Capacity building word cloud and tablet

Building capacities and providing policy advice

We strengthen institutional capacities at national and local levels by offering training for policy-makers, providers and practitioners.

Through global, regional and national forums we facilitate the sharing of good practice and tools for equitable, inclusive and flexible access to quality lifelong learning. Lastly, we provide bespoke technical support.

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The UIL Learning Hub gives access to online training courses, workshops, webinars and e-conferences, and share tools and guidelines. It supports Member States in building and sustaining flexible and gender responsive lifelong learning systems and was developed in collaboration with UNESCO institutes and regional offices, other UN and development agencies, universities, and training institutions.

Our databases

Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies
Effective Literacy and Numeracy Practices Database – LitBase
Recognition, Validation and Accreditation of Non-formal and Informal Learning

Family learning

Intergenerational approaches to learning are recognized as effective means of developing and improving the literacy, numeracy and foundational skills of adults, youth and children. By applying these approaches, family and intergenerational literacy and learning programmes create synergies between early childhood care and education, primary education and adult learning. UIL’s research has produced a range of materials for policy-makers and literacy programme planners that harness the potential of family literacy.

family learning - dad, baby and grandma

Alternative and non-formal education for youth and adults

The skills and competencies required by today’s knowledge societies and economies are rapidly evolving to match the pace of economic, technological and social change. The need to provide learning opportunities to individuals throughout life is growing. Responding to this trend demands flexible learning pathways, strong links between formal, non-formal and informal learning, including frameworks for the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of learning outcomes, and new funding mechanisms.

adults in classroom

Curriculum development

Educators are key to quality adult learning and education. Yet, a lack of professional adult educators still hinders progress towards the provision of lifelong learning opportunities in many countries around the world. Curriculum globALE supports the professionalization of adult educators. By providing cross-curricular approaches, it is a unique reference framework for the training of adult educators which can easily be contextualized to national and regional environments. By supporting adult educators around the world, Curriculum globALE improves not only the standard of adult learning and education programmes but also the capacities of countries to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

3 adult educators looking at a laptop

Measuring learning outcomes in literacy and basic skills – RAMAA

The aim of the Action Research: Measuring Literacy Programme Participants’ Learning Outcomes (RAMAA) initiative is to build the capacities of education stakeholders in 12 French-speaking African countries to evaluate and monitor the quality of youth and adult literacy programmes. Moreover, it aims to develop national capacities for evaluating learning outcomes and provide policy-makers and development partners with reliable, contextualized data about the quality of youth and adult literacy programmes.

African youth reading a book


Making lifelong learning a reality: a handbook
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
The contribution of higher education institutions to lifelong learning: policy brief presented to the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022)
Transforming higher education institutions into lifelong learning institutions
Policy brief: The contribution of higher education institutions to lifelong learning
UIL Policy brief 10 “Adult education and the challenge of exclusion”
Engaging Families in Literacy and Learning – UIL Policy Brief 9