Civil Society Organizations

Last update:4 July 2023

Civil society actors played a major role in the adoption of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in 2005. And, over the last decade, their role has only increased, as countries design and implement new cultural policies.

As agents of change, civil society organizations can drive the implementation of the Convention to ensure that the concerns of artists and cultural professionals are heard and that they have the means to create, produce, disseminate, distribute and access diverse cultural expressions.

Civil society organizations can also influence global debates and processes by actively participating in the meetings of the governing bodies.

Civil society refers to a number of stakeholders:

  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Professionals in the culture sector and associated sectors
  • Groups that support the work of artists and cultural communities

Want to maximize your impact?

Civil society organizations having interests in the fields covered by the Convention are invited to request permanent accreditation to the sessions of the governing bodies.

Want to maximize your impact?

Civil society organizations having interests in the fields covered by the Convention are invited to request permanent accreditation to the sessions of the governing bodies.

Civil Society Forum

The Civil Society Forum enables civil society organizations with interests and activities in the fields of the Convention to structure their participation, to define specific cooperation activities and to mobilize support for the preparation and presentation of reports to be presented to the Committee. The analytical and action-oriented report highlights activities and actions undertaken to implement the Convention and identifies concrete proposals and recommendations to inform the future actions of Parties.  

The Civil Society Forum is held every two years, prior to the Conference of Parties.