GPE commits to supporting countries to build back better education systems, unlocking US$500 million to help mitigate the disruptions to education caused by COVID-19. The funds will sustain learning for up to 355 million children in 67 eligible countries, ensuring that girls, and the most marginalized, are not left behind.

Global Partnership for Education (GPE)

Washington D.C., United States of America
International or regional organization
Established : 2002
Education and COVID-19 Response

Support the equitable continuation of learning
During the COVID-19 pandemic
Ensure a full and fair return to education
Following the pandemic
Strengthen learning systems
For the future
Strengthen gender equality in and through education

More than 160 million girls in 58 partner countries are affected by nationwide school closures. School closures will exacerbate existing inequalities, with girls and disadvantaged children likely to experience greater losses of learning.

GPE is committed to ensuring a strong gender focus in its COVID-19 support, including support for gender equality in grants funding COVID-19 mitigation and recovery. As part of GPE’s efforts to support gender, GPE has incorporated gender into the COVID-19 rapid response grant monitoring and evaluation framework. Grantees must collect data, analyze and report on the relevance and effectiveness of grants in addressing the specific barriers to learning faced and where relevant report number of girls reached through sensitization programs on early marriage, early pregnancies and importance of continuing learning or number of children reached through distance learning materials that include content on transformation of unequal gender norms, among other key indicators.

Regional Focus


Member Video

GPE is committed to ensuring that no child loses the opportunity of an education in the wake of the pandemic. GPE is supporting partner countries to strengthen their education systems and build resilience for the future, by:

• Keeping students learning and providing support so the most vulnerable students, especially the poorest girls, are not left behind.
• Supporting education systems and teachers during the crisis, ensuring that schools can safely reopen and that learning gaps are closed.
• Supporting governments to rapidly develop mitigation and response plans, safeguard education spending, and helping to align external funding behind national priorities.

GPE has unlocked US$500 million to help developing countries mitigate the immediate and long-term disruptions to education being caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds will help sustain learning for up to 355 million children in 67 eligible countries, with a focus on ensuring that girls, and children from the poorest families, are not left behind.

US$25 million has been set aside to support global and regional coordination, learning and knowledge -sharing.

GPE has also provided US$8.8 million in emergency funding to UNICEF to support coordinated response planning, communication around safe school operations and building capacity for the current and future pandemics.

Action areas

Learner Wellbeing

Learning opportunities

Universal Connectivity

Distribute hardware and relevant software to disadvantaged learners and teachers

Digital Learning Content

Establish and expand repositories of learning resources
Create or enable access to teacher training resources

Capacity Development

Capacity development to manage the reopening and return to education
Capacity development to strengthen system resilience and response to future shocks

Advocacy and Communication

Back-to-school campaigns

Advocacy and Communication

Financial support to beneficiary countries

Primary Contact

Ms. Sarah Beardmore

Senior Strategy and Policy Officer

Senior Contact

Ms. Alice Albright

Chief Executive Officer