19th Iranian Handicraft Exhibition Held in Isfahan
From 9 to 14 September, the 19th National Handicraft Exhibition was held in the Creative City of Isfahan, in the historical garden-museum of Chehleston Palace. 120 booths from all the provinces of Iran showcased handicraft products at this large-scale exhibition, which highlights Iranian handicrafts every year in September.
All of Iran’s provinces bear witness to specific crafts know-how that have been carried out throughout history and that are based on different environmental conditions. The city of Isfahan has been the main base of Iranian handicrafts, this is why it is the host for several years of this national exhibition which highlights the diversity of Iranian cultures through handicrafts. The event fosters exchange between artisans while building creative networks. Artworks are both displayed and can be sold, which contributes to the value chain of the handicraft industry, and provides access to the handicrafts of all Iranian cities.
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