About UNESCO San José

At UNESCO San José we contribute to the empowerment of people, care for the environment and promote peace and democracy through activities in education, culture, science and communication and information.

We work with governments and partners in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama in all areas of UNESCO's mandate.

We believe in the potential of the region and work to ensure that no one is left behind!

Field Office Santiago_student

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UNESCO Sites & Designations in Latin America and the Caribbean

World Heritage Sites

in Latin America and the Caribbean

Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage

and Safeguarding practices in Latin America and the Caribbean

Endangered Languages

registered by the States of Latin America and the Caribbean are monitored

Biosphere Reserves

in Latin America and the Caribbean

Creative Cities

in Latin America and the Caribbean

Heritage documentaries

in Latin America and the Caribbean

UNESCO publications and reports

Estado de la situación del registro de movilidad humana en sistemas de gestión de información educativa en Costa Rica: informe de resultados
UNESCO Office in San Jose
Manual de estrategias para la incorporación de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible en los centros educativos
Guía de recomendaciones para el fortalecimiento curricular de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible mediante el abordaje Integral escolar
UNESCO Office in San Jose
Publications square image

Access our publications catalogue

And learn more about our actions and work at UNESCO San José