Project ID 2230841261

The UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa seeks to develop a US$ 15 million regional flagship programme on sustainable tourism to stimulate and promote sustainable tourism practices around UNESCO designated sites. For this purpose, the Office will engage a resource mobilization expert who will lead the process of developing the project document in a participatory and inclusive manner. The expert will help identify key strategic stakeholders, such as representatives from the Southern African Development Community (SADC), national heritage and tourism authorities, local authorities, site managers, local communities and UN Agencies, development partners and donors who should be involved in the development of this regional flagship programme.

  • On-going

USD 46,000

Total Project Budget

USD 35,622

Total Incurred Expenditures


Start Date 2022.01.01
End Date 2023.12.31
Benchmark as of 2023.09.30

Geographical Scope and Beneficiaries

Country Allocation

Financial plan

Type of Funding Uses of Funding Sources of Funding Project Budget (USD) Incurred Expenditures (USD)
Assessed Contribution - Assessed Contribution Priority Africa and External Relations Sector Contribution to Regular Budget 46,000 35,622

Project contributes to

Contribution to UNESCO Results Framework 2022-2025
Sector: Priority Africa and External Relations Sector
Enabling Outcome 10 - Reinforced partnerships, outreach and advocacy in support of UNESCO’s action Output: 10.FLD4 - UNESCO Field Offices empowered to strengthen resource mobilization at decentralized level
UNESCO Global Priorities and Priority Groups
  • Gender Equality | 30%
  • Youth | 10%
  • Priority Africa | 100%
  • Small Island Developing States | 5%