
Shoulder to Shoulder: celebrating community and craft woven into the traditional blouse of Romania and the Republic of Moldova

A Common History, A Common Heritage: The Art of the Traditional Blouse with Embroidery on the Shoulder (Altiță) – An Element of Cultural Identity in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms :
Ségur Hall
Type :
Arrangement type :

Following the successful inscription, in 2022, of "The art of the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder (altiță) - an element of cultural identity in Romania and the Republic of Moldova" on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and in the context of the 20th anniversary of 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage, the exhibition will present 24 traditional costumes, including the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder (altiță), from national museums and private collections in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

Visitors will also have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a virtual reality experience alongside communities carrying the craft of traditional blouse weaving.

Organized by : 

  • Délégation permanente de la Roumanie auprès de l'UNESCO
  • Délégation permanente de la République de Moldova auprès de l'UNESCO
  • Ministère de la Culture de Roumanie
  • Ministère de la Culture de la République de Moldova
  • Ministère des Affaires étrangères de la Roumanie
  • Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de l'Intégration européenne de la République de Moldova
  • Musée National du Paysan Roumain
  • Musée National d'Ethnographie et d'Histoire Naturelle de la République de Moldova
  • Université Politehnica de Bucarest, Roumanie
  • Université Nationale d'Art Théâtrale et Cinématographique de Bucarest, Roumanie

By registration :

