UNESCO education databases and tools

Last update:11 May 2023

Right to education

  • HerAtlas, Interactive Atlas of girls’ and women’s right to education, conceived as a monitoring and advocacy tool, aims to enhance public knowledge of the status of national constitutions, legislation and regulations related to girls’ and women’s education rights.

Literacy and lifelong learning

Policy, planning and management

  • Planipolis is as a single entry portal to education plans and policies from UNESCO Member States maintained by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • National Education Systems and Policies in Asia-Pacific (NESPAP) Open Platform: virtual space designed to enable sharing and exchange of resources, experiences and expertise for all interested in education from across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
  • OpenEMIS collects and reports data on schools, students, teachers and staff, is a royalty-free system and can be  customized to meet the specific needs of member countries.
  • Etico provides a resource platform on ethics and corruption in education maintained by UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning.
  • IIEP Learning Portal provides a single window to comprehensive, up-to-date, relevant, and neutral information on learning issues, from primary through secondary education.

Education statistics

Monitoring progress on education

Accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4

Global gitizenship education

Lifelong learning

Technical and vocational education and training

Inclusion in education

  • Inclusion in action: this date base developed with the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education gathers case studies on interesting practices around the world and resources on a wide range of topics relating to inclusive education.

Education for sustainable development

HIV and health education

  • Health and Education Resource Centre is a resource library and information exchange to support ministries of education, development agencies, civil society, researchers and other partners, to develop effective HIV and AIDS, school health and sexuality education.