Lévi Trésor Byarurema


UNESCO Qualifications Passport: Lévi’s journey from refugee to university

In a world where refugees and migrants face numerous barriers, access to university often remains an elusive dream. Just 6% of refugees globally have access to higher education. That is exactly why the UNESCO Qualifications Passport was created in 2019. It is designed to help refugees and other crisis-affected displaced populations access higher education. The Organization has developed an innovative tool, which aims to provide academic recognition and opportunities for those seeking refuge in their host countries and beyond. Lévi Trésor Byarurema, a 28-year-old Congolese student in Italy, is one of the beneficiaries of this unique programme.  

Lévi, a young student from the Democratic Republic of Congo, found himself displaced from his home country due to instability. Seeking safety and a chance at a brighter future, he sought refuge in Zambia. It was there, at the refugee camp of Meheba that he learned about the UNESCO Qualifications Passport and realized its potential to open doors for his educational aspirations. After going through the assessment process to evaluate his academic credentials, Lévi received his Qualifications Passport in 2021. In December 2022, he embarked on a journey to Italy where he is currently pursuing a master's degree in communications at the University of Brescia.

In 2020, I obtained the UNESCO Qualifications Passport which helped get employment in Zambia. And thanks to this Qualifications Passport, I was able to come to Italy and pursue my studies.

Lévi Trésor Byarurema-video

Lévi’s interview on France 24

The UNESCO Qualifications Passport serves as a universal proof of academic qualifications for refugees and vulnerable migrants. Although this document does not constitute a formal recognition or authorization to practice a certain profession, it summarizes and presents available information on the applicant’s educational level, work experience and language proficiency. It serves provides clear instructions on how their qualifications can be utilized in their host countries. By bridging the gap between their previous educational achievements and the opportunities in their new surroundings, the Qualifications Passport empowers refugees and migrants to pursue further studies or secure employment, ensuring a sense of stability and self-sufficiency.

What you need to know about the UNESCO Qualifications Passport for Refugees and Vulnerable Migrants

For Lévi and many others, the UNESCO Qualifications Passport has become a beacon of hope, enabling them to rebuild their lives and pursue their dreams. By providing a recognized and accessible certification of their qualifications, this initiative breaks down the barriers that often hinder refugees and migrants from accessing higher education in their host countries. The Qualifications Passport not only empowers individuals to continue their education but also equips them with the necessary tools to integrate into their new societies and contribute to their communities.

The UNESCO Qualifications Passport is a testament to the positive impact that can be achieved through innovative projects that provide refugees and migrants with a recognized pathway to higher education. It instills hope and empowers individuals to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities. Lévi’s journey serves as an inspiring example of the transformative power of education when coupled with initiatives that value the unique experiences of those in search of safety and opportunity.

The UNESCO Qualifications Passport for refugees and vulnerable migrants project is benefiting from a renewed contribution by the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.