
UNESCO's virtual course for teachers provides tools on inclusive education with a focus on children with disabilities

The objective of "Inclusive Teachers, Inclusive Schools. Virtual Course for Teachers on Inclusive Education with a Focus on Children with Disabilities" is to provide knowledge and tools on the subject to teachers of public schools.
Niñas leyendo sobre una silla de ruedas

Curricular tools to detect the barriers that people with disabilities face in educational environments and how to implement supports and provide responses for heterogeneous classrooms are part of the content of a three-week course designed by UNESCO for primary and secondary school teachers in countries belonging to the Ibero-American Intergovernmental Network for Technical Cooperation in Education for People with Special Educational Needs (RIINEE).

The course has the participation of teachers from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela and is the product of joint work of the Regional Office for Education for Latin America and the Caribbean, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Regional Network for Inclusive Education (RREI).

This teacher training is part of the project "Advancing regional cooperation for the promotion of the right to education of people with disabilities" and provides an overview of the situation of the exercise of the right to inclusive education for people with disabilities. It provides concepts, strategies, and curricular tools that allow to detect the barriers that these people face in educational environments, implement supports to overcome them and provide responses in heterogeneous classrooms.

The synchronous and asynchronous sessions of this course will be taught through the MOODLE platform (Modular Object-Oriented Distance Learning Environment) of the AECID Training Center in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) and its access is coordinated directly by the countries involved in this project of the Ibero-American Intergovernmental Network for Technical Cooperation in Education for People with Special Educational Needs (RIINEE).

AECID Training Center in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia)