Utilisation des fonds

Les projets de l'UNESCO englobent un large éventail de compétences dans les domaines de l'éducation, des sciences naturelles, des sciences sociales et humaines, de la culture, de la communication et de l'information. Des dépenses biennales sont prévues dans chacun de ces grands programmes ainsi que pour les services généraux.

    Couverture géographique

    Plan global de dépenses

    Dépenses planifiées (en milliers d'USD)

    Plan global de dépenses

    Répartition du plan de dépenses par Programme

    Secteur Dépenses planifiées (en milliers d'USD)
    Natural sciences
    Communication and information
    Social and human sciences
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
    Priority Africa and External Relations Sector
    Bureau for Digital Business Solutions
    Communication and Public Engagement
    Participation Programme


    Projects are a sequence of budgeted activities, regardless of the source of funding, that contribute to the Organization's Outputs and must be completed within an agreed timeframe. Projects can include sub-activities and can be linked to a wider Programme.
    Note: For projects with multiple beneficiaries, the distribution of budget and expenditure figures at the beneficiary level is based on indicative percentages.
    Pays / région bénéficiaire
    235MAG5002 Rary Aro Mada Madagascar 350,000 299,126 2021-01-21 2023-01-21
    235MAU4000 Renforcement du leadership des femmes dans la prévention et lutte contre l'extrémisme violent, à travers la participation à la justice pénale, la promotion de la cohésion sociale et de l'identité culturelle Mauritania 400,011 288,545 2020-10-08 2022-07-20
    235MLI1000 Projet conjoint UNESCO-FAO-OIM Mali 335,000 137,263 2022-03-28 2024-01-01
    235MYA5001 PBF Project - Preventing Hate Speech and Promoting Peaceful Society Through MIL Myanmar 1,499,390 676,540 2020-09-09 2023-12-08
    235RER4000 Strengthening the role of youth in promoting increased mutual understanding, constructive narrative, respect for diversity, and trust 460,100 120,108 2022-05-12 2023-11-11
    Albania 92,020 24,022
    Bosnia and Herzegovina 184,040 48,043
    North Macedonia 92,020 24,022
    Serbia 92,020 24,022
    235RSS5000 Support to a People Driven and Gender Responsive Permanent Constitution Making Process in South Sudan South Sudan 800,000 408,519 2021-12-14 2023-12-10
    251GLO2000 UNESCO activities implemented within the UN WATER framework Global 1,498,809 1,304,618 2010-12-14 2023-12-31
    255GLO2001 World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Open Science Conference (OSC) 2023 - Preparatory Phase I Global 71,750 68,905 2021-09-01 2022-08-31
    257GLO1043 UNAIDS UBRAF 2020-2021 country envelope funding for UNESCO's work on HIV prevention and comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) 3,019,300 2,863,853 2020-01-01 2023-06-30
    Latin America and the Caribbean 362,316 343,662
    Europe and North America 90,579 85,916
    Asia and the Pacific 422,702 400,939
    Africa 2,113,510 2,004,697
    Arab States 30,193 28,639
    257GLO1043.1.1 INDIA (UNAIDS Country Envelope 2020-2021) India 206,449 203,286 2022-01-01 2023-12-31
    257GLO1043.1.5 257GLO1043.1.5 - CHINA (UNAIDS Country Envelope 2021) China 53,271 53,108 2022-01-01 2023-12-31
    257GLO1045.5.3 Cameroon - UNAIDS country envelope (2022 -2023) Cameroon 28,037 25,454 2022-01-01 2023-12-31
    257GLO1043.1.3 PAKISTAN (UNAIDS Country Envelope 2020-2021) Pakistan 23,364 23,299 2022-01-01 2023-12-31
    257GLO1043.1.4 THAILAND (UNAIDS Country Envelope 2020-2021) Thailand 43,458 43,185 2022-01-01 2023-12-31
    257GLO1043.2.2 KYRGYZSTAN (UNAIDS Country Envelope 2020-2021) Kyrgyzstan 46,636 46,635 2022-01-01 2023-12-31