Project ID 2210572051

Renforcement des activités de communication du secteur de la culture

  • On-going

USD 280,000

Total Project Budget

USD 236,282

Total Incurred Expenditures


Start Date 2022.01.01
End Date 2023.12.31
Benchmark as of 2023.09.30

Geographical Scope and Beneficiaries

Country Allocation

Financial plan

Type of Funding Uses of Funding Sources of Funding Project Budget (USD) Incurred Expenditures (USD)
Assessed Contribution - Assessed Contribution Culture Contribution to Regular Budget 280,000 236,282

Project contributes to

Contribution to UNESCO Results Framework 2022-2025
Sector: Culture
Output: CLT Programme-related, operating and staff costs
Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
  • 20%