Project ID ZIM0132606

This action is part of Phase Two of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Capacity Building Project which supports Zimbabwe to conduct genuine elections, notably through working with ZEC to be independent, impartial, transparent, professional and sustainable, and for election processes to be implemented in a manner that ensures accountability, inclusive participation and that furthers justice and peace. This project will implement activity 2.3 of output 2 (two) of the ZIMECO2 Project Document Accountability: "Enhanced accountability and transparency in the electoral process"

  • On-going

USD 311,370

Total Project Budget

USD 227,800

Total Incurred Expenditures


Start Date 2023.05.25
End Date 2023.12.31
Benchmark as of 2023.09.30

Geographical Scope and Beneficiaries

Country Allocation

Financial plan

Type of Funding Uses of Funding Sources of Funding Project Budget (USD) Incurred Expenditures (USD)
Voluntary Contribution - Tightly Earmarked Communication and information United Nations Development Programme 311,370 227,800

Project contributes to

Contribution to UNESCO Results Framework 2022-2025
Sector: Communication and information
Outcome 6 - Promote freedom of expression and the right to information Output: 6.CI2 - Member States have strengthened capacities and raised awareness to enhance norms and policies related to freedom of expression, press freedom, safety of journalists, including women journalists, and the right to access information, online and offline
Outcome 8 - Foster knowledge sharing and skills development in the digital age Output: 8.IP4 - National capacities strengthened to empower learners of all ages, women and men, with digital competencies and Media and Information Literacy skills
Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
  • 100%
UNESCO Global Priorities and Priority Groups
  • Gender Equality | 25%
  • Youth | 50%
  • Priority Africa | 100%