
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) flag

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)


Spending Plan


Incurred Expenditures



Sources and uses of funding

Type of Funding Uses of Funding Sources of Funding Planned (USD thousands) Incurred Expenditures (USD thousands)
Total 115 17
Education 89 11
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Social and human sciences 19 -
Culture 3 2
Natural sciences 4 3

Fundings are focusing on

Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
UNESCO Global Priorities and Priority Groups
  • Gender Equality
  • Small Island Developing States
  • Youth

Contribution to UNESCO Result Framework 2022-2025

The plan of action for the period between 2022 and 2025, structured by Programmes, Outcomes and Outputs.
Outcomes and Outputs Planned (USD thousands) Incurred Expenditures (USD thousands)
Total 115 17
Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 89 11
1.ED6 - Resilience, quality and equity of education systems strengthened to flexibly respond to evolving learning environments and to better deliver on SDG4 commitments 89 11
Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 19 -
7.SHS4 - Member States capacities strengthened to devise and prioritize effective youth policies and interventions that provide youth with opportunities to meaningfully engage in policy-making and to scale up youth-led solutions at global, regional, national and local level 19 -
Outcome 3 - Enhance knowledge for climate action, biodiversity, water and ocean management, and disaster risk reduction 4 3
3.SC1 - Inclusive knowledge and capacities of Member States strengthened to advance and apply science for sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and restoration, and disaster risk resilience 4 3
Outcome 5 - Enhance the protection and promotion of the diversity of heritage and cultural expressions 3 2
5.CLT4 - Member States and communities capacities strengthened to identify, safeguard and promote living heritage 3 2


Projects are a sequence of budgeted activities, regardless of the source of funding, that contribute to the Organization's Outputs and must be completed within an agreed timeframe. Projects can include sub-activities and can be linked to a wider Programme.
Note: For projects with multiple beneficiaries, the distribution of budget and expenditure figures at the beneficiary level is based on indicative percentages.
Project ID Project Title Uses of Funding Project Budget (USD) Cumulative Incurred Expenditures (USD) Start Date End Date Status
2210215081 Strengthening capacities for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use research and monitoring in Andean countries 28,000 23,130 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 8,400 6,939
Colombia 4,200 3,469
Ecuador 11,200 9,252
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 4,200 3,469
2210546011 Reinforcing the safeguarding of living heritage in Andean countries 15,000 10,789 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 7,500 5,394
Colombia 1,500 1,079
Ecuador 3,000 2,158
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 3,000 2,158
475RLA1041 Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE): cycle 2022-2026. ERCE 2025. 4,575,000 218,773 2022-01-01 2026-12-31 On-going
Latin America and the Caribbean 534,295 65,632
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 89,049 10,939
Uruguay 89,049 10,939
El Salvador 89,049 10,939
Paraguay 89,049 10,939
Peru 89,049 10,939
Panama 89,049 10,939
Guatemala 89,049 10,939
Ecuador 89,049 10,939
Dominican Republic 89,049 10,939
Costa Rica 89,049 10,939
Colombia 89,049 10,939
Chile 89,049 10,939
Brazil 89,049 10,939
Argentina 89,049 10,939
570RLA3001 UNESCO-Nestlé Alliance - Because Youth Matter - A Pilot in Latin America 490,500 - 2023-03-07 2024-09-30 On-going
Latin America and the Caribbean 55,590 -
Argentina 18,530 -
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 18,530 -
Brazil 18,530 -
Chile 18,530 -
Colombia 18,530 -
Costa Rica 18,530 -
Ecuador 18,530 -
Guatemala 18,530 -
Honduras 18,530 -
Mexico 18,530 -
Nicaragua 18,530 -
Panama 18,530 -
Peru 18,530 -
Paraguay 18,530 -
El Salvador 18,530 -
Uruguay 18,530 -
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 18,530 -