GEM Report fellowship
The Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report Fellowship Programme, funded by the Open Society Foundation, supports researchers who aim to bring a novel perspective to comparative and international education development to aid the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, the global education goal.
The Fellowship offers an opportunity to be part of a select group of scholars and researchers, collaborating with the GEM Report team on one or both aspect of its core objectives:
(1) to monitor and report on progress in the SDG4 on education and education-related aspects in other SDGs;
(2) to report on the implementation of national and international strategies to help hold all relevant partners to account for their commitments as part of the SDG follow-up and review.
The main opportunities from the Fellowship are to author a Fellow Paper; learn about GEM Report work; and engage with the community of Fellows and the research team.

2022 Fellows
2021 Fellows
The Fellowship enabled collaboration with the other Fellows and the members of the GEM team through very well-structured monthly meetings and discussions. It gave a rare opportunity to closely observe the various on-going branches of work done by the GEM team. The work done during the Fellowship will not only result in peer-reviewed journal publications, but also help in addressing some of the critical issues related to policy implementation in India.
2020 Fellows
I already had extensive knowledge of private supplementary tutoring in China, Cambodia, Denmark, Japan and Myanmar. The Fellowship provided an opportunity to expand this focus and to reach beyond the academic audience to UNESCO and then policymakers around the world (and in all language groups reached by the GEM Report). The Fellowship was an enriching experience and I received valuable feedback from the GEM Report team. My report has become the basis for a book which will be published by Routledge. A global event on private tutoring was held in 2021 in Shanghai, and the paper helped bring crucial global experiences for national policymakers.
The GEM Report Fellowship gave me the opportunity to develop a research project in global education and receive feedback from a fantastic team of specialists that encouraged me to combine rigorous data analysis with a special focus on its policy implications.
2019 Fellows
The GEM Report fellowship offered strong support and direction in the production of multiple pieces of original research aimed towards increasing global knowledge on non-state early childhood education.
The fellowship offered impactful collaboration in situating and designing research that would both influence the global education discourse and mark valuable contributions to the scholarly literature. It is expected that this fellowship-funded research will result in multiple papers published in peer-reviewed journals.
Global Education Monitoring Report
The Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, formerly known as the Education for All Global Monitoring Report (GMR), is an editorially independent, authoritative, and evidence-based annual report that monitors progress in education in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have been adopted as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with special focus on SDG 4 on education. Its mandate was established in the Incheon Declaration of the World Education Forum in May 2015. The Education 2030 Framework for Action defined this mandate for the GEM Report as the mechanism “for monitoring and reporting on SDG 4 and on education in the other SDGs” and for reporting “on the implementation of national and international strategies to help hold all relevant partners to account for their commitments”.
The Report is funded by a group of governments, multilateral agencies and foundations. It is hosted and published by UNESCO and is widely recognised as an indispensable advocacy and technical tool serving the international community. It draws on the latest data and on evidence from a wide array of sources leading to recommendations on how to accelerate progress towards achieving the international education targets. Each report has two parts: one focusing on monitoring the international education targets and one focusing on a theme, which is selected jointly with its Advisory Board. The themes of the last four reports were education and the other development goals (2016), accountability (2017/8), migration and displacement (2019) and inclusion (2020). The 2021/2 report is on the role of non-state actors in education and the 2023 report will be on technology. In addition to the main report, the team also produces the summary, youth, gender and regional editions, four to six policy papers per year, and three websites: World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE), Scoping Progress in Education (SCOPE) and Profiles Enabling Education Reviews (PEER). It also commissions about 40 background papers per report cycle.
Open Society Foundations
The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people. The Open Society Foundations are committed to empowering young people by supporting efforts to increase access to quality education. From early childhood to higher education, the Open Society Foundations work to ensure young people from different backgrounds have equal access to education and to promote critical thinking, respect for diverse opinions, and free and open intellectual inquiry.