Structured Financing Dialogue with Member States

UNESCO has adopted the practice of Structured Financing Dialogues (SFD), as one facet of its overall strategy to create a better enabling environment for resource mobilization. SFD aims to monitor and follow up the adequacy, predictability, flexibility, transparency and alignment of both regular programme and voluntary contributions, including information on resource requirements.
Last update: 28 апреля 2022


Event page (web cast)


UNESCO's 2022 Structured Financing Dialogue (SFD) is organized in the context of the launching of the newly adopted Medium-Term Strategy for 2022-2027 (41 C/4) and Programme and Budget for 2022-2023 (41 C/5), as well as of  the presentation at the 214th session of the Executive Board of the updated UNESCO Resource Mobilization Strategy for 2022-2023 (214 EX/5.II.B). It will be complemented by the Partners’ Forum in the fall 2022, which will focus primarily on diversifying UNESCO’s donor base, notably by attracting new private partners.

SFD Agenda 14 April, 19-21 April
14 April 2022: Plenary Session (online)
19-21 April 2022: Dialogues with Major Programmes and ADM (online)
Fit for purpose

New high-impact tools, policies and practices

Where does UNESCO stand on the SFD principles?

Jean-Yves Le Saux, Director, the Bureau of Strategic Planning

Our purpose, relevance and needs

UNESCO's funding needs for 2022-2023

Major Programmes and Central Service

Natural Sciences
Social and Human Sciences
Communication and Information
Administration and Management

Intersectoral Programmes

Learning For Diversity

Strengthening Synergies Between Culture and Education

Advancing Scientific and Environmental Education
Promoting Indigenous Knowledge, Culture and Languages
Media and Information Literacy and Digital Competencies

Global Priority Africa

Flagship Programmes
Operational Strategy for Priority Africa 2022-2029
Campus Africa
General History of Africa
Fostering Cultural Heritage and Capacity Development

Global Priority Gender Equality

The value of partnering with UNESCO for Gender Equality
UNESCO Global Experts Facility


Autumn Session (200 EX/5.III.E)

Presentation to the Board

Spring Session (199 EX/5.II.F)

Presentation to the Board