Zaid Al Saffar, Senior Engineer in the reconstruction of Heritage Houses in Mosul
The biggest challenge we face in the reconstruction of Heritage Houses is finding skilled craftsmen to deal with buildings with historic value. How does UNESCO overcome this challenge? Find out what our Senior Engineer on the ground, Zaid Al Saffar, has to say and how he sees the future of Mosul.

Find out more about our flagship initiative Revive the Spirit of Mosul https://www.unesco.org/en/revive-mosul

Nadya Al Aghidi, Team Leader in the reconstruction of Heritage Houses in Mosul
Providing trainings and job opportunities for women… Listen to our Team Leader from Mosul, Nadya Al Aghidi and find out how UNESCO is empowering women in Mosul. Empowering women is empowering the society.

Find out more about our flagship initiative Revive the Spirit of Mosul https://www.unesco.org/en/revive-mosul
Abdullah Al Ghrer, Senior Architect in the reconstruction of Heritage Houses in Mosul
Preserving and rebuilding houses of historic value is about raising awareness about the value of heritage buildings and providing special training for the reconstruction of heritage houses using techniques that have been used for hundreds of years in Mosul. It is about providing job opportunities and seeing the people of Mosul return to their homes. Listen to our Senior Architect in the reconstruction of Heritage Houses in Mosul, Iraq, Abdullah Al Ghrer.

Find out more about our flagship initiative Revive the Spirit of Mosul https://www.unesco.org/en/revive-mosul

Omar Yasir Adil Taqa, Site Engineer at Al Nouri Mosque and Al-Hadba Minaret in Mosul
Al-Habda minaret is part of our identity. Rebuilding the minaret is about documenting the past and preserving our heritage. Listen to our expert on the ground in Mosul, Iraq, Othman Al-Hayali, and dive into the challenges faced and extreme precision required to rebuild those landmarks with a historical value that are part of a country’s identity.
Othman Imad Abdulelah Al-Hayali, Site Engineer at Al-Nouri Mosque and Al-Hadba minaret
Rebuilding the minaret was already a complex endeavor – rebuilding it in its leaning shape, using traditional materials and bricks is an engineering challenge. Listen to our expert on the ground in Mosul, Iraq, Omar Taqa, and find out more about the historic discoveries made at Al-Nouri Mosque and what some of the biggest reconstruction challenges are and how UNESCO is tackling them.
Omar Mohammed Ali Sedeeq Al Taweel, Site Engineer on Al-Saa’a Convent
Al-Saa’a Convent is more than a church, it is a landmark in our city and a symbol of the power of international cooperation. Listen to our expert on the ground in Mosul, Iraq, Omar Al Taweel as he gives us a glimpse of what this Convent means to the people of Mosul and how we will rebuild the landmarks as they were before.
Anas Zeyad Abdulmalek, Site Engineer at Al-Tahera Syriac Catholic Church
Listen to our expert on the ground in Mosul, Iraq, Anas Abdulmalek, our site engineer at Al-Tahera Church. After being hit by an air strike during the liberation battle in 2017, the Church suffered severe damages, leaving only a few walls standing. In this Church, UNESCO has been working on conservating the remaining structure and rebuilding the rest.To Revive the Spirit of Mosul is not only about building stones, but also about empowering the local population to rebuild their own heritage.