Picture of navigator Tamara Klink sitting on her boat on the sea and smiling, the boat has the UNESCO Green Citizens logo on the side


Tamara Klink: The young navigator breaking boundaries and travelling solo to the Arctic

In June, this UNESCO Green Citizens pathfinder is sailing solo to the arctic and living there for 9 months. Her aim? To go as far as she can using as little as possible.

In 2021, Tamara Klink became the youngest Brazilian to cross the Atlantic solo. Setting off from France in a 26-foot-long sailboat bought for the price of a bicycle, 3 months and 7000 miles later, she arrived in Brazil. Tamara has been travelling with her family since she was a child, but had always dreamed of “navigating with herself”. This astounding journey allowed her to reconnect to nature and act as an inspiration for navigators around the world.  

The young sailor and writer is now confronting her next challenge, embarking on the first overwintering project to be undertaken by a woman in complete autonomy. In mid-June, she will depart from the west coast of France and sail for 2 months and 3000 miles until she reaches Greenland, where she will spend 9 months living self-sufficiently in the frozen sea.  

Picture of navigator Tamara Klink sitting on her boat on the sea and smiling, the boat has the UNESCO Green Citizens logo on the side
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Picture of navigator Tamara Klink looking at the camera, standing in front of a wall with a round boat window
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Breaking glass ceilings

How is she preparing for overwintering in the Arctic? This isolated journey with limited resources will challenge Tamara’s self-discipline and resilience to the extreme. As such, she has spent the last months planning her route, equipping her boat, trying recipes, making authorization requests and giving talks. This pathfinder will have the UNESCO Green Citizens logo on her boat, “Sardinha 2”, to shine the torch for citizen-led action for the planet on her journey. However, she is also mentally preparing for complete solitude from society, from time, from people... in order to reach her objective: To go far with a little and re-connect with the essential. For Tamara, this is the question of our time and the challenge of the future.

Want to learn about Tamara’s story?  

The UNESCO Green Citizens initiative spoke to her to find out more. Watch the video below!

Find out more about UNESCO Green Citizens