Plan de dépenses

USD 122K

Dépenses encourues



Sources de financement et utilisation des fonds

Type de financement Utilisation des fonds Sources de financement Planifiés (en milliers d'USD) Dépenses encourues (en milliers d'USD)
Total 549 122
Culture 6 5
Natural sciences 358 49
Andean Development Corporation
Andean Development Corporation
Social and human sciences 19 -
Education 152 59
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Culture 14 8

Le financement est centré sur

Objectifs de développement durable
Priorités globales et groupes de priorités de l'UNESCO
  • Gender Equality
  • Small Island Developing States
  • Youth

Contribution au cadre de résultats de l'UNESCO 2022-2025

Le plan d'action pour la période entre 2022 et 2025, structuré par des Programmes, des Effets et des Produits.
Effets et Produits Planifiés (en milliers d'USD) Dépenses encourues (en milliers d'USD)
Total 549 122
Outcome 3 - Enhance knowledge for climate action, biodiversity, water and ocean management, and disaster risk reduction 358 49
3.SC2 - Water science, innovation, education, management, cooperation and governance bolstered for a water secure world in a changing environment 358 49
Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 152 59
1.ED6 - Resilience, quality and equity of education systems strengthened to flexibly respond to evolving learning environments and to better deliver on SDG4 commitments 152 59
Outcome 5 - Enhance the protection and promotion of the diversity of heritage and cultural expressions 19 14
5.CLT1 - Member States capacities strengthened to identify, protect and manage tangible heritage 19 14
Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 19 -
7.SHS4 - Member States capacities strengthened to devise and prioritize effective youth policies and interventions that provide youth with opportunities to meaningfully engage in policy-making and to scale up youth-led solutions at global, regional, national and local level 19 -


Les projets sont une séquence d'activités budgétisées, quelle que soit la source de financement, qui contribuent aux résultats de l'Organisation et doivent être achevés dans un délai convenu. Les projets peuvent inclure des sous-activités et peuvent être liés à un Programme plus large.
Note: For projects with multiple beneficiaries, the distribution of budget and expenditure figures at the beneficiary level is based on indicative percentages.
N° du projet Intitulé du projet Utilisation des fonds Budget du projet (USD) Dépenses encourues cumulées (USD) Date de début Date de fin État
2210516112 Supporting Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay in the conservation, safeguard and preservation of heritage 40,000 24,803 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Argentina 13,200 8,185
Paraguay 13,600 8,433
Uruguay 13,200 8,185
2210516113 Supporting Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay in the conservation, safeguard and preservation of heritage 3,696 3,696 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Argentina 1,220 1,220
Paraguay 1,257 1,257
Uruguay 1,220 1,220
2210516114 Supporting Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay in the conservation, safeguard and preservation of heritage 12,970 12,459 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Argentina 4,280 4,111
Paraguay 4,410 4,236
Uruguay 4,280 4,111
475RLA1000 Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE) 5,614,655 5,320,231 2009-06-29 2024-12-31 On-going
Argentina 63,342 47,747
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 31,671 23,873
Brazil 63,342 47,747
Chile 31,671 23,873
Colombia 63,342 47,747
Costa Rica 63,342 47,747
Cuba 63,342 47,747
Dominican Republic 63,342 47,747
Ecuador 63,342 47,747
Guatemala 63,342 47,747
Honduras 63,342 47,747
Mexico 42,228 31,831
Nicaragua 63,342 47,747
Panama 63,342 47,747
Peru 63,342 47,747
Paraguay 63,342 47,747
El Salvador 63,342 47,747
Uruguay 63,342 47,747
475RLA1041 Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE): cycle 2022-2026. ERCE 2025. 4,575,000 218,773 2022-01-01 2026-12-31 On-going
Latin America and the Caribbean 534,295 65,632
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 89,049 10,939
Uruguay 89,049 10,939
El Salvador 89,049 10,939
Paraguay 89,049 10,939
Peru 89,049 10,939
Panama 89,049 10,939
Guatemala 89,049 10,939
Ecuador 89,049 10,939
Dominican Republic 89,049 10,939
Costa Rica 89,049 10,939
Colombia 89,049 10,939
Chile 89,049 10,939
Brazil 89,049 10,939
Argentina 89,049 10,939
570RLA3001 UNESCO-Nestlé Alliance - Because Youth Matter - A Pilot in Latin America 490,500 - 2023-03-07 2024-09-30 On-going
Latin America and the Caribbean 55,590 -
Argentina 18,530 -
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 18,530 -
Brazil 18,530 -
Chile 18,530 -
Colombia 18,530 -
Costa Rica 18,530 -
Ecuador 18,530 -
Guatemala 18,530 -
Honduras 18,530 -
Mexico 18,530 -
Nicaragua 18,530 -
Panama 18,530 -
Peru 18,530 -
Paraguay 18,530 -
El Salvador 18,530 -
Uruguay 18,530 -
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 18,530 -
729RLA2000 Implementation of the Guarani Aquifer Strategic Action Program (GEF/CAF) 2,000,000 196,311 2023-06-29 2024-06-28 On-going
Argentina 358,353 49,078
Brazil 358,353 49,078
Paraguay 358,353 49,078
Uruguay 358,353 49,078