Uses of Funding

UNESCO's projects encompass a broad range of expertise in the fields of Education, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Culture, Communication and Information. Biennial expenditures are planned in each of these Major Programmes and for Corporate Services.

    Geographical Scope

    Overall Plan

    Planned Expenditure (USD thousands)

    Overall Plan

    Details by Programme

    Sector Planned Expenditure (USD thousands)
    Natural sciences
    Communication and information
    Social and human sciences
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
    Priority Africa and External Relations Sector
    Bureau for Digital Business Solutions
    Coordination and monitoring of action to benefit Gender Equality


    Projects are a sequence of budgeted activities, regardless of the source of funding, that contribute to the Organization's Outputs and must be completed within an agreed timeframe. Projects can include sub-activities and can be linked to a wider Programme.
    Note: For projects with multiple beneficiaries, the distribution of budget and expenditure figures at the beneficiary level is based on indicative percentages.
    Beneficiary Country / Region
    549INT2006 MaCoBioS 345,823 3,969 2020-06-01 2024-05-31
    Europe and North America 331,990 3,811
    Latin America and the Caribbean 13,833 159
    549INT2007 Strengthening the Resilience of Coastal Communities in the North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean region to the Impact of Tsunamis and Other Sea Level-Related Coastal Hazards 1,474,383 107,820 2021-09-01 2024-02-29
    Cyprus 294,877 21,564
    Egypt 294,877 21,564
    Greece 176,926 12,938
    Morocco 294,877 21,564
    Malta 235,901 17,251
    Türkiye 176,926 12,938
    549INT5001 Social Media 4 Peace 4,704,200 795,507 2021-01-01 2023-12-31
    Global 1,176,050 198,877
    Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,176,050 198,877
    Indonesia 1,176,050 198,877
    Kenya 1,176,050 198,877
    549IRQ1002 System Building and Capacity Strengthening of Ministry of Education (MoE) and its Sub-National Directorates of Education for Effective Delivery of Quality Education Outcomes Iraq 4,644,680 3,085,056 2019-07-01 2023-05-31
    549IRQ1003 Jobs Creation through Technical & Vocational Education System Strengthening & Labour Market Linkages - TVET phase II Iraq 5,852,000 1,090,948 2021-01-01 2023-12-31
    549IRQ4000 REVIVING MOSUL AND BASRA OLD CITIES Iraq 22,858,000 12,094,159 2019-04-01 2023-01-31
    549IRQ4002 Reviving Mosul and Basra Old Cities_Phase Two Iraq 15,215,200 7,941,687 2021-01-01 2022-12-31
    549RAB4001 Support to livelihoods through cultural heritage development Arab States 12,269,391 4,021,188 2019-10-01 2023-02-28
    549RAF1000 Améliorer l'enseignement dans la région du Sahel 11,960,416 1,795,544 2020-12-15 2024-09-14
    Burkina Faso 2,272,479 341,153
    Mali 1,196,042 179,554
    Mauritania 3,109,708 466,841
    Niger 3,109,708 466,841
    Chad 2,272,479 341,153
    549RAS4000 Silk Roads Heritage Corridors in Afghanistan, Central Asia and Iran - International Dimension of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 4,971,628 2,104,627 2018-10-01 2022-09-30
    Afghanistan 745,744 315,694
    Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1,690,353 715,573
    Kyrgyzstan 745,744 315,694
    Kazakhstan 248,581 105,231
    Tajikistan 745,744 315,694
    Turkmenistan 298,298 126,278
    Uzbekistan 497,163 210,463
    549RER2008 Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe (InsSciDE) Europe and North America 277,867 257,751 2017-12-01 2022-06-30
    549RER2009 Most Easy, Efficient and Low Cost Geothermal Systems for Retrofitting Civil and Historical Europe and North America 399,054 313,522 2018-04-01 2023-11-30
    549RER2011 Sustainable Historic Environments hoListic reconstruction through Technological Enhancement Europe and North America 426,571 263,214 2019-06-01 2023-05-31
    549RER2012 EuroSea 477,182 165,654 2019-10-31 2023-12-29
    Global 143,155 49,696
    Europe and North America 334,028 115,958
    549RER2013 JERICO-S3 Europe and North America 118,191 60,938 2020-02-01 2024-01-31