About UNESCO Dar es Salaam

UNESCO in Tanzania was established in 1974 and is recognized for the central role played in providing material and moral support to the liberation movements which led to the struggle for independence in Southern Africa.

UNESCO Dar es Salaam is a National Office in the East African Region that works in collaboration with the Government, Civil Society, Private Sector and development partners within the UN Delivering as One framework with other UN Agencies to develop and strengthen policies and programmes with the aim to further the building of peace, poverty eradication, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.


Building peaceful, inclusive and just knowledge societies
Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3) Project
Reducing stigma and discrimination in classrooms
Empowering youth for sustainable development
3 students looking at a laptop

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UNESCO Sites & Designations in Africa

World Heritage Sites

in Africa

Elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage

and Safeguarding practices in Africa

Endangered Languages

registered by African States are being monitored

Biosphere Reserves

in Africa

Creative cities

in Africa

Heritage documentaries

in the Region listed on the Memory of the World Register (MoW)

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and learn more about our actions and work at UNESCO Dar es Salaam