
Room XII
Type :
Cat VIII - Symposia
Arrangement type :
Language(s) :

The Summit is co-organized by France, Barbados and India with the objective of setting the foundations for a new global financing architecture beyond the Bretton Woods system to address climate change, biodiversity crisis and development challenges. As an official partner of the Summit, UNESCO co-organizes two official events on the financing of Education and Global public goods, an affiliated event on youth innovation, and will host 10 official panel discussions at UNESCO headquarters.

About the Summit

H.E. Mr. Emmanuel Macron, President of France, hosts the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact at the Palais Brongniart in Paris on 22-23 June 2023. The objective of the Summit is to set the foundations for a new global financing architecture beyond the Bretton Woods system to address simultaneously climate change, biodiversity and development challenges and help all countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Summit will be a key moment on this year’s international calendar and aligns with a number of processes and initiatives, including the Bridgetown Initiative, SDG Summit (September 2023), COP28 and ongoing discussions on the reform of the International Financial Institutions.

Several Heads of State and Government, dozens of Heads of International Organizations and hundreds of civil society and private sector representatives are expected to attend the Summit. The programme envisages a first day of thematic discussions on 22 June that will feed into a plenary session on 23 June, which will be expected to adopt a declaration as the Summit’s outcome.

Financing education and global public goods

UNESCO is strongly engaged in the Summit with a major focus on ensuring that Summit’s discussions fully take into account financing for global public goods, including education, biodiversity and culture.

UNESCO sees the Summit as an opportunity to build on the education finance discussions held at the IMF/WB Spring Meetings earlier this year, including the Multilateral Financing of Education Initiative, and to leverage the momentum for education following the Transforming Education Summit.

UNESCO is co-organizing two official events of the Summit, to be held on 22 June at Palais Brongniart:

A high-level thematic event under the auspices of the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee, in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Education entitled “Increasing Global Investment in Education to Catalyze Sustainable Development”. The event is envisaged as a roundtable discussion aiming to spotlight education within the broader dialogue on improving the multilateral financing system. It will highlight the critical role of investments in education to achieve SGD4, catalyzing progress in other areas such as climate, health and employment, ultimately reducing inequalities and bringing us closer to achieving the SDGs. The event will also refer to the newly launched Multilateral Financing of Education Initiative, a dedicated process to offer concrete proposals for improvements to the education finance system, including a one-sector funds replenishment. The event will be held at the Palais Brongniart on 22 June at 6pm in Room 3.

A joint event with the OECD and AFD on establishing a "Paris dialogue on financing for sustainable development" featuring the unique perspectives of Paris-based international actors, including UNESCO, on financing global public goods. The event will be held at the Palais Brongniart on 22 June at 1.30pm in Room 3.

Financing youth innovation for green solutions

UNESCO will also hold an affiliated event entitled “Financing Youth innovation for green solutions - Launch of a UNESCO Global Youth Grant Scheme for SIDS and LDCs”. The event will be held at UNESCO Room IX on 22 June at 6pm.

New Global Financial Pact Summit - Financing youth innovation for green solutions

Follow the conversation at UNESCO Headquarters

As an official partner of the Summit, UNESCO will host 10 official Summit events in its headquarters (Rooms VIII and X) on 22 June.

Full programme

Learn more about the full program of the New Global Financing Pact Summit.