
Everyone can make a difference

You can help protect and promote cultural diversity!

Total Amount of contributions made by Individual Partners

US$ 30.912,14

The total contributions made by Individual Partners demonstrate their shared dedication to fostering cultural diversity and sustainable development globally.

Culture and creativity are the heartbeat of our societies, and we need them now more than ever.

The creative economy is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It accounts for 3.1% of global GDP and 6.2% of all employment, providing decent work, especially for women and youth. Culture and creativity – which drive the creative economy – are also an infinite source of joy, hope, and understanding for people across the world.

Today, cultural diversity is threatened by the digital transformation, unequal market access and the limited mobility of artists, especially in countries from the Global South, as well as restrictions on artistic freedom.

Through the International Fund for Cultural Diversity, we are supporting the design of cultural policies that have widespread social and economic benefits. We are working to build the skills of cultural entrepreneurs, generate new income opportunities and market access for artists, while promoting social inclusion and fostering peace.

We need to do more. Your support will help us to fund more projects across the globe that drive the creative economy and protect and promote cultural diversity.


Contributions made by Individual Partners

NameYearAmount (US$)Total Amount (US$)
Korea Mecenat Association2022770,53770,53
Nova Southeastern University (NSU)20211060,001060,00
Gwangju Fine Arts Association20171836,821836,82
No name201722,4522,45
Ateneo de Davao University 20142014211,00211,00
Campagne Kili20121036,272548,17
Campagne Kili20111511,902548,17
Fundraising event -Silent Party - Diversity for the ears (Germany)20123753,253753,25