
Mario Gálvez, pillar of the IberoMAB Network in Chile, passed away

Mario Gálvez MAB Focal Point in Chile

The UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) joins the World Network of Biosphere Reserves in their sadness at the recent loss of Mr. Mario Gálvez.

Mr Gálvez was the MAB focal point for Chile from 2012 onwards, and served as vice president of the IberoMAB network from 2012 to 2022. As manager of La Campaña Peñuelas Biosphere Reserve in Chile, he played a fundamental role in the development of the biosphere reserves model as a tool for sustainable development and cooperation. His extensive knowledge and expertise was furthermore instrumental in the strengthening of the network of biosphere reserves in Latin America and the Caribbean (IberoMAB).

As the MAB focal point for Chile, he played an essential role in the execution of programmes across the region, especially the BRESEP project, which supports coastal management of the biosphere reserves of Cabo de Hornos, Juan Fernández, Laguna San Rafael and Fray Jorge. Always willing to share his knowledge and committed to his work, he continued to support the network until his final days.

The UNESCO MAB Programme extends to his family and members of the Biosphere Reserve Network its deepest condolences for this great loss. The mark left by Mario Galvez will not be forgotten and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations.

El Programa MAB de la UNESCO extiende a su familia y miembros de la Red Mundial de Reservas de Biosfera su mas sentido pésame por esta gran pérdida. La huella dejada por Mario Gálvez no será olvidada.

Launch of the BRESEP Project in Chiloe, Chile