
Outcomes are associated with a limited number of "outputs", both sectoral and intersectoral, that may be measured with qualitative and quantitative indicators.

Find out more from our Programme and Budget document

Sector Outputs


Performance Indicators
1. Number of countries supported to integrate the right to education in their legislation and policies in line with international frameworks and commitments

28 (Africa 14, SIDS 1)

Target 2023

30 (Africa 16, SIDS 4)

2. Framework for evolution of the right to education developed


Target 2023


3. Number of countries supported in addressing the learning needs of marginalized groups through inclusive policies and practices*

27 (Africa 2, SIDS 5)

Target 2023

30 (Africa 8, SIDS 2)

4. Number of countries supported to enhance policies, data and mechanisms for the recognition of prior learning and qualifications of crisis affected people on the move, contributing to the Global Compact on Refugees

4 (Africa 2)

Target 2023

10 (Africa 4)

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of countries supported in improving data, knowledge generation and policy dialogue to ensure gender equality in and through education

13 (Africa 7, SIDS 2)

Target 2023

18 (Africa 9, SIDS 2)

2. Number of countries with laws, policies, plans and strategies reviewed and resulting recommendations to implement and enforce gender equality in and through education

19 (Africa 9)

Target 2023

23 (Africa 11)

3. Number of learners (male/female) that have access to quality gender-transformative teaching and learning

10 million (F:6 million, M:4 million)

Target 2023

14 million (F: 8 million, M: 6 million)

4. Number of countries that have enhanced access for girls and women to expanded gender-equitable digital skills and STEM education opportunities

18 (Africa 11, SIDS 1)

Target 2023

25 (Africa 15, SIDS 2)

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of countries supported to develop or implement policies and strategies on skills development for work and life within lifelong learning policies, plans and pathways

12 (Africa 8, SIDS 1)

Target 2023

20 (Africa 9, SIDS 2)

2. Number of countries, especially those with adult literacy rates below 50% and the E9 countries, supported to improve youth and adult literacy, including through the use of digital technologies

23 (Africa 8, SIDS 1)

Target 2023

35 (Africa 15, SIDS 1)

3. Number of countries supported to scale up STEM education

15 (Africa 5)

Target 2023

20 (Africa 9, SIDS 2

4. Number of young people (male/female) equipped with TVET and digital skills


Target 2023


5. Number of countries supported by UNESCO to widen access to equitable, gender-responsive and quality- assured higher education provision


Target 2023

25 (Africa 5, SIDS 1)

6. Number of countries adhering to the regional and global conventions on the recognition of studies and qualifications


Target 2023

15 (Africa 5, SIDS 1)

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of teachers (male/female) trained on inclusive, gender sensitive and innovative pedagogies, including for digital technologies, remote and blended learning - Of which % are ECCE, TVET, ALE and Literacy teachers and educators


Target 2023

1,000,000 (Africa: 300,000)

2. Number of countries supported to develop and enhance teacher policies, aligning pedagogies with learners' needs, curriculum and assessment from a lifelong learning perspective

44 (Africa 7)

Target 2023

50 (Africa 15)

3. Number of teacher training institutions supported to integrate education for sustainable development, global citizenship and socioemotional learning in their curricula and continuous professional development programmes


Target 2023

20 (Africa 5)

4. Number of innovations identified and systematized, including with partners and through teacher prizes, that are made available at scale to improve teacher policy and practice


Target 2023

10 innovative programmes scaled-up

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of countries supported to review and align sector policy, planning and financing frameworks with SDG 4

30 (Africa 13, SIDS 3)

Target 2023

35 (Africa 20, SIDS 3)

2. Number of countries supported to improve sector management, governance, management information, monitoring and evaluation systems

18 (Africa 9, SIDS 5)

Target 2023

30 (15 Africa, SIDS 6)

3. Number of countries supported to undertake curriculum development and reform that also integrate a gender perspective

15 (Africa 7)

Target 2023

20 (Africa 8, SIDS 3)

4. Number of countries supported to improve learning outcomes including early stimulation through better aligning policies, pedagogies, environments and assessments, and benefitting from the Global Learning House's mission

35 (Africa 7, SIDS 5)

Target 2023

45 (Africa 8, SIDS 6)

5. Number of repositories, technical tools, guidelines and comparative analyses available to support education planning, sector management, curriculum, assessment, monitoring, evaluation and learning


Target 2023


View Projects

Natural sciences

Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States empowered to review their national STEM education systems, with attention to gender

0 MSs

Target 2023

50 Member States of which 20 in AFR,10 in SIDS

2. Number of large-scale training schemes for scientists and approaches for joint research in geo-basic sciences and engineering and STEM education initiated

100 MSs

Target 2023

350 PhD programmes 50% young female scientists of which 50 in Africa and 5 SIDS

View Projects

Social and human sciences

Performance Indicators
1. Number of countries that have benefited from the UNESCO Fit for Life sports and education joint Programme, and thereby applied the UNESCO methodology and tools for Quality Physical Education and values-based education through sport


Target 2023

30 (of which at least 2 in Africa and 2 SIDS)

2. Number of countries that have advanced sports policies as a tool for development including through the Sports for Development Coalition with special attention to needs of women and girls, vulnerable groups and people living with disabilities


Target 2023

30 (of which at least 4 in Africa and 2 SIDS)

3. Percentage of States Parties that have applied the monitoring assets, empowered with Operational Guidelines/Framework for Strengthening the implementation of the Convention and delivered on their commitments to it.


Target 2023

90% (at least 70% of African states and 70% of SIDS)

View Projects

Sector Outputs


Performance Indicators
1. A reformed global SDG 4 political platform and related regional coordination mechanisms monitors progress toward SDG 4, holds its members accountable, and sets global education priorities and missions

SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee

Target 2023

A reformed global SDG 4 political platform and regional coordination mechanisms are in place and coherently functioning within a monitoring and accountability framework

2. Number of joint activities/projects/ funding agreements mobilized, including through the UNESCO led Global Education Coalition, contributing to the exchange of knowledge, expertise and resources for accelerating progress on SDG4


Target 2023

5 UNESCO-led missions linked to SDG 4 benchmarking indicators

3. Number of global, regional, country reports on SDG 4 monitoring, policy impact analysis, innovations and accelerators produced and disseminated (including GEM reports and GRALE)

1 global GEM report and 2 regional GEM reports produced annually

Target 2023

1 global GEM report and 2 regional GEM reports produced annually; at least 1 regional monitoring report produced in each region, involving Member States and stakeholders and 1 global synthesis report produced; 1 GRALE report

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of research and knowledge products on key education issues made available (1.1) with evidence of impact/influence (1.2)

B 1.1: 35 (15 global/regional research studies; 12 short think pieces; 8 ERF papers published in 2020-21)
B1.2: Unknown

Target 2023

T 1.1: 43 (15 global/regional research studies; 20 short think pieces on the futures of education; 8 Education Research and Foresight Working Papers published)
T 1.2: 5% annual increase in visibility and influence of knowledge products on public policy and research

2. Number of global and regional research fora on the future of learning and education organized, including with UNESCO Chairs

at least 6 in 2020-21

Target 2023

at least 10 at global and regional levels

3. Evidence of impact of the report of the International Commission on the Futures of Education on policy, research and action

Futures of Education report published in two UN languages (2021); 30 launches/policy fora organized in the biennium following the launch of Rethinking Education (2015)

Target 2023

Futures of Education report published in total of 15 languages; +250,000 downloads of the Futures of Education report and 50 media articles; at least 30 launches or policy fora organized at the global, regional or national levels on the Futures of Education report; 6 examples of policy impact annually

View Projects

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Performance Indicators
1. Established and maintained a global SDG 4 data platform and supported # regional mechanisms to monitor progress toward SDG 4

- SDG4 Data Centre implemented.
- Concept of regional Technical Cooperation Groups adopted and establishment initiated

Target 2023

Global SDG 4 data Centre maintained and monitoring mechanisms in 3 regions operational

2. Within the UIS data release, percentage coverage for reporting against the (i) SDG 4 global and (ii) SDG 4 thematic indicators increased with all regions achieving a defined minimum percentage

B1: 44% coverage rate for SDG 4 global indicators
B2: 46% coverage rate for SDG 4 thematic indicators.

Target 2023

T1: 54% coverage rate for SDG 4 global indicators, with rate for each region at least 40%.
T2: 57% coverage rate for SDG4 thematic indicators, with rate for each region at least 35%.

3. Number of SDG 4 global indicators disaggregated by sex by at least x% of countries reporting; and number that have data disaggregated by at least one other dimension for y% of countries reporting

B1: Number of global SDG 4 indicators disaggregated by sex by 90% of countries reporting: 6 of the 8 relevant indicators
B2: Number of global SDG 4 indictors with data disaggregated by at least one other
dimension by 60% countries reporting: 34 of the 5 relevant indicators

Target 2023

T1: Number of global SDG 4 indicators disaggregated by sex by 90% of all countries reporting: 8 of the 8 relevant indicators
T2: Number of global SDG 4 indictors that have data disaggregated by at least one other dimension by 65% of all countries reporting: 4 of the 5 relevant indicators

4. Number of regions in which benchmarks adopted

74% of countries with national benchmarks for at least one SDG 4 indicator

NOTE: The PI should read: % of countries with national benchmarks, by either submission or national plans, for at least one SDG 4 indicator

Target 2023

82% of countries with national benchmarks for at least one SDG 4 indicator

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of tools, guidelines and training resources provided to meet the capacity building needs of countries

B1: 4 new tool, guidelines & resources, including:
1. Methodologies supporting the harmonisation of data from multiple sources under development;
2. Dynamic Template enabling countries to calculate indicators from raw data and metadata;
3. 3 EMIS publications and microsite produced;
4. 4 ISCED visualizations for 108 countries produced, 12 mappings updated and 30 new created)

Target 2023

T1: 7 (B1 + 3 new) tools, guidelines, or training resources, including
1. Toolkits established for Data gap filling; Household Surveys, Administrative Data and Learning Outcomes, appropriate to the development needs of countries;
2. Bank of Items for Students Assessments implemented and piloted with 5 countries;
3. 10 countries with weak reporting to the UIS Formal Survey of Education that have strengthened the quality of reporting through adopting the UIS guidelines for production of SDG 4 data from EMIS

2. Number of countries supported in improving reporting against the SDG4 agenda

B1: 10 Countries in which methodologies piloted for Policy Linking and Statistical Linking

Target 2023

T1: 55 countries supported, including:
(i) 10 countries in Asia and 25 countries in Africa supported in reporting and analysing SDG4 indicators using Dynamic Template and responses to the UIS Survey;
(ii) 20 Countries with piloted Policy and Statistical Linking methodologies

3. Number of data reports produced to monitor on progress of the Regional and SDG4 frameworks

Report/publication produced for Africa. Country tables launched
Regional TCG micro page established

Target 2023

T1: 18 reports/data tables/other tools produced/maintained, including
(i) Global and regional and country data tables maintained with every Data Release
(ii) Regional TCG micro page for each region maintained
(iii) Regional reports bridging to SDG 4

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Indicators, methodologies, tools and guidelines developed to address relevant current and emerging policy issues in Education

B1:2: Implementation of the COVID 19 response, the first report on monitoring GEM 2020 commitments produced

NOTE. The PI should read as follows: Number of Indicators, methodologies, tools and guidelines developed to address relevant current and emerging policy issues in Education supported by mobilization of resources

Target 2023

T1: Network of partnerships established with academia and other organizations to strengthen research and foresight capacity
T2: A framework of indicators relevant to providing evidence on educational system resilience in response to COVID19 established
T3: UNESCO Programme Delivery supported with a strategy for data collection and production of the indicators outside the SDG 4 framework established, implemented and supported by mobilization of resources

View Projects

Sector Outputs

Natural sciences

Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States empowered to submit applications for the nomination of new Biosphere Reserves, including transboundary sites (TBRs), and new Global Geoparks, especially Member States that currently have no Geoparks

(i) 129 Member States having a total of 714 Biosphere Reserves of which 31 in Africa and 12 in SIDS
(ii) 44 Member States having UNESCO Global Geoparks

Target 2023

(i) 7 additional Member States submitting applications of which 3 in Africa and 2 in SIDS; - 2 new TBRs
(ii) 5 new Member States, with 2 active UNESCO Global Geoparks applications from Africa and 1 from the Arab States

2. Number of Member States empowered to improve management of UNESCO-designated and affiliated sites for sustainable development solutions (green and inclusive economies)

70 Member States have implemented strategies to improve green and inclusive economies

Target 2023

40 additional Member States of which 5 in Africa, and 2 in SIDS

3. Number of supported Member States equipped to apply scientific research and innovation for improved integrated and inclusive management of natural resources and ecosystem restoration; number of Member States empowered to implement in BRs and natural sites research programmes promoting sustainability science targeting Youth and women*

(i) 80 Member States
(ii) 30 Member States
(iii) 30 Member States /natural sites targeting Youth and women empowerment

Target 2023

20 additional Member States of which 5 in Africa, 5 in SIDS, all activities gender sensitive

4. Number of UNESCO designated sites with ecological and biological data collected and integrated into UNESCO dedicated platforms and databanks

600 Sites of which 70 in Africa and 9 in SIDS

Target 2023

100 additional sites of which 15 in Africa and 2 in SIDS; at least 1 new TBR

5. Number of Member States using teaching and learning materials, tools and methodologies elaborated to improve climate change awareness, literacy and education also drawing on local and indigenous knowledge, and engaging and empowering youth

5 (4 for youth and 1 for LINKS)

Target 2023

10 additional Member States (7 for youth and 3 for LINKS)

6. Number of Member States which have enhanced their overall resilience to the impacts of climate change, including through solutions developed and applied in UNESCO designated sites, and through the house-wide coordination of UNESCO's action on climate change

85 using either BR or UNESCO Global Geoparks, or WH sites as climate change observatories

Target 2023

Additional 10 of which 3 in Africa and 2 SIDS

7. Number of Member States with capacities strengthened to enhance their resilience to, and address the challenges faced by women and girls with regard to natural hazards and climate change

60 of which 4 in Africa and 7 in SIDS

Target 2023

70 of which 6 in Africa and 8 in SIDS

8. Number of gender-responsive scientific assessments conducted and knowledge networks supported that mobilise, enhance and reinforce transmission of local and Indigenous knowledge particularly transmitted by women contributing to climate change issues, ecosystems and biodiversity monitoring including in the UNESCO designated sites

8 IPBES Assessments
0 National Ecosystems Assessment
6 African partners
2 Global networks
2 Caribbean partners
2 regional knowledge processes

Target 2023

12 IPBES Assessments
3 National Ecosystems assessment
10 African partners
4 Global networks
4 Caribbean / SIDS partners
4 regional knowledge processes

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States and river basins organizations which benefit from and apply UNESCO's scientific research and knowledge products, innovative approaches, methodologies and tools in addressing water related challenges

(i) 3 Member States applying UNESCO monitoring systems and methodologies
(ii) 20 Member States, of which 7 in Africa, practiced inclusive water management and governance based on improved water scientific data, research and knowledge
(iii) 10 basins (surface and groundwater) organizations using UNESCO scientific assessments

Target 2023

(i) at least 3 additional Member States (1 in Africa and 1 SIDS)
(ii) 20 additional Member States of which 10 in Africa and 3 in SIDS
(iii) at least 10additional basins with improved governance of water resources and at least 2 in Africa

2. Number of UNESCO designated sites (Natural world heritage sites, Biosphere reserves and geoparks), pilot ecohydrology sites and experimental basins supported to implement integrated, holistic and eco-hydrology approaches for improved water management

(i) 26 ecohydrology pilot sites in 19 Member States
(ii) 0 experimental Basins
(iii) 3 designated sites

Target 2023

(i) 3 of which 2 in Africa (additional)
(ii) 4 of which 2 in Africa
(iii) 7 of which 3 in Africa and 1 SIDS (additional)

3. Number of Member States supported in improving their transboundary water systems (surface water and groundwater) management and governance to attain and monitor the SDG 6

(i) 12 Member States, 3 of which in Africa on transboundary groundwater in 40 C5
(ii) 130 reports received on 6.5.2

Target 2023

(i) 24 Member States, 4 of which in Africa on transboundary groundwater
(ii) 140 countries reporting

4. (i) Number of Member States that are supported to use and apply the WWDR findings and recommendations to strengthen inclusive water management and governance (ii) Number of Member States enabled to apply gender responsive indicators in their mechanisms and policies

(i) 4 Member States in two years; 0 policy-dialogues
(ii) 5 Member States per year

Target 2023

(i) At least 8 Member States and 4 partners including 3 in Africa and 2 in SIDS
(ii) 20 Member States of which 6 in Africa and 3 in SIDS

5. (i) Number of Member States supported to strengthen water education approaches at all levels*

(i) 0
(ii) 9500 and 200 youth
(iii) 30 IHP National Committees have access to WINS

Target 2023

(i) 15 of which 4 in Africa and 3 for SIDS
(ii) 10,000 additional (40% women), and at least 1000 additional youth
(iii) up to 50 additional National Committees have access to WINS including 25 in Africa and 5 in SIDS

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of internal mechanisms strengthened to improve programme delivery, monitoring and reporting of the impact of UNESCO's actions in SIDS


Target 2023


2. Number of SIDS empowered with resilience-based and gender responsive initiatives developed in ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and restoration, climate related work, DRR and water governance and management


Target 2023


3. Number of SIDS Member States institutional and human capacities in basic sciences, research and engineering (STEM) strengthened


Target 2023


4. Number of SIDS Member States equipped with multiple types of knowledge clusters by bridging local, indigenous, and science-based knowledge


Target 2023


View Projects

Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission

Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States with experts actively engaged in the design and implementation of ocean research, generating knowledge to address key sustainability issues

(i) Experts from 51 Member States, of which 13 in Africa and 5 SIDS (37% women)
(ii) 14.3.1 (Ocean Acidification): 25 Member States, of which 5 in Africa and 1 SIDS

Target 2023

(i) Experts from 60 Member States, of which 15 in Africa and 10 SIDS (45% women)
(ii) 40 Member States, of which 8 in Africa and 3 SIDS

2. Number of Member States engaged in advancing ocean observation and data management through the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and IOC Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) delivering key information for science-informed solutions

(i) ODIS: no baseline (new activity)
(ii) GOOS: 66 Member States, of which 11 in Africa and 8 SIDS

Target 2023

(i) 25 Member States of which 5 SIDS, (incl. 2 SIDS in Africa), (40% women among experts)
(ii) 70 Member States, of which 13 from Africa and 10 SIDS, (40% women amongst experts

3. Number of Member States with strengthened capacities to develop and implement early warning systems and increase preparedness for and resilience to the risks of tsunamis and other ocean-related hazards

139 Member States, of which 9 from Africa and 28 SIDS

Target 2023

142 Member States, of which 12 from Africa and 29 SIDS

4. No of supported Member States that contribute data and information to assessment, global repositories, science /policy interface underpinning sustainable ocean management and decision-making

50 Member States, of which 8 from Africa, 5 from SIDS contributing inputs through GEBCO, SDG, WOA

Target 2023

70 Member States, of which 10 from Africa, 8 from SIDS

5. Number of Member States supported in the implementation of science-based ocean management plans and transformative solutions for sustainable development

(i) 53 Member States, 11 Africa, 7 SIDS collaborating through Decade mechanism
(ii) 80 Member States, 13 Africa, 10 SIDS participating in MSP roadmap implementation

Target 2023

(i) 80 Member States, 15 Africa, 10 SIDS
(ii) 100 Member States, 16 Africa, 14 SIDS

6. Number of Member States supported in strengthening their capacity in marine scientific research and biodiversity, observations and services, through the IOC Capacity Development

(i) 14.a.1 (GOSR): 53 Member States, 13 Africa, 4 SIDS
(ii) 38 Member States in Africa, 30 in LAC, 22 in Western Pacific region, 16 in Indian Ocean/Gulf region; 10 SIDS (5 in Africa), GE: no baseline available

Target 2023

(i) 58 Member States, 15 Africa, 5 SIDS
(ii) 38 in Africa, 30 in LAC, 22 in Western Pacific region, 16 in Indian Ocean/Gulf region; 15 SIDS (5 in Africa). GE target: 40% gender balance

7. Number of Member States provided with access to multi-languages ocean literacy resources and training programmes

no existing baseline

Target 2023

80 Member States, of which 8 in Africa and 10 SIDS

View Projects

Sector Outputs

Natural sciences

Performance Indicators
1. Number of supported international and regional cooperation and exchange mechanisms on STI policy and governance, including global and regional Open Science collaboration mechanisms and partnerships

2 mechanisms on STI policy and governance
1 mechanism on Open Science

Target 2023

3 out of which 1 AFR, 1 SIDS
4 additional mechanisms, with 1 in Africa and 1 in SIDS

2. Number of supported initiatives in capacity-building and training programmes on gender-transformative STI policy including Open Science policy and practice


Target 2023

14 additional, of which 6 in AFR, 3 in SIDS

3. Number of countries supported to develop inclusive gender-transformative STI policy systems and governance, and innovation platforms to stimulate entrepreneurship


Target 2023

7 additional countries out of which 4 AFR and 1 SIDS

4. Global assessment undertaken on Open Science policies and platforms (water, biodiversity and oceans, and natural heritage) and best practices compiled and shared, using gender indicators, sharing and compiling best practices from around the world


Target 2023

1 assessment
4 platforms

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States with enhanced capacities in novel basic science and engineering education and research in areas that address global challenges, in urban and rural settings

22 Member States of which 14 in Africa and 5 SIDS of which 40% women

Target 2023

40 Member States of which 14 in Africa 3 SIDS of which 50% women

2. Number of initiatives implemented to advance the scientific careers of young women scientists and that give visibility to the scientific innovations and technological research of women scientists

2 initiatives

Target 2023

10 initiatives

3. Number of Member States benefitting from enhanced S-S and N-S-S networking opportunities through specialized scientific hubs and research networks in science, technology, engineering and mathematics

45 Member States and 15 in Africa and 3 in SIDS

Target 2023

10 additional Member States of which 4 in Africa 2 in SIDS

View Projects

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Performance Indicators
1. In collaboration with UNESCO Sectors develop and deliver a sustainable strategy to: - Improve coverage of SDG indicators - Mobilise resources to establish and produce Science, data and analysis to support flagship publications (i) UNESCO World Science Report

No strategy
Concept developed as part of UIS draft medium-term strategy

NOTE. The PI should read as follows: 1. In collaboration with UNESCO Sectors develop and deliver a sustainable strategy to:
a) Improve coverage of SDG indicators
b) establish a fully funded medium-term work programme for the production of data, indicators and analysis in response to UNESCO Sector needs, framed within the Sectors Medium-Term Strategy and UIS capacity and priorities;
c) produce science, data, and analysis to support the UNESCO World Science Report

Target 2023

Strategy Document developed with Sectors and planned activities for 2022-2023 successfully funded and implemented

2. Number of countries for which the STI SDG Global indicators are available

102 Countries from the response to the 2019 R&D; Survey.

NOTE. The PI should read as follows: . Number of countries for which the STI SDG Global indicators are available with number of countries responding to the two latest UIS Surveys

Target 2023

118 countries

3. Number of countries for which STI SDG indicators disaggregated by gender are available in the UIS database

102 countries from the response to the 2019 R&D; Survey.

NOTE. The PI should read as follows: Number of countries for which STI SDG indicator 9.5.2 disaggregated by gender are available in the UIS database

Target 2023

118 countries

View Projects

Sector Outputs


Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States protecting and managing their World Heritage properties in the framework of sustainable development, through the implementation of the 1972 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 2011 Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, and through UNESCO's cooperation and international assistance

70, of which 17 in Africa and 9 SIDS

Target 2023

75, of which 20 in Africa and 9 SIDS

2. Number of Member States supported in the identification and preparation of potential World Heritage Sites for nomination

25, of which 13 in Africa and 3 SIDS

Target 2023

35, of which 15 in Africa and 5 SIDS

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States with national standard-setting frameworks, national scientific or technical institutions, specialized police forces, interventions and inventories in line with the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property

135, of which 30 in Africa and 20 SIDS

Target 2023

144, of which 35 in Africa and 25 SIDS

2. Number of Member States with policies, measures and interventions to promote the return and restitution of cultural property, in line with the 1970 Convention and the work of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP)

100, of which 20 in Africa and 2 SIDS

Target 2023

110, of which 25 in Africa and 4 in SIDS

3. Number of Member States with policies and strategies to protect underwater cultural heritage in line with the 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage

66, of which 5 in Africa and 3 in SIDS

Target 2023

79, of which 10 in Africa and 6 in SIDS

4. Number of Member States with policies, measures and interventions to enhance the functions and roles of museums and collections, including through the implementation of the 2015 UNESCO Recommendation on Museums and Collections

50, of which 10 in Africa and 5 SIDS

Target 2023

60, of which 15 in Africa and 10 SIDS

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States that have developed policies, mechanisms and other measures to protect their cultural property in times of peace and in the event of armed conflict, including through the implementation of the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols

11, of which 1 in Africa, 0 in SIDS

Target 2023

35, of which 10 in Africa, 1 in SIDS

2. Number of Member States which have carried out actions and established policies towards effectively implementing UNESCO's standard-setting instruments and strategies in relation to emergency situations and relevant UN Security Council resolutions

31, of which 8 in Africa and 3 in SIDS

Target 2023

42, of which 10 in Africa and 5 in SIDS

3. Number of Member States whose requests of capacity reinforcement or technical assistance in the area of emergency preparedness or response have been supported by the Heritage Emergency Fund

65, of which 23 in Africa and 13 in SIDS

Target 2023

75, of which 28 in Africa and 15 in SIDS

4. Number of Member States that are supported to implement gender responsive educational and training activities in the field of culture in times of peace and in emergency situations


Target 2023

40, of which 15 in Africa and 7 in SIDS

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States with new or revised policies, strategies and programmes to safeguard living heritage, including within sustainable development plans and frameworks, in line with the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

60, of which 20 in Africa and 10 SIDS

Target 2023

60, of which 30 in Africa, 10 SIDS

2. Number of Member States sustainably safeguarding living heritage through enhanced international cooperation and assistance mechanisms of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

80, of which 25 in Africa and 15 SIDS

Target 2023

90, of which 40 in Africa and 17 SIDS

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States with new or revised policies, regulatory frameworks, measures and/or initiatives to strengthen their cultural and creative industries, including in the digital environment, in line with the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

20 Member States of which 8 in Africa and 1 in SIDS

Target 2023

35 Member States of which 15 in Africa and 2 in SIDS

2. Number of Member States with new or revised policies, regulatory frameworks, measures and/or initiatives to improve the working conditions and the social and economic rights of artists and culture professionals, including through the implementation of the 1980 Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist with particular attention to women artists and culture professionals

15 Member States of which 8 in Africa and 0 in SIDS

Target 2023

25 Member States of which 10 in Africa and 2 in SIDS

3. Number of Member States that have implemented policies, measures and programmes to support gender equality in the culture and creative sectors with particular attention to closing the gender gap and empowering women artists to create, produce, distribute and access cultural goods and services

18, of which 6 in Africa and 1 in SIDS

Target 2023

30, of which 12 in Africa and 3 in SIDS

View Projects
Performance Indicators
1. Number of global, regional, sub-regional or national policy mechanisms and instruments that effectively harness culture to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

30, of which 5 in Africa and 2 in SIDS

Target 2023

40, of which 6 in Africa and 3 in SIDS

2. Number of Member States with UNESCO led policies, measures and interventions to support the measurement and monitoring of the contribution of culture to the achievement of the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda including the Culture|2030 Indicators

15 Member States, of which 4 in Africa and 0 in SIDS

Target 2023

24 Member States, of which 6 in Africa and 0 in SIDS

3. Number of initiatives and policies undertaken by Member States through their Creative Cities and other relevant stakeholders, which have enhanced their creative economy and its contribution to other development dimensions

318 initiatives, of which 10 in Africa and 7 in SIDS

Target 2023

559 initiatives, of which 19 in Africa and 17 in SIDS

4. Number of Member States that have developed or implemented policies and initiatives to protect and promote Indigenous Peoples' culture, including knowledge, practices and languages

10, of which 2 in Africa and 1 in SIDS

Target 2023

20, of which 4 in Africa and 2 in SIDS

View Projects

Communication and information

Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States supported to implement the Global Action Plan of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages


Target 2023

18 Member States (3 SIDS)

2. Number of Member States that have taken measures towards improved access to multilingual information online, in line with the 2003 Recommendation concerning the promotion and use of multilingualism and universal access to cyberspace, and adopting a gender-responsive approach

123 Member States

Target 2023

65 Member States (7 SIDS)

View Projects

UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Performance Indicators
1. In collaboration with UNESCO Sectors develop and deliver a sustainable strategy to: - Improve coverage of SDG indicators; - Support the global monitoring of the UNESCO thematic framework approved for Culture | 2030 Indicators; - Mobilise resources to establish and produce Culture non SDG core indicators; and for data and analysis to support flagship publications (i) Re|Shaping Cultural Policies Report

No strategy
Concept developed as part of UIS draft medium term strategy

NOTE. The PI should read as follows: 1. In collaboration with UNESCO Sectors develop and deliver a sustainable strategy to:
a. Improve coverage of SDG indicators
b. establish a fully funded medium term work programme for the production of data, indicators and analysis in response to UNESCO Sector needs, framed within the Sector's Medium-Term Strategy and UIS capacity and priorities, including
c. support to the global monitoring of the UNESCO thematic framework approved for Culture | 2030 Indicators based on resources mobilization
d. data and analysis support to flagship publication Re|Shaping Cultural Policies Report

Target 2023

Strategy Document developed with Sectors and planned activities for 2022- 2023 successfully funded and implemented

2. Number of countries for which the CLT SDG Global indicator or one of its disaggregation's are available

31 countries

Target 2023

70 countries

3. Number of countries for which at least one of the CLT|2030 Indicators is available (excluding SDG Global)

60 countries

NOTE: The PI should read as follows: Number of countries for which at least one of the CLT|2030 Indicators is available (excluding SDG Global). subject to resource mobilization

Target 2023

70 countries

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Sector Outputs

Communication and information

Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States, media institutions and civil society organizations that have conducted awareness raising initiatives on freedom of expression and the right to information (commemorations of World Press Freedom Day (WPFD); the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists (IDEI); and the International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI))

B1: WPFD: 100 (35 in Africa)
B2: IDEI: 44 Member States (14 in Africa)
B3: IDUAI: 50 Member States (16 in Africa)

Target 2023

T1: 100 Member States each year (at least 30 in Africa, 10 SIDS)
T2: 50 Member States each year (at least 20 in Africa, 5 SIDS)
T3: 25 Member States each year (5 in Africa, 2 SIDS)

2. Number of Member States, media institutions and civil society organizations that are taking steps to implement the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, with particular attention to the safety of women journalists

40 Member States (at least 20 in Africa)

Target 2023

50 Member States (at least 15 in Africa, 5 SIDS) and at least 100 media institutions and civil society organizations

3. Number of Member States in which duty bearers have benefited from policy advice and capacity development strategies to improve legislative and institutional frameworks related to freedom of expression and access to information online and offline, mainstreaming a gender-responsive approach

15 Member States (including 5 in Africa)

Target 2023

20 Member States (including at least 5 in Africa, 2 SIDS)

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Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States that implement media development projects and support pluralism, including through World Radio Day (WRD); and number of media institutions that reinforce their independence and pluralism

B1: 75 Member States (media development)
B2: 100 Member States (WRD)
B3: 25 media institutions (media pluralism and diversity)

Target 2023

T1: 45 Member States (16 in Africa, 4 SIDS)
(media development)
T2: 137 Member States (10 in Africa, 5 SIDS) (WRD)
T3: 35 media institutions (at least 6 in Africa, 1 SIDS)

2. Number of Member States conducting national assessments based on UNESCO's indicator frameworks to inform associated policies

5 Member States

Target 2023

National assessments based on UNESCO's indicators frameworks launched or completed in 5 Member States (at least 2 in Africa and 1 in SIDS)

3. Number of journalism education institutions empowered through high-quality and gender- responsive journalism training programmes

50 journalism education institutions (20 in Africa)

Target 2023

25 journalism education institutions (10 in Africa, 1 SIDS)

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Sector Outputs


Performance Indicators
1. Number of countries supported to integrate environmental and climate action as a core curriculum component

10 (Africa 3, SIDS 3)

Target 2023

30 (10 Africa, 10 SIDS)

2. Number of learners (male/female) reached with life skills-based HIV and sexuality education, where ministries and other partners have benefitted from UNESCO support

41,980,000 (M/F - tbc)

Target 2023

45,700,000 (M/F - tbc)

3. Number of education professionals and policy makers (male/female) supported to foster learners' active engagement in the world as responsible and creative global citizens

700 professionals and policy makers (375 males/325 females)

Target 2023

15,000 (6,500 males and
8,500 females)

4. Number of countries supported to integrate culture in their education policies and programmes in view of improving their quality and relevance


Target 2023

20 (Africa 4, SIDS 2)

5. Number of young people (male/female) that are receiving education and information to resist violent and hateful ideologies and promote the principles of human rights, respect for cultural diversity, gender equality and the rule of law, including in the digital age.


Target 2023

30 000

6. Number of countries supported by UNESCO to integrate innovative elements as a result of pilot testing in ASP schools

42 (Africa 10, SIDS 2)

Target 2023

90 (Africa 20, SIDS 11)

7. Number of countries that are actively engaged with and supported by UNESCO, on issues relating to sustainable development, global citizenship, human rights, gender equality, health and well-being

95 (Africa 30, SIDS 10)

Target 2023

160 (Africa 45, SIDS 20)

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Social and human sciences

Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States that have adopted the Roadmap against Racism and Discrimination and its policy toolkit, as well as concrete legislative and institutional reform to achieve gender equality and to counter stereotypes to promote gender equality


Target 2023

45 (of which 9 in Africa and 2 SIDS)

2. Number of Member States that are applying UNESCO's intercultural dialogue (ICD) evidence and data, intercultural competencies and ArtLab tools in national policies and action towards building a culture of peace

5 (of which 2 in Africa)

Target 2023

30 (of which 10 in Africa and 5 SIDS)

3. Number of Member States that have advanced their policies and action to protect scientific freedom and the right to share in scientific advancement and its benefits


Target 2023

40 (of which 3 in Africa and 1 SIDS)

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Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States that have advanced effective policies to promote inclusive social and economic outcomes as a result of UNESCO/MOST interventions, focusing on people's well-being centered outcomes (MOST Ministerial Forums, MOST Schools, Inclusive Policy Lab, Futures Literacy Labs, Sustainability Science, inclusive policy assessments, wellbeing indicators, World Report on Inequalities and other knowledge products)

20 (of which 6 are in Africa)

Target 2023

50 (of which 20 in Africa and 8 SIDS)

2. Number of national science, technology and innovation (STI) systems strengthened as a result of UNESCO's support to Member States in implementing and reporting on the 2017 Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers

20 (of which 6 are in Africa and 2 are SIDS)

Target 2023

60 (of which 20 in Africa and 5 SIDS)

3. Number of Member States capacities reinforced to make effective use of the human sciences' knowledge-base in policy design and implementation as a result of UNESCO support (Humanities Forums/ publications, BRIDGES, Philosophy work stream, General History of Africa, Silk Roads Programme)*

20 (of which 10 are in Africa and 2 are SIDS)

Target 2023

50 (of which 20 in Africa and 5 SIDS)

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Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States engaged in UNESCO's flagship programmes to address gender-based stereotypes and all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls, with the active engagement of men and boys and a network of positive role models


Target 2023

20 (of which 1 African country and 1 SIDS)

2. Number of Member States benefitting from UNESCO policy analysis, survey tools, advocacy and engagement on gender equality and Artificial Intelligence, notably through the Flagship Programme on Women and AI and its policy network for ensuring that artificial intelligence and other technologies are free of gender bias


Target 2023

20 (of which 2 are African countries and 1 SIDS)

3. Number of Member States benefitting from UNESCO's action to promote positive role models and fight gender-based violence and stereotypes in sports and physical education, notably in conjunction with the Global Observatory on Women and Sports


Target 2023

20 (of which 4 are African countries and 1 SIDS)

4. Number of Member States with strengthened capacities to close the gender gaps by implementing gender-transformative COVID-19 recovery plans and social policies to ensure decent work and social protection for women and girls


Target 2023

20 (of which 10 in Africa and 1 SIDS)

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Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States benefiting from UNESCO policy analysis, including the "Youth as Researchers" initiative , in order to design and implement inclusive and cross-sectoral policies and actions to address the challenges faced by youth, particularly for post-COVID-19 recovery


(comparative approach vis-à-vis the target)

Target 2023

18 (of which 6 in Africa and 5 SIDS)

2. Number of Member States benefiting from UNESCO's technical advice and training tools in developing and implementing Action Plans for holistic youth development and civic engagement, with, by, and for youth at national or local levels


(comparative approach vis-à-vis the target)

Target 2023

12 (of which 5 in Africa and 5 SIDS)

3. Number of Member States benefitting from UNESCO technical support, partnerships and alliances to develop and scale up initiatives with social impact, that are led by and/or with young people, their organizations and networks - to address societal issues, including the prevention of violent extremism, or social and digital innovation youth initiatives


(comparative approach vis-à-vis the target)

Target 2023

37 (of which 4 global initiatives, 1 regional in Africa, 1 in LAC, 1 in APA)

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Sector Outputs


Performance Indicators
1. Number of countries supported in developing technology- enabled inclusive and resilient learning systems (1.1) and/or in leveraging emerging technologies to enhance teaching/ learning processes and management of education (1.2)

B1.1: 10 (Africa 5, SIDS 2)
(Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Senegal, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Egypt, Guyana, Dominican Republic, Mongolia, Cambodia)

B1.2: 3 (Africa 1, SIDS 1)
(Oman, Rwanda, Mauritius)

Target 2023

T1.1: 20 (Africa 12, SIDS 2)
(Argentina , Cambodia, Chile , Cote d'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Federated States of Micronesia , Ghana, Guyana, Kiribari, India, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mongolia, Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Palau, Papua New Guinea Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan,Tajikistan)

T1.2: 10 (Africa 3, SIDS 2)
(Azerbaijan, Barhain, Guyana, Indonesia, Lebanon, Mauritius , Oman, Palestine , Rwanda, Saudi Arabia , Senegal, Sri Lanka, UAE)

2. Repositories of open source e-learning platforms, digital tools and locally relevant open education resources strengthened and enlarged (2.1) and user-base expanded (2.2)

B2.1: 0
B2.2: Unknown

Target 2023

T2.1: 1
T2.2: 20% increase in the user-base

3. Number and quality of resources and/or guiding frameworks for developing AI competencies with a focus on K-12 students, especially girls (3.1), and guiding frameworks for ethical use of AI in education that are free of gender bias and stereotypes (3.2)

B3.1: One repository created in 2020-2021
B3.2: One draft of Framework developed in 2020-2021

Target 2023

T3.1: 1 guiding framework on developing AI competencies for K-12 students supported with a comprehensive repository of resources
T3.1: 1 guiding framework on the ethical use of AI in education

4. Number and quality of publications on leveraging technological innovation to enhance teaching/learning processes (4.1) and reports on the use of AI as a common good for education (4.2)

B4.1: 1 Ensuring effective distance learning during COVID-19 disruption: Guidance for teachers
B4.2: 2 "AI and education: Guidance for policy-makers" and "Guidelines for ICT in education policies and masterplans"

Target 2023

T4.1: 1 publications on best practices of using technological innovation in teaching/learning processes
B4.2: 2 reports on the use AI in education and the futures of learning

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Communication and information

Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States and professional organizations with strengthened capacities to develop Open Access and Open Data policies

70 Member States

Target 2023

35 Member States (5 in Africa, 7 SIDS)

2. Number of Member States supported in the implementation of the 2019 Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER)

60 Member States

Target 2023

15 Member States (6 in Africa, 3 SIDS)

3. Number of Member States supported in the implementation of the 2015 Recommendation concerning the preservation of, and access to, documentary heritage including in digital form, including in their identification of documentary heritage for the Memory of the World International Register

12 Member States

Target 2023

At least 6 Member States (1 in Africa, 1 SIDS)

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Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States supported to develop and implement MIL policies and capacity-building strategies, including the observance of Global MIL Week as per GA Resolution A/RES/75/267

25 Member States (MIL)

Target 2023

10 Member States (3 in Africa, 1 SIDS) (MIL)

2. Number of youth organizations, media or social media platforms that have strengthened capacities to develop and integrate MIL in their operations*

50 youth organizations, media or platforms

Target 2023

50 youth organizations, media or platforms (20 in Africa, 2 SIDS)

3. Number of institutions and Member States supported to strengthen digital competencies, including contextualizing the ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, with a focus on empowering women and youth

Competencies of 54 teacher education institutions in 35 Member States strengthened

Target 2023

15 institutions and/or Member States (4 in Africa, 1 SIDS)

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Sector Outputs

Social and human sciences

Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States implementing AI ethics approaches through national policy and regulatory frameworks, with particular emphasis on diversity and gender equality (research and analysis, data governance, ethical impact assessment, readiness assessment, institution building, among others)


Target 2023

40 (of which 10 in Africa and 5 is SIDS)

2. Number of Member States benefiting from SHS's global reflection, advocacy, awareness-raising and capacity-building assistance in bioethics and ethics of science and technology (including in converging and frontier technologies such as AI, the internet of things, neuro technologies and geoengineering)


Target 2023

30 (of which 10 in Africa and 4 SIDS)

3. Number of Member States upscaling their climate change actions and policies to ensure a fair transition based on the Declaration of Ethical Principles in relation to Climate Change, the work of UNESCO's global advisory bodies, and capacity-building initiatives


Target 2023

30 (of which 10 in Africa and 5 SIDS)

View Projects

Communication and information

Performance Indicators
1. Number of Member States supported in strengthening multi-stakeholder governance of the Internet and emerging technologies

20 Member States

Target 2023

10 Member States (4 in Africa, 1 SIDS)

2. Number of Member States and stakeholders whose Internet policies and digital ecosystems have been assessed and enhanced by applying the Internet Universality Indicators framework

24 Member States and stakeholders

Target 2023

10 Member States and/or stakeholders (3 in Africa, 1 SIDS)

3. Number of Member States that have strengthened legislative and institutional capacities in accordance with international standards on human rights, for the inclusive development and use of digital technologies, such as AI, and that support gender equality*

10 Member States

Target 2023

20 Member States (6 in Africa, 1 SIDS)

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