Project ID 570BRZ3010

This project aims to provide opportunities for a better understanding of the historical and cultural origin of African matrices in Brazil and their contributions to the construction of Brazilian identity. It foresees the reprinting of the General History of Africa collection in Portuguese and its respective synthesis, to distribute it to important stakeholders and educators. Webinars to launch this new edition will be developed to broaden the public debate on preventing stigma and racial discrimination in educational spaces.

  • Completed

USD 81,372

Total Project Budget

USD 79,462

Total Incurred Expenditures


Start Date 2021.02.18
End Date 2022.02.17

Geographical Scope and Beneficiaries

Country Allocation


Financial plan

Type of Funding Uses of Funding Sources of Funding Project Budget (USD) Incurred Expenditures (USD)
Voluntary Contribution - Tightly Earmarked Social and human sciences Instituto Humanize 81,372 79,462

Project contributes to

Contribution to UNESCO Results Framework 2022-2025
Sector: Social and human sciences
Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes Output: 7.SHS1 - Member States capacities strengthened to advance effective policies and practices to achieve inclusive development through the promotion of human rights, scientific freedom, intercultural understanding and by tackling all forms of discrimination and racism
Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
  • 10%
  • 10%
  • 10%
UNESCO Global Priorities and Priority Groups
  • Gender Equality | 10%