Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2023

Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2023

"With the spread of rumors and the distortion of facts, the boundary between true and false has become blurred. This is undermining the very foundations of our societies and democracies and putting lives at risk through the propagation of fake cures, the fueling of vaccine conspiracy theories, or the spread of racism and hate speech. In this deluge of information, we need more reference points and more rational thinking. And that is why media and information literacy is such a key skill for the education of 21st-century citizens."
UNESCO Director-General
Audrey AzoulayUNESCO Director-General

Global Media and Information Literacy Week

23-25 October 2023, Dead Sea, Jordan

Venue: King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre

  • Global Media and Information Literacy Week, commemorated annually, is a major occasion for mobilizing worldwide stakeholders to raise awareness in order to increase national take-up and celebrate the progress achieved towards Media and Information Literacy for All – underlining the importance of this Global Week, celebrated since 2011.

Theme of this year: “Media and Information Literacy in Digital Spaces: A Collective Global Agenda"

  • Focusing on digital spaces in this year's edition of Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2023 will give the opportunity to explore paths for strengthening multilateral cooperation with digital platforms and other stakeholders in integrating media and information literacy into policies, operations, and products. The global community is then solicited to develop new initiatives and reinforce existing ones to advance media and information literacy in digital spaces.


Open registration
Feature Conference and Youth Agenda Forum
Media and Information Literacy Youth Hackathon
The Youth Newsroom (YNR)
Propose side events
Register your event around the world
How to celebrate the Global Media and Information Literacy Week

UNESCO and members of the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance are calling partners all over the world to promote Global Media and Information Literacy Week by organizing and registering events/activities online or offline. Together with its Feature Events (International Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue Conference and Youth Agenda Forum), Global Media and Information Literacy Week links up local events around the world to promote Media and Information Literacy connections across disciplines, professions and borders.

What UNESCO does for Media and Information Literacy

Promoting Media and Information Literacy Worldwide
A Media and Information Literacy Alliance to Support International Cooperation
MIL CLICKS, a Social Media Initiative to Engage Users in MIL Competencies
An International University Network to Foster Research and Dialogue on MIL


UN Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
Past Edition