
République-Unie de Tanzanie flag

République-Unie de Tanzanie


Plan de dépenses

USD 1,008K

Dépenses encourues



Sources de financement et utilisation des fonds

Type de financement Utilisation des fonds Sources de financement Planifiés (en milliers d'USD) Dépenses encourues (en milliers d'USD)
Total 1,662 1,008
Communication and information 89 72
Culture 463 139
Alwaleed Philanthropies
Alwaleed Philanthropies
Saudi Arabia
Education 445 282
United Nations Children's Fund
Republic of Korea
Natural sciences 219 238
Social and human sciences 177 147
UN - Tanzania one UN Fund
UN Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Communication and information 40 39
Culture 10 9
Education 84 15
Natural sciences 55 45
Culture 81 21

Le financement est centré sur

Objectifs de développement durable
Priorités globales et groupes de priorités de l'UNESCO
  • Gender Equality
  • Priority Africa
  • Small Island Developing States
  • Youth

Contribution au cadre de résultats de l'UNESCO 2022-2025

Le plan d'action pour la période entre 2022 et 2025, structuré par des Programmes, des Effets et des Produits.
Effets et Produits Planifiés (en milliers d'USD) Dépenses encourues (en milliers d'USD)
Total 1,662 1,008
Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 245 96
1.ED2 - Gender transformative education systems empower learners, ensure safe learning environments and address the educational barriers, particularly for girls and women, exacerbated by the learning crisis 96 96
1.ED6 - Resilience, quality and equity of education systems strengthened to flexibly respond to evolving learning environments and to better deliver on SDG4 commitments 149 -
Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 284 201
7.ED3 - Learners are empowered to lead healthy lives, promote sustainable development and engage with the world as creative and responsible global citizens 284 201
Outcome 5 - Enhance the protection and promotion of the diversity of heritage and cultural expressions 554 169
5.CLT1 - Member States capacities strengthened to identify, protect and manage tangible heritage 343 64
5.CLT4 - Member States and communities capacities strengthened to identify, safeguard and promote living heritage 81 21
5.CLT5 - Member States and civil society capacities strengthened to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions through dynamic and inclusive cultural and creative industries 36 36
5.CLT6 - Member States capacities strengthened to promote, monitor and measure the contribution of culture to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local, national and regional levels 94 48
Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 2 2
1.SC6 - Institutional and human capacities strengthened in STEM education in a gender transformative manner for sustainable development 2 2
Outcome 3 - Enhance knowledge for climate action, biodiversity, water and ocean management, and disaster risk reduction 49 40
3.SC1 - Inclusive knowledge and capacities of Member States strengthened to advance and apply science for sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and restoration, and disaster risk resilience 26 20
3.SC2 - Water science, innovation, education, management, cooperation and governance bolstered for a water secure world in a changing environment 23 20
Outcome 4 - Advance international cooperation in science, technology and innovation 223 242
4.SC4 - Member States capacities strengthened to improve STI policies, access to scientific and technological advancements and enhance knowledge sharing, including through Open Science 221 240
4.SC5 - Institutional and human capacities in basic sciences, technology, research, innovation, and engineering enhanced to advance knowledge for sustainable development 2 2
Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 177 147
7.SHS1 - Member States capacities strengthened to advance effective policies and practices to achieve inclusive development through the promotion of human rights, scientific freedom, intercultural understanding and by tackling all forms of discrimination and racism 75 57
7.SHS3 - Member States capacities are strengthened to scale up their policy, institutional and legislative actions towards gender equality, to eliminate gender-based violence and discrimination, gender biases and stereotypes, including in the digital world 102 91
Outcome 6 - Promote freedom of expression and the right to information 129 112
6.CI2 - Member States have strengthened capacities and raised awareness to enhance norms and policies related to freedom of expression, press freedom, safety of journalists, including women journalists, and the right to access information, online and offline 92 94
6.CI3 - Member States and media institutions enabled to strengthen media development and media pluralism, including through the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) 36 17


Les projets sont une séquence d'activités budgétisées, quelle que soit la source de financement, qui contribuent aux résultats de l'Organisation et doivent être achevés dans un délai convenu. Les projets peuvent inclure des sous-activités et peuvent être liés à un Programme plus large.
Note: For projects with multiple beneficiaries, the distribution of budget and expenditure figures at the beneficiary level is based on indicative percentages.
N° du projet Intitulé du projet Utilisation des fonds Budget du projet (USD) Dépenses encourues cumulées (USD) Date de début Date de fin État
199GLO4150 Strengthening capacities at the national and local levels for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in the United Republic of Tanzania and contributing to sustainable development
United Republic of Tanzania
81,271 21,411 2022-03-17 2023-12-31 On-going
2210211061 Indigenous and local knowledge for environmental and climate assessments and policies 94,012 63,059 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Guyana 9,401 6,306
Fiji 9,401 6,306
Dominican Republic 9,401 6,306
Botswana 9,401 6,306
Kenya 4,701 3,153
Cambodia 4,701 3,153
Malawi 9,401 6,306
Namibia 9,401 6,306
Chad 9,401 6,306
Thailand 9,401 6,306
United Republic of Tanzania 9,401 6,306
2210211063 Indigenous and local knowledge for environmental and climate assessments and policies 3,855 3,855 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Botswana 386 385
Dominican Republic 386 385
Fiji 386 385
Guyana 386 385
Kenya 193 193
Cambodia 193 193
Malawi 386 385
Namibia 386 385
Chad 386 385
Thailand 386 385
United Republic of Tanzania 386 385
2210212061 Promoting best practices for biodiversity and ecosystem management in Eastern Africa 75,700 70,873 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
South Sudan 15,140 14,175
United Republic of Tanzania 7,570 7,087
Uganda 7,570 7,087
Djibouti 7,570 7,087
Kenya 15,140 14,175
Comoros 7,570 7,087
Rwanda 15,140 14,175
2210212062 Promoting best practices for biodiversity and ecosystem management in Eastern Africa 10,500 8,000 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Djibouti 1,050 800
Kenya 2,100 1,600
Comoros 1,050 800
Rwanda 2,100 1,600
United Republic of Tanzania 1,050 800
Uganda 1,050 800
South Sudan 2,100 1,600
2210212121 Enabling youth engagement and gender transformative policies in disaster risk reduction 45,300 37,353 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Africa 15,855 13,074
South Sudan 2,265 1,868
Uganda 2,265 1,868
United Republic of Tanzania 2,265 1,868
Somalia 2,265 1,868
Seychelles 2,265 1,868
Rwanda 2,265 1,868
Mauritius 2,265 1,868
Madagascar 2,265 1,868
Comoros 2,265 1,868
Kenya 2,265 1,868
Ethiopia 2,265 1,868
Eritrea 2,265 1,868
Djibouti 2,265 1,868
2210212151 Indigenous and local knowledge implications for climate and disaster resilience 20,000 13,569 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Kenya 5,000 3,392
Madagascar 5,000 3,392
United Republic of Tanzania 5,000 3,392
Uganda 5,000 3,392
United Republic of Tanzania
23,000 19,881 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 Completed
2210242051 Promoting evidence-based policy development on science, technology and innovation in Eastern Africa 11,800 7,898 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Rwanda 2,360 1,580
United Republic of Tanzania 2,360 1,580
Uganda 2,360 1,580
South Sudan 2,360 1,580
Kenya 2,360 1,580
2210242071 Enabling environment for open science in Eastern Africa 10,800 7,299 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Burundi 432 292
Djibouti 756 511
Eritrea 756 511
Ethiopia 756 511
Kenya 756 511
Comoros 756 511
Madagascar 756 511
Mauritius 756 511
Rwanda 756 511
Seychelles 756 511
Sudan 540 365
Somalia 756 511
United Republic of Tanzania 756 511
Uganda 756 511
South Sudan 756 511
2210252051 Capacity development in basic sciences, technology, research, innovation, and engineering in Eastern Africa 20,000 19,907 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Ethiopia 4,000 3,981
Kenya 4,000 3,981
Rwanda 4,000 3,981
United Republic of Tanzania 2,000 1,991
Uganda 4,000 3,981
South Sudan 2,000 1,991
2210262021 Gender transformative policies and Strategies on STEM Education developed Ethiopia 10,000 7,297 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
2210262051 Advancing gender transformative STEM education in Eastern Africa 10,000 9,962 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
South Sudan 2,000 1,992
Uganda 2,000 1,992
United Republic of Tanzania 2,000 1,992
Rwanda 2,000 1,992
Kenya 2,000 1,992
2210512011 1972/Strengthening capacities to protect World Heritage for Sustainable Development in East Africa 75,000 68,486 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Africa 12,750 11,643
Uganda 23,250 21,231
United Republic of Tanzania 9,750 8,903
Madagascar 9,750 8,903
Kenya 9,750 8,903
Ethiopia 9,750 8,903
2210512012 1972/Strengthening capacities to protect World Heritage for Sustainable Development in East Africa 22,753 4,026 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Africa 3,868 684
Uganda 7,053 1,248
United Republic of Tanzania 2,958 523
Madagascar 2,958 523
Kenya 2,958 523
Ethiopia 2,958 523
2210622011 Normative support to advance freedom of expression and the right to information in Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania
40,000 39,378 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
2210622012 Normative support to advance freedom of expression and the right to information in Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania
2,314 1,443 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
226URT3000 Delivering as One Project to prevent and respond to Violence against Women and Children
United Republic of Tanzania
284,566 272,902 2018-02-28 2023-06-30 Completed
226URT5002 Delivering as One Programme on Democratic Governance, Human Rights and Gender Equality
United Republic of Tanzania
251,307 244,901 2018-02-28 2023-06-30 Completed
226URT5003 UNDAP II Women's Political Participation and Leadership
United Republic of Tanzania
105,834 86,890 2018-02-02 2023-06-30 On-going
257GLO1046.2.13 Tanzania - UNAIDS country envelope 2023
United Republic of Tanzania
58,879 14,763 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
261RAF3000 Ending Disability Stigma and Discrimination 306,116 234,743 2021-04-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Mozambique 74,823 56,979
Namibia 74,823 56,979
United Republic of Tanzania 74,823 56,979
Zimbabwe 74,823 56,979
503GLO4001 Reshaping cultural policies for the promotion of fundamental freedoms and the diversity of cultural expressions 3,450,908 3,437,938 2018-07-01 2022-07-01 Completed
Global 620,735 620,697
Zimbabwe 35,812 35,809
Uganda 35,812 35,809
United Republic of Tanzania 35,812 35,809
Senegal 35,812 35,809
State of Palestine 35,812 35,809
Peru 35,812 35,809
Mauritius 35,812 35,809
Mongolia 35,812 35,809
Mali 35,812 35,809
Jamaica 35,812 35,809
Bangladesh 35,812 35,809
Burkina Faso 35,812 35,809
Colombia 35,812 35,809
Algeria 35,812 35,809
Ethiopia 35,812 35,809
Indonesia 35,812 35,809
503RAF1002 Sustainability Starts with Teachers SST 2,369,315 2,277,848 2018-11-01 2023-06-30 On-going
Zimbabwe 199,920 186,200
Zambia 199,920 186,200
South Africa 79,968 74,480
United Republic of Tanzania 199,920 186,200
Eswatini 79,968 74,480
Namibia 79,968 74,480
Mozambique 173,264 161,374
Malawi 79,968 74,480
Lesotho 79,968 74,480
Botswana 79,968 74,480
Angola 79,968 74,480
503RAF2005 Strengthening STI Systems for sustainable development in Africa 2,920,877 2,897,867 2020-10-15 2022-12-31 Completed
Africa 873,453 952,315
Congo 218,363 238,079
Ghana 218,363 238,079
Namibia 218,363 238,079
Sierra Leone 218,363 238,079
United Republic of Tanzania 218,363 238,079
Zimbabwe 218,363 238,079
505RAF4001 Creating a Sustainable Heritage Ecosystem for Socio-economic Development in Africa 2,500,000 - 2023-06-01 2026-06-01 On-going
United Republic of Tanzania 60,511 -
Sao Tome and Principe 53,787 -
Somalia 40,340 -
Namibia 67,234 -
Mauritania 67,234 -
Comoros 114,298 -
Guinea-Bissau 40,340 -
Equatorial Guinea 40,340 -
Ghana 67,234 -
Gabon 67,234 -
Djibouti 53,787 -
526URT1000 Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women through Education in Tanzania
United Republic of Tanzania
5,049,735 5,049,525 2016-06-24 2022-12-15 Completed
Kenya 76,510 31,580
Comoros 107,114 44,212
Madagascar 86,712 35,791
Somalia 137,718 56,844
United Republic of Tanzania 102,014 42,107
537URT4000 Rehabilitation of the Majestic Cinema theatre in Stone Town for socio-economic development in Zanzibar
United Republic of Tanzania
400,000 12,534 2022-10-19 2024-10-18 On-going
570GLO4029 Fostering community-based development through culture-related TVET and employment 1,000,000 118,972 2022-11-25 2025-12-31 On-going
Global 47,058 23,794
Argentina 94,115 47,589
United Republic of Tanzania 94,115 47,589
201URT1000 GPE LEG Assessment for Tanzania Mainland
United Republic of Tanzania
149,000 - 2023-08-15 2023-12-31 On-going
2210262022 Gender transformative policies and Strategies on STEM Education developed Ethiopia 35,000 - 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going