Utilisation des fonds

Les projets de l'UNESCO englobent un large éventail de compétences dans les domaines de l'éducation, des sciences naturelles, des sciences sociales et humaines, de la culture, de la communication et de l'information. Des dépenses biennales sont prévues dans chacun de ces grands programmes ainsi que pour les services généraux.

    Couverture géographique

    Plan global de dépenses

    Dépenses planifiées (en milliers d'USD)

    Plan global de dépenses

    Répartition du plan de dépenses par Programme

    Secteur Dépenses planifiées (en milliers d'USD)
    Natural sciences
    Communication and information
    Social and human sciences
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
    Priority Africa and External Relations Sector
    Bureau for Digital Business Solutions
    Coordination and monitoring of action to benefit Gender Equality


    Projects are a sequence of budgeted activities, regardless of the source of funding, that contribute to the Organization's Outputs and must be completed within an agreed timeframe. Projects can include sub-activities and can be linked to a wider Programme.
    Note: For projects with multiple beneficiaries, the distribution of budget and expenditure figures at the beneficiary level is based on indicative percentages.
    Pays / région bénéficiaire
    570INS4005 Creative Youth at Indonesian Heritage Sites Phase V Indonesia 240,000 98,241 2021-10-21 2023-01-09
    570INS4006 Creative Youth at Indonesian Heritage Sites Phase VI Indonesia 170,000 - 2022-05-24 2023-12-31
    570INT1004 IITE-UNESCO Associated Schools Network pilot project for Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries 152,563 109,781 2019-03-05 2022-12-31
    China 21,359 15,369
    India 18,308 13,174
    Kyrgyzstan 18,308 13,174
    Kazakhstan 18,308 13,174
    Pakistan 18,308 13,174
    Russian Federation 21,359 15,369
    Tajikistan 18,308 13,174
    Uzbekistan 18,308 13,174
    570INT1005 Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovations to strengthen Inclusion and Equity of Education in Africa 400,000 123,999 2020-05-06 2024-06-30
    Mauritius 272,000 84,319
    Rwanda 128,000 39,680
    570INT1008 Teacher Capacity Building with AI and Digital Technologies: E-library for Teachers 299,985 80,844 2020-12-25 2022-12-21
    Africa 119,994 32,338
    Asia and the Pacific 59,997 16,169
    Europe and North America 119,994 32,338
    570INT1009 Digital transformation of higher education in Central Asia 100,000 31,257 2021-09-30 2023-09-30
    Kazakhstan 33,000 10,315
    Russian Federation 34,000 10,627
    Uzbekistan 33,000 10,315
    570INT5002 Fostering the Role of the Judiciary Systems in promoting Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists 400,000 243,688 2021-01-26 2022-10-30
    Arab States 100,000 60,922
    Africa 100,000 60,922
    Asia and the Pacific 100,000 60,922
    Europe and North America 100,000 60,922
    570IRQ1000 Improving access to quality and inclusive education with gender equality for out-of-school children in Iraq Iraq 12,295,360 10,362,169 2018-02-28 2022-08-31
    570IRQ4001 Restoration and Rehabilitation of the House of Prayer, the Conventual Church of Our Lady of the Hour (Al-Saa'a Church), Mosul Iraq 1,531,647 - 2022-04-12 2024-04-12
    570IVC1000 Alphabétisation fonctionnelle des commerçantes par les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC) phase 4: 2021 Côte d'Ivoire 130,704 129,403 2021-03-30 2023-03-31
    570LEB1003 Supporting the Completion of Basic Education for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Lebanon 2,910,000 2,393,313 2018-05-14 2022-06-30
    570LEB4000 For the preparation of a conservation management plan for Oscar Niemeyer's Rashid Karami International Fair in Tripoli, Lebanon Lebanon 225,000 102,549 2018-11-05 2022-12-30
    570MEX1001 Educational Policy for achieving Basic Literacy Skills in Mexico Mexico 111,000 5,085 2022-01-31 2023-12-31
    570MLI4000 L'Éducation Culturelle et Valeur Sociétale pour la Paix et un Environnement Sain au Mali Mali 120,000 44,807 2020-07-29 2022-09-30
    570MLI4001 Reconstruction et réhabilitation du patrimoine bâti de Bandiagara Mali 984,738 57,868 2021-09-01 2024-09-01