Empowering Afghan women’s voices


Resilience amidst adversity: Hamida Aman, founder of women-led radio Begum, empowering Afghan women’s voices

Hamida Aman, Afghan media manager and journalist, shared a compelling tale of resilience during her address to UNESCO delegates on 16 June 2023. Her organization, the Begum Organization for Women (BOW), which receives support from UNESCO, was the focus of the discussion. The conversation took place as part of the 67th meeting of the Bureau of the International Programme for the Development of Communication and was moderated by IPDC Chair, Ambassador Anna Brandt and David Robert, the Director of the NGO J’Accueille,

Established by Aman in 2020, BOW is a non-governmental organization based in Kabul that aims to defend, support and empower all Afghan women. In March 2021, BOW launched Radio Begum, currently the only radio station in Afghanistan entirely run by women and for women.  The station, managed by 25 young women journalists and teachers, focuses primarily on providing educational programmes to women and girls on a wide range of topics, including physical and mental health. Today, Radio Begum reaches more than 15 Afghan provinces, with an estimated listenership of between 500,000 and 600,000 women and girls.

Since the Taliban assumed power on 15 August 2021, the situation for Afghan women has significantly deteriorated. Afghan women can no longer go to school or university, and have been barred from many workplaces, while their freedom of movement has been severely restricted.

It is in this critical context that Radio Begum continues to serve as a vital platform for women to express themselves and access educational content, playing a crucial role in their lives.

"By keeping our radio on, by keeping our voices loud, we are resisting," emphasised Hamida Aman, addressing some 80 participants attending both online and offline. She highlighted the impact of UNESCO and IPDC’s support in sustaining BOW and Radio Begum's activities.

UNESCO's support has been key to Radio Begum's development. For the whole of 2023, it has enabled us to continue broadcasting and to increase our coverage. We now have 12 antennas across the country, and we’ve doubled our coverage and audience. This allows us to develop more and better content.
Hamida AmanFounder of women-led radio Begum

The IPDC has been supporting Radio Begum since 2022, financing training sessions for 40 women journalists on physical, psychological and digital safety. Furthermore, UNESCO, in partnership with BOW and with funding from the European Union, has facilitated the production of educational broadcasting content aimed at women across Afghanistan. In May 2023, IPDC provided additional funding to BOW, enabling Radio Begum to extend its reach to four additional provinces.

Aman shared that BOW is currently embarking on its next project – a satellite television channel that will facilitate the delivery of educational courses through video.

In closing the session, IPDC Chair Ambassador Anna Brandt acknowledged the dedication of individuals like Ms Aman, who overcome incredible obstacles to carry out their work. Ambassador Brandt emphasized the pressing need for IPDC’s continued support and highlighted how Ms Aman and BOW bring hope to many, demonstrating the tangible achievements of IPDC’s partners around the world.

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