
UNESCO trains 86 Malagasy journalists for the 2023 elections in Madagascar

On May 1 and 2 2023, UNESCO trained 86 Malagasy journalists in preparation for the 2023 elections. The teams provided the training with the participation of Ms. Misako Ito, Regional Advisor for Communication and Information for the UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for Eastern Africa in Nairobi.
WPFD Madagascar 2023 - training for journalists

This article was originally published on 19/05/23

Based on modules 1 and 2 of the UNESCO resources "Freedom of Expression and Elections", it was followed in a hybrid format via the network of press rooms that UNESCO supported in 2021 within the framework of the GOUDMADA project. This system allowed the participation of 86 journalists in Antananarivo, Fianarantsoa, Mahajunga, Tulear, and Diego.

As a journalist and a citizen, the training opened my eyes to the consequences of disinformation. In the current electoral context, the technical means suggested by the trainers will help me deliver clear and neutral information, the basis of journalistic work.

Rova Christiane Andriantsileferintsoaa 26-year-old journalist from the MALINA network

The training also highlighted the need for Malagasy equivalents of the terms disinformation, misinformation and malinformation, which can be obstacles to the local appropriation of these concepts.

In parallel, UNESCO organized Master Classes for 300 students, a broadcast of the "Tout va bien" campaign via social networks and a radio debate called "Retrospective on press freedom and freedom of expression to build a future of rights".

"Tout va bien" campaign translated in Malagasy
Campagne "tout va bien" traduite en malgache

2023 is an election year for Madagascar, a crucial time to protect freedom of expression, fight against fake news and hate speech, which proliferate especially on the Internet and social networks. Several actions must be undertaken to strengthen the right to freedom of expression. The training will be followed by efforts by the journalists' networks on the ground and by further activity organized by the partners in Madagascar.