
Development of the Technological Parks and the Goias Innovation Ecosystem

Promoting public policies and support to economic development programmes through technological parks and fostering an innovation ecosystem in Goias, Brazil.

In 2020, UNESCO Brasilia Natural Sciences Sector (SC) signed this partnership with the Secretary of Development and Innovation of the State of Goiás (SEDI - GO) to promote projects and public policies that promote a culture of innovation, productivity, competitiveness, and entrepreneurial capacity to the increase of technology in the productive chains.

In a macro way, the project has two main objectives:

  1. Support economic development through the development of the current technological parks in Goiás
  2. Reinforce the development of the innovation ecosystem of Goiás

From this focus of action, the planned activities will serve ten subprojects of the Department of Development and Innovation of the State of Goiás. They will support organizational, managerial and technical-operational processes to base their decision-making actions on the promotion of public policies, environment-favourable regulations and programs to encourage: the culture of innovation, technology-based companies, educational, research and development institutions, support institutions and the venture capital industry, including the design and validation of new methodologies and support techniques, the exchange of experiences and information with the academic sector, through the participation of researchers and students from higher education institutions, bringing academia closer to the market and strengthening the technological parks of GO and the local ecosystem of Innovation, Science and Technology (IST).

Whether from individuals or companies specialized in innovation, the project has supported necessary actions by the state government and other partners through several consultancies already contracted, such as: 

  • Escola do Futuro, 
  • Novos Caminhos, 
  • Ambaixadores da Inovação 
  • Campus Party Goiás
  • Laboratórios
  • Sukatech Programme

The project has also helped to review the state's legal frameworks and provisions, including the legal framework for biogas, relevant energy and expanding resources in the state.