Project ID 2210531023

In the context of the growing number of conflicts and disasters affecting culture, the present workplan contributes to the protection of culture, in its diversity, in emergencies through better preparedness and response. Member States, including in Africa and SIDS, will be better equipped in implementing UNESCO's standard-setting instruments and strategies in relation to emergency situations as well as relevant UN/international policies and processes. To this end, capacities will be strengthened and technical assistance provided, and partnerships with key actors will be pursued and strengthened with the view to integrate culture within humanitarian and security strategies as well as peace-keeping/building processes.

  • On-going

USD 247,447

Total Project Budget

USD 5,008

Total Incurred Expenditures


Start Date 2022.01.01
End Date 2023.12.31
Benchmark as of 2023.09.30

Geographical Scope and Beneficiaries

Country Allocation


Financial plan

Type of Funding Uses of Funding Sources of Funding Project Budget (USD) Incurred Expenditures (USD)

Project contributes to

Contribution to UNESCO Results Framework 2022-2025
Sector: Culture
Outcome 5 - Enhance the protection and promotion of the diversity of heritage and cultural expressions Output: 5.CLT3 - Member States capacities strengthened for better preparedness, mitigation and response to emergencies affecting culture, including in situations of armed conflict and disaster
Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all Output: 1.IP1 - Member States capacities strengthened to enhance the quality of education, nurture creativity and promote respect for cultural diversity
Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
  • 10%
  • 10%
  • 10%
UNESCO Global Priorities and Priority Groups
  • Gender Equality | 5%
  • Youth | 5%
  • Priority Africa | 10%
  • Small Island Developing States | 5%