
How could science museums contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals?

UNESCO Montevideo promotes technical and cultural spaces to boost development based on the 2030 Agenda

The Sinaloa Science Centre is launching the Virtual Seminar: "A Possible Future" to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda, which will run from 20 October 2020 to 9 March 2021. The initiative seeks to become an unprecedented space for collaboration and updating on the 2030 Agenda for museums and the educational area. In particular, it proposes museum professionals an effort of reflection and learning.

The main objective is to highlight the important role played by these spaces in bringing science closer to people's lives, so that citizens can become actively involved in the present and future of scientific and technological development in Latin America and the Caribbean within the framework of the ODS.

The Sinaloa Science Center (Mexico) is linked to the Network for the Popularization of Science in Latin America and the Caribbean (RedPOP), created by UNESCO in 1992. As a member of the Executive Secretariat of the Network, UNESCO, from its Regional Bureau for Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean, promotes the strengthening, exchange and active cooperation among centres and programmes for the popularization of science in the Region. In this case, collaboration has been established with the Sinaloa Science Center, a socio-cultural, educational and scientific meeting place that conceives participation, knowledge and thought as the cornerstones of a new organizational and learning model. In the current context, the Center seeks to generate creative solutions based on the needs of the communities, adapting and redefining daily activities in the face of changing scenarios that offer alternative support to various sectors of society, in this case with a focus on Agenda 2030.

The activity is supported by UNESCO's Regional Bureau for Science in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO Montevideo).

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