
2nd Congress of the Network of MAB Focal Point Committees and Biosphere Reserves of the Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal (Iberomab Network)

The 2nd Congress of the IberoMAB network taking place in Copán Ruinas, Honduras, in the Trifinio-Fraternindad Transboundary Biosphere Reserve, will commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the network.
Poster 2nd IberoMAB Congress 2023
2nd Congress of the Network of MAB Focal Point Committees and Biosphere Reserves of the Latin-America and the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal (Iberomab Network), "It’s About Life"
Copan, Honduras
Rooms :
Copan, Honduras
Type :
Cat VI – Expert Committee
Arrangement type :

It is an opportunity to evaluate the road traveled and the achievements made by the IberoMAB network since its creation in 1997. 

Participants will conduct an intermediate evaluation of the achievement of the Lima Action Plan for UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves (2016-2025). Needs and challenges will be identified, and submitted to the MAB programme for consideration during the elaboration of the next MAB Strategy, to be developed from 2026 onwards.