

Path through the mangrove in Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, Colombia
UNESCO Director-General
Audrey Azoulay 阿祖莱,联合国教科文组织总干事

“教科文组织生物圈保护区是人类能够与自然和谐共生的鲜活证明。自1971年以来,这一由社区主导的计划成功地找到了一种兼顾民生与生物多样性保护的发展模式。我很高兴今年又有11个保护区加入了这一强大的网络,它比以往任何时候都更加重要和必要。” 教科文组织总干事阿祖莱说。





Exporing the riverine ecosystem in Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Exporing the riverine ecosystem in Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Staggered mowing of the grasslands to support biodiversity in Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Staggered mowing of the grasslands to support biodiversity in Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
A park ranger gives a thematic tour to visitors, Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
A park ranger gives a thematic tour to visitors, Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany



Tree nursery in the Korup Rainforest Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon. Seedlings are in the foreground, 2 young men are watering them with watering cans
Tree nursery in the Korup Rainforest Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon
Children living in the Korup Rainforest Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon, participate in educational activities on sustainable development and environmental conservation
Children living in the Korup Rainforest Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon, participate in educational activities on sustainable development and environmental conservation
 Suspension bridge over a river in Korup Rainforest Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon
Suspension bridge over a river in Korup Rainforest Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon



Landscape of the Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park, a World Heritage property within the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Landscape of the Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park, a World Heritage property within the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
African buffaloes seen from above in the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
African buffaloes seen from above in the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Transhumance of livestock in the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Transhumance of livestock in the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve


特里布加-库皮卡-包多(Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó)生物圈保护区位于乔科(Chocó)生物地理区,是哥伦比亚沿太平洋地区的首个生物圈保护区,也是影响该地区的两大生物群落之一。另一个是包多山(Serranía del Baudó)的热带雨林。该生物圈保护区包含各种景观(悬崖、河口、海岸、海湾、水湾和海洋区域)和生态系统(珊瑚礁、红树林、热带森林),生物多样性丰富。逾1.8万人在此居住,其中多数是土著恩贝拉人(Embera)和非裔哥伦比亚人,前者说一种罕见的孤立语言。这里主要的经济活动是自给农业、手工捕鱼、传统捕鱼和资源利用、贸易、自然旅游和制陶等手工艺。

Mangrove in Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, Colombia
Mangrove in Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, Colombia
A whale in the Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, on the Pacific Coast of Colombia. The biosphere reserve contains diverse ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity, including marine areas.
A whale in the Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, on the Pacific Coast of Colombia. The biosphere reserve contains diverse ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity, including marine areas.
Cascada del amor (Love waterfall) in Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, Colombia
Cascada del amor (Love waterfall) in Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, Colombia
Path through the mangrove in Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, Colombia
Path through the mangrove in Tribugá-Cupica-Baudó Biosphere Reserve, Colombia


德姆林(Drömling)生物圈保护区跨越前两德边界,连起萨克森—安哈尔特州和下萨克森州两个联邦州。在过去的250年里,该地区已发展成为集农业发展和泥炭沼泽保护于一体的文化景观。保护区计划通过开展生态旅游、水资源和可再生能源联合管理以及环境教育,为恢复整个地区的生态和社会文化特性作出贡献。该生物圈保护区包括11个自然保护区、5个景观保护区和1个国家级自然保护区(“绿带”)。该地区的生态系统依水而生,独具特色,囊括从保护完好的湿地系统和森林到人类影响显著的地区等各种类型。该生物圈保护区约54%的面积作为鸟类保护区被纳入欧洲保护区网络(Natura 2000)。

Exporing the riverine ecosystem in Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Exporing the riverine ecosystem in Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Staggered mowing of the grasslands to support biodiversity in Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Staggered mowing of the grasslands to support biodiversity in Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
A park ranger gives a thematic tour to visitors, Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
A park ranger gives a thematic tour to visitors, Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany
Drömling Biosphere Reserve, Germany


班迪穆伦布鲁萨拉恩-马罗庞(Bantimurung Bulusaraung - Ma'Rupanne)生物圈保护区坐落在印度尼西亚南苏拉威西省,由3大主要区域组成:班迪穆伦、布鲁萨拉恩、马罗斯庞戈普(Maros Pangkep),后者是全球第二大喀斯特景观。这里的土地覆盖类型包括热带山地森林、低地森林和多种不同土地用途的区域。班迪穆伦布鲁萨拉恩国家公园是保护区的核心区域之一,以丰富的生物多样性闻名,其中包括250种蝴蝶。区内有672个村庄,150多万居民。望加锡和武吉斯等社区数百年来一直坚守其传统文化。自然和文化旅游业十分发达,但水稻种植、旱地农业和畜牧业以及渔业等农业活动构成当地社区的主要生计。

Bio-monitoring in the Bantimurung Bulusaraung - Ma'Rupanne Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia
Bio-monitoring in the Bantimurung Bulusaraung - Ma'Rupanne Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia
Landscape of the Leang Leang Karst, Bantimurung Bulusaraung - Ma'Rupanne Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia
Landscape of the Leang Leang Karst, Bantimurung Bulusaraung - Ma'Rupanne Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia
Caving in the Bio-monitoring in the Bantimurung Bulusaraung - Ma'Rupanne Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia
Caving in the Bio-monitoring in the Bantimurung Bulusaraung - Ma'Rupanne Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia
Hydrosaurus celebensis, Bantimurung Bulusaraung - Ma'Rupanne Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia
Hydrosaurus celebensis, Bantimurung Bulusaraung - Ma'Rupanne Biosphere Reserve, Indonesia


设立埃尔贡山(Mount Elgon)跨境生物圈保护区将巩固肯尼亚埃尔贡山生物圈保护区(2003年)和乌干达埃尔贡山生物圈保护区(2005年)的水塔功能,提供一系列生态系统功能,并支持该地区的森林、野生动物生长和居民生计。这里是300多种鸟类的家园,生态系统类型极其丰富,动植物物种依据海拔分布在4个植被类型各异的生态区:山地混交林、竹林及低冠林、亚高山石楠灌丛、高山高沼地。保护区有近115万人口,平均分布在肯尼亚和乌干达。萨鲍特人、卢希亚人、特索人、吉苏人和其他土著族群聚居于此,当地社区主要以农业维持生计和满足当地需求。这些社区依赖林产品采集,如木柴、饲料、药用植物、野菜、竹笋、蘑菇、茅草和喂牛的盐。一些社区保护举措和计划已经开展,以确保社区支持生态系统的养护工作。

Mount Elgon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Kenya, Uganda) has an exceptional diversity of ecosystems as well as plant and animal species
Mount Elgon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Kenya, Uganda) has an exceptional diversity of ecosystems as well as plant and animal species
Mount Elgon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Kenya, Uganda) has an exceptional diversity of ecosystems as well as plant and animal species
Mount Elgon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Kenya, Uganda) has an exceptional diversity of ecosystems as well as plant and animal species
Mount Elgon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Kenya, Uganda) has an exceptional diversity of ecosystems as well as plant and animal species
Mount Elgon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Kenya, Uganda) has an exceptional diversity of ecosystems as well as plant and animal species
Mount Elgon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Kenya, Uganda) has an exceptional diversity of ecosystems as well as plant and animal species
Mount Elgon Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (Kenya, Uganda) has an exceptional diversity of ecosystems as well as plant and animal species



One of the three lakes of Gurvan Nuur, in Dadal, Onon-Balj Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia
One of the three lakes of Gurvan Nuur, in Dadal, Onon-Balj Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia
Herder in Onon-Balj Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia
Herder in Onon-Balj Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia
Onon River in Onon-Balj Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia
Onon River in Onon-Balj Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia
Upland buzzard, Onon-Balj Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia
Upland buzzard, Onon-Balj Biosphere Reserve, Mongolia


吉德拉尔的巴斯卡加拉姆查斯玛(Chitral Bashkar Garmchashma)生物圈保护区位于开伯尔-普什图省的吉德拉尔区,北部和西部与阿富汗接壤。吉德拉尔地区景观壮丽,拥有543座冰川和31座海拔7000米以上的山脉,包括蒂里奇米尔的三座山峰。该地区是多种近危和易危物种的栖息地,包括2种野生山羊(克什米尔捻角山羊和北山羊)、野生绵羊(拉达克盘羊)以及雪豹。该生物圈保护区人口为21万。这里还孕育了具有千年历史的吉德拉尔文化,融入十几个民族和多种语言,包括卡拉什语等濒危的印度—雅利安语言。该生物圈保护区的自然美景和文化多样性使其日益成为广受欢迎的生态旅游目的地。

The Chitral area has spectacular landscapes with 543 glaciers and 31 mountain ranges. Chitral Bashkar Garmchashma Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan.
The Chitral area has spectacular landscapes with 543 glaciers and 31 mountain ranges. Chitral Bashkar Garmchashma Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan.
The Chitral area has spectacular landscapes with 543 glaciers and 31 mountain ranges. Chitral Bashkar Garmchashma Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan.
The Chitral area has spectacular landscapes with 543 glaciers and 31 mountain ranges. Chitral Bashkar Garmchashma Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan.
The Chitral area has spectacular landscapes with 543 glaciers and 31 mountain ranges. Chitral Bashkar Garmchashma Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan.
The Chitral area has spectacular landscapes with 543 glaciers and 31 mountain ranges. Chitral Bashkar Garmchashma Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan.



Coniferous forest in Gallies Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan
Coniferous forest in Gallies Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan
Snowy landscape in Gallies Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan
Snowy landscape in Gallies Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan
Gallies Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan
Gallies Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan
Gallies Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan
Gallies Biosphere Reserve, Pakistan


比森特纳里奥-阿亚库乔(Bicentenario-Ayacucho)生物圈保护区地处秘鲁中南部,属安第斯山脉中段,包括海拔1850-4450米的多种山地生态系统。这些生态系统包括季节性干燥林、安第斯高山湿地、残遗森林和安第斯灌丛。该生物圈保护区包括阿亚库乔大草原历史保护区,以及拥有世界上最大的莴氏普亚凤梨(Puya raimondii)种群的地区级保护区。这种别称为“安第斯皇后”的开花植物高大颀长,神似长颈鹿,最高可达15米。该地区还因其在历史、宗教和社会价值观方面丰富的文化多样性而闻名,包括与自然资源管理有关的地方和土著知识。保护区总人口超过30万,其中大部分居住在城市,如位于过渡区的阿亚库乔市。一半以上居民以克丘亚语为母语。经济活动包括农业、畜牧业、养鱼、旅游业和安第斯自给畜牧业以及服务业。

Crested Duck (Lophonetta specularioides), Bicentenario - Ayacucho Biosphere Reserve, Peru
Crested Duck (Lophonetta specularioides), Bicentenario - Ayacucho Biosphere Reserve, Peru
Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus), Bicentenario - Ayacucho Biosphere Reserve, Peru
Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus), Bicentenario - Ayacucho Biosphere Reserve, Peru
American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) in the Bicentenario - Ayacucho Biosphere Reserve, Peru
American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) in the Bicentenario - Ayacucho Biosphere Reserve, Peru
Landscape of the Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park, a World Heritage property within the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Landscape of the Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park, a World Heritage property within the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
African buffaloes seen from above in the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
African buffaloes seen from above in the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Transhumance of livestock in the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve
Transhumance of livestock in the Protected Area Complex of Northeast Central African Republic Biosphere Reserve



Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere Reserve (RUMAKI), Tanzania
Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere Reserve (RUMAKI), Tanzania
Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere Reserve (RUMAKI), Tanzania
Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere Reserve (RUMAKI), Tanzania
Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere Reserve (RUMAKI), Tanzania
Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere Reserve (RUMAKI), Tanzania
Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere Reserve (RUMAKI), Tanzania
Rufiji-Mafia-Kibiti-Kilwa Biosphere Reserve (RUMAKI), Tanzania
UNESCO’s actions for biodiversity: making peace with nature


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