
Inside AI - An Algorithmic Adventure

UNESCO's first graphic novel on Artificial Intelligence.
Inside AI: an algorithmic adventure

In the framework of UNESCO’s work to harness emerging technologies for sustainable development, this graphic novel for policymakers as well as youth explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence on humankind.

Dive into the world of AI and follow the adventures of four characters whose lives are affected by algorithmic hazards

By following characters in four different corners of the globe as they grapple with the limits of AI technologies, the audience jointly embarks on a mission in an algorithmic galaxy called Plethor.A.I.. There, they have but one option: travel across this hidden world behind our screens to learn about the social, technical, ethical and human rights impacts of Artificial Intelligence, and help the characters find a way back to reality.
Episode I : exposing the digital divide
As Ari is about to hand in a homework, he encounters connectivity problems and gets sucked into the galaxy of Plethor.A.I.. His story teaches us about the disparities in accessibility to new digital technologies and the crucial issue of the digital divide.
Inside AI - An Algorithmic Adventure. Episode I : exposing the digital divide.
Episode II : tackling the algorithmic bias
Maryam is very excited to be interviewing for a data analytics internship. As she tries to be recognized by the portal camera, she is sucked into Plethor.A.I.. She confronts a problem of misrepresentation within the system, revealing to us the open risks of ethical imbalances related to artificial intelligence.
Inside AI - An Algorithmic Adventure. Episode II : tackling the algorithmic bias.
Episode III : highlighting the dangers of the echo chamber
Shirin and her friend Abbi argue about the use of private data by computers. The two soon disappear from the real world and land on Plethor.A.I., where they discover the opportunities and dangers of free access to information.
Inside AI - An Algorithmic Adventure. Episode III : highlighting the dangers of the echo chamber.
Episode IV : discussing the intelligence limits of AI
Joaquín would like his voice assistant to reveal information beyond the capacity of artificial intelligence. As he is sucked into Plethor.A.I., he gets lost in the galaxy of algorithms and learns to find his way back by testing the intelligence of the system. 
Inside AI - An Algorithmic Adventure. Episode IV : discussing the intelligence limits of AI.

An educational graphic novel

UNESCO’s first graphic novel on Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims at providing an educational media to policymakers, adults and youth who are curious and interested in learning more about AI, its challenges and stakes. It features a page for glossary terms at the end of each episode to enlighten AI-specific concepts such as:

The launch of the graphic novel took place on 7 September 2022 during the UNESCO -Southern Africa sub-Regional Forum on Artificial Intelligence (AI) (SARFAI) in Windhoek, Namibia. Watch the launch and interview with the author here.

What AI experts say about the comic strip

“The Future Society shares UNESCO’s stance that AI will shape all of our lives and livelihoods in profound ways, and we must therefore strive to engage a diverse set of stakeholder groups in its responsible development and deployment for the benefit of humanity. We believe it is particularly important to navigate AI opportunities and risks with younger audiences—many of whom will, both in their education and their careers,  grapple with these challenges first-hand and help us navigate towards a better future. We also appreciate the challenge to intuit how nuanced technological concepts translate to outcomes in the physical world, and moreover, how these relate to ethics and human rights.

To this end, The Future Society congratulates the team behind the Inside AI: An Algorithmic Adventure and recognizes the work’s immense educational value, bringing to the forefront timely topics related to AI ethics and governance, including the digital divide, content moderation, data privacy, and super-intelligence.

The art brilliantly complements the text, creating a world in which abstract ideas are made tangible, and are thus approachable and engaging for a younger audience. Finally, we commend the commitment to diversity, as demonstrated by the thoughtful creation of globally-representative characters brought to life by artists, consultants, and creatives from around the world.”

The Future Society