
IICBA Reports

IICBA Reports are corporate reports, such as reports for donors on the implementation of particular projects, independent evaluations of projects or other Institute activities, or strategic documents and annual reports produced by the Institute. These reports are typically not authored. On this page you will find reports that are formatted in a similar way as part of the new IICBA Reports Series created in 2023, as well as a selection of previous reports.

Strengthening Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Pre- and In-service Teachers in Africa: Progress Report

Mental health and well-being have received increasing recognition following COVID-19, yet persistent challenges continue to exist within the education sector and such support is often not sufficiently given to teachers. UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA) has been partnering with the UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for Southern Africa since 2020 to build resilience and strengthen mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for teachers and teacher educators in selected sub-Saharan African countries. The project is anchored within the framework of UNESCO’s regional programme “Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3)”, which envisions a sub-Saharan Africa where all adolescents and young people attain positive health, education, and gender equality outcomes. This synthesis report summarizes the progress made since the outset of the initiative.

O3 cover

Report of the CESA Teacher Development Cluster on Activities for 2022-23

The CESA cluster managed by IICBA has met on a quarterly basis over the period in review and has continued to make progress on core activities. Eight developments are worth emphasizing: (1) Cluster members have promoted the use by member states of existing African Union instruments on professional standards and competencies for teachers; (2) The cluster has shepherded the adoption of new African Union instruments; (3) Cluster members have actively collaborated with other CESA clusters, the African Union ESTI team and its two centers CIEFFA and IPED; (4) The cluster has helped organize the Continental Teacher Award; (5) The cluster has contributed to the preparation of the African Union’s Year of Education in 2024; (6) Funding has been provided for a review of CESA 16-25 through KIX Africa 19; (7) The cluster implemented a survey of its members to assess priorities; and (8) The cluster has agreed to new activities.


UNESCO IICBA Financial Statements 2022

This report provides the financial statements of UNESCO IICBA for calendar year 2022.  These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and comply with the Financial Regulations of the UNESCO. Revenue in 2022 increased by 31 percent versus 2021 while expenditure decreased by 12 percent, leading to an increase in net assets. The report is available here.

UNESCO IICBA Financial Statements 2022

IICBA Strategic Plan 2023-25 Report

IICBA’s strategic plan is available here. IICBA’s mission is crystallized in its new motto: “Empowering teachers for all learners to thrive.” IICBA implements its mission through three main lines of action: (1) research and knowledge; (2) policy dialogue and advocacy; and (3) capacity enhancement. Research informs policy dialogue and advocacy, which in turn help set priorities for capacity enhancement.

IICBA Strategic Plan 2023 - 2025

Prevention of Extremism through Education in Africa: End-of-Project External Evaluation Report

Excerpts from the Executive Summary: “The following are the key evaluation findings: In terms of effectiveness, the project components and objectives were relevant, project outputs were appropriate and well used, the project main goal was realised, teamwork was achieved, and the project had a high level of visibility. In terms of efficiency, internal structures were well utilised to achieve project objectives, value for money realised, project scope fully covered, resources and funds well distributed and managed, all project activities implemented as planned and project targets were met. In terms of sustainability, local stakeholders were involved, government departments participated in the project, stakeholders were committed to continuously supporting project activities, the Training of Trainers (ToT) strategy was used to extend training to various training institutions, peace clubs were established to continue activities with support from the training institutions, local resources were used to support project activities and peace education was integrated in the traditional training curriculum.”

Prevention of Extremism through Education in Africa: End-of-Project External Evaluation Report

Prevention of Extremism through Education in Africa: Japanese Supplementary Budget Project JFY2021 Final Narrative Report

This report details the purpose, activities, and outcomes of the FY2021 Japanese supplementary budget project “Prevention of Extremism and its Resurgence amid the COVID-19 Pandemic through Education in Africa, aligned with the Spirit of TICAD7 and NAPSA.” The project was designed in response to the emerging issues of violence in and around learning environment amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Building on the previous Japan-funded peacebuilding projects, 10 countries were selected as direct target countries, while other countries were also supported to maintain good practices and initiatives which started during the previous project periods. This project aimed to support African Member States in enhancing their capacity to use education to prevent violent extremism amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Violent extremism is a complex phenomenon that requires both structural and cultural approaches. It necessitates a thorough understanding of dynamic local contexts, including power structures, historical background, and spiritual beliefs, to address its root causes. Individuals thus need the competencies to critically reflect on their surroundings and prevalent narratives, collaborate with others, and find alternative nonviolent actions, making the role of teachers and education critical.


Prevention of Extremism through Education in Africa: Japanese Supplementary Budget Project JFY2021 Final Narrative Report

Selected Previous Reports (Up to 2022)

Bespoke Peacebuilding Training for Rotarians and Young Peace Advocates in Nigeria: Training Report

KIX Africa 19 Hub In-Depth Country Mapping

Promoting the Professionalization of Teaching in Asia-Pacific and Africa through the Development and Operationalization of National Teacher Competencies and Teaching Standards Frameworks (Shanghai-FIT)

GPE-KIX Africa 19 Hub convenes a Community of Practice on Electronic Management Information Systems for Data Officers at Ministries of Education

The African Union (AU) Continental Teacher Award 2020. Theme: Schools as development hubs to empower teachers after COVID-19. Event Report

Virtual Workshop: Benchmarking on the Establishment and Functionality of a National Teacher Council for Uganda: Meeting Report

Norwegian Teacher Initiative Teacher Policy Capacity Workshop-Malawi: Meeting Report

Consultation and Experience Sharing Meeting on Silencing the Guns in Africa by the Year 2020 through Investing in Youth Education: Meeting Report

La Réunion sur « les Modalités de soutien et de motivation des enseignants. Cas du Burundi. »

Teacher Training and Development for Peace-Building in the Horn of Africa and Surrounding Countries: Mid-Project Donor Report 2017

Peace and Resilience Building and Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) in Africa: Final Narrative Report

Youth Empowerment for Peace and Resilience Building and Prevention of Violent Extremism in Sahel Countries through Teacher Development: Donor Report

Webinar on Teachers: Leading in Crisis, Reimagining the Future - Webinar Report

Indo-Africa Discussion: Sharing Experiences on Teachers During COVID-19: Meeting Report

Psychosocial Support to Teachers during COVID-19 Crisis: Meeting Report

Conducting Learning Assessment in Africa during School Closures: Meeting Report

Next Einstein Forum - African Science Week in Ethiopia 2019: The second annual Africa Science Week (ASW) in Ethiopia, co-organized by UNESCO IICBA and Next Einstein Forum (NEF) held from 14 to 20 December 2019

Regional Experience Sharing and Consultation Workshop on Quality and Relevance of Education for Adolescent Girls in Africa: Report

Play and Resilience: A China-Africa Collaboration Project for Building a Peaceful and Sustainable Future, 10 to 11 July 2019 - Dissemination Seminar Report

Next Einstein Forum - African Science Week: Ethiopia Report

End of Project Report : Teacher Training and Development for Peace - building in the Horn of Africa and Surrounding Countries

Consultation and Experience Sharing Workshop between the Sahel and the Horn of Africa: Peace-Building and the Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education

Play and Resilience: A China-Africa Collaboration Project for Building a Peaceful & Sustainable Future: A Peer Review Meeting

Training of Trainers Report: For the project on "Teacher Training and Development for Peace-Building in the Horn of Africa and Surrounding Countries"

End-Term Evaluation of the Project “Retaining Girls in Lower Secondary Schools and Increasing their Learning Outcomes in Gambella and Somali Regional States, Ethiopia” - Final Report

End-Term Evaluation of the Project “Retaining Girls in Lower Secondary Schools and Increasing their Learning Outcomes in Afar and Benishangul Gumuz Regional States, Ethiopia” - Final Report

Training of a Master Corps of Educators from African Countries to Inspire Adolescent Girls to Pursue STEAM Careers - TeachHer 2016-2017

Enhancing the Quality and Relevance of Education for Adolescent Girls in Africa: Ethiopia and Ghana -  2016-2017 Activity Brief

Project Brief on JFIT Retaining Girls in Lower Secondary Schools and Increasing Their Learning Outcomes in Ethiopia

Report on the Follow-up Plan Meeting Held in Addis Ababa on June 7th and 8th 2017

Experience-Sharing Workshop: Enhancing Institutional Capacity for Gender Mainstreaming in Education - Summary Report

Roundtable Side Event:  Eleventh session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage