Uses of Funding

UNESCO's projects encompass a broad range of expertise in the fields of Education, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Culture, Communication and Information. Biennial expenditures are planned in each of these Major Programmes and for Corporate Services.

    Geographical Scope

    Overall Plan

    Planned Expenditure (USD thousands)

    Overall Plan

    Details by Programme

    Sector Planned Expenditure (USD thousands)
    Natural sciences
    Communication and information
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
    Social and human sciences
    Priority Africa and External Relations Sector
    Bureau for Digital Business Solutions


    Projects are a sequence of budgeted activities, regardless of the source of funding, that contribute to the Organization's Outputs and must be completed within an agreed timeframe. Projects can include sub-activities and can be linked to a wider Programme.
    Note: For projects with multiple beneficiaries, the distribution of budget and expenditure figures at the beneficiary level is based on indicative percentages.
    Beneficiary Country / Region
    702RAF2000 Appliquer le modèle des réserves de biosphère transfrontières et des sites du Patrimoine Mondial pour promouvoir la Paix dans le bassin du Lac Tchad par la gestion durable de ses ressources naturelles 6,248,118 5,683,352 2017-05-29 2022-12-31
    Central African Republic 1,249,624 1,136,670
    Cameroon 1,249,624 1,136,670
    Niger 1,249,624 1,136,670
    Nigeria 1,249,624 1,136,670
    Chad 1,249,624 1,136,670
    703INT2000 TWAS-IDB Project for Sustainability Science 2,398,000 1,014,055 2018-08-05 2023-12-31
    Arab States 1,438,800 608,433
    Africa 719,400 304,217
    Asia and the Pacific 239,800 101,406
    703INT2001 GO-SPIN towards strengthening inclusive Science, Technology, Innovation Systems for the Sustainable Development Goals 700,000 434,381 2019-03-15 2022-03-31
    Uzbekistan 350,000 217,190
    Mozambique 350,000 217,190
    703MAU1000 Projet d'appui au Développement du Dispositif de l'Enseignement à Distance en Mauritanie Mauritania 700,400 279,927 2021-07-29 2022-06-30
    727CHD1005 Projet de Renforcement de l'Education et de l'Alphabétisation au Tchad (PREAT) Chad 16,460,912 9,859,493 2018-05-25 2023-06-30
    727CMB1004 Strengthening Teacher Education Programmes in Cambodia (STEPCam) Cambodia 14,400,000 12,256,605 2018-02-23 2022-12-31
    727CMB1005 Cambodia GPE-III Implementation Agency Fees Cambodia 1,008,000 857,962 2018-02-23 2022-12-31
    727DRC1000 Elaboration du diagnostic du secteur de l'éducation et organisation des revues sectorielles en RD Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 700,000 384,470 2021-05-01 2025-01-31
    727DRC1001 Frais d'agence - Elaboration du diagnostic du secteur de l'éducation et organisation des revues sectorielles en RD Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo 49,000 26,913 2021-05-01 2025-01-31
    727GLO1005 Education response to COVID-19- Consortium of Grant Agents: UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank Global 10,000,000 9,105,699 2020-04-22 2022-02-28
    727VIE1002 Support to Education Sector Analysis and Development of Education Development Strategic Plan 2021-2030 in Viet Nam Viet Nam 467,290 367,996 2019-11-08 2022-12-31
    727VIE1003 Support to Education Sector Analysis and Development of Education Development Strategic Plan 2021-2030 in Viet Nam - Agency Fees Viet Nam 32,710 25,760 2019-11-08 2022-12-31
    728RAS2002 Reducing vulnerabilities of populations in Central Asia region from glacier lake outburst floods in a changing climate 6,500,000 566,638 2021-01-14 2026-04-29
    Kyrgyzstan 1,625,000 141,660
    Uzbekistan 1,625,000 141,660
    Tajikistan 1,625,000 141,660
    Kazakhstan 1,625,000 141,660
    804GLO4010 Japanese JPO in World Heritage Centre (WHC) at the Asia and the Pacific Unit (APA) Asia and the Pacific 235,066 219,772 2019-11-29 2022-03-31
    804GLO4011 Japanese JPO in World Heritage Centre (WHC) at the Asia and the Pacific Unit (APA) in 2022-2023 Asia and the Pacific 144,978 - 2022-03-04 2023-03-03