
Plan de dépenses

USD 1,106K

Dépenses encourues



Sources de financement et utilisation des fonds

Type de financement Utilisation des fonds Sources de financement Planifiés (en milliers d'USD) Dépenses encourues (en milliers d'USD)
Total 1,882 1,106
Communication and information 120 108
Culture - -
Education 1,044 632
United Nations Development Programme
UN - Spotlight Initiative Fund
Natural sciences 155 136
World Federation of Engineering Organizations
German University of Technology in Oman
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
African Development Bank
Social and human sciences 234 62
Communication and information - -
Culture 65 47
Education 210 78
Natural sciences 55 43
Communication and information - -

Le financement est centré sur

Objectifs de développement durable
Priorités globales et groupes de priorités de l'UNESCO
  • Gender Equality
  • Priority Africa
  • Small Island Developing States
  • Youth

Contribution au cadre de résultats de l'UNESCO 2022-2025

Le plan d'action pour la période entre 2022 et 2025, structuré par des Programmes, des Effets et des Produits.
Effets et Produits Planifiés (en milliers d'USD) Dépenses encourues (en milliers d'USD)
Total 1,882 1,106
Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 1,044 632
1.ED2 - Gender transformative education systems empower learners, ensure safe learning environments and address the educational barriers, particularly for girls and women, exacerbated by the learning crisis 1,044 632
Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 210 78
7.ED3 - Learners are empowered to lead healthy lives, promote sustainable development and engage with the world as creative and responsible global citizens 210 78
Outcome 1 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 4 4
1.SC6 - Institutional and human capacities strengthened in STEM education in a gender transformative manner for sustainable development 4 4
Outcome 3 - Enhance knowledge for climate action, biodiversity, water and ocean management, and disaster risk reduction 183 160
3.SC1 - Inclusive knowledge and capacities of Member States strengthened to advance and apply science for sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem and biodiversity conservation and restoration, and disaster risk resilience 173 151
3.SC2 - Water science, innovation, education, management, cooperation and governance bolstered for a water secure world in a changing environment 10 9
Outcome 4 - Advance international cooperation in science, technology and innovation 22 15
4.SC4 - Member States capacities strengthened to improve STI policies, access to scientific and technological advancements and enhance knowledge sharing, including through Open Science 1 0
4.SC5 - Institutional and human capacities in basic sciences, technology, research, innovation, and engineering enhanced to advance knowledge for sustainable development 21 15
Outcome 7 - Promote inclusion and combat discrimination, hate speech and stereotypes 234 62
7.SHS1 - Member States capacities strengthened to advance effective policies and practices to achieve inclusive development through the promotion of human rights, scientific freedom, intercultural understanding and by tackling all forms of discrimination and racism 234 62
Outcome 6 - Promote freedom of expression and the right to information 120 108
6.CI3 - Member States and media institutions enabled to strengthen media development and media pluralism, including through the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC) 120 108
Outcome 8 - Foster knowledge sharing and skills development in the digital age - -
8.CI5 - Member States have strengthened institutional and human capacities to integrate media and information literacy (MIL) in policies and strategies, and to bridge the digital and knowledge divides, through the development of digital skills and competencies, particularly in the SIDS, and among women and girls and different marginalized and vulnerable groups - -
Outcome 5 - Enhance the protection and promotion of the diversity of heritage and cultural expressions 65 47
5.CLT1 - Member States capacities strengthened to identify, protect and manage tangible heritage 14 13
5.CLT2 - Member States capacities strengthened to fight the illicit trafficking of cultural property and promote its return and restitution, to protect underwater cultural heritage and to promote the role of museums for societies 13 9
5.CLT3 - Member States capacities strengthened for better preparedness, mitigation and response to emergencies affecting culture, including in situations of armed conflict and disaster 16 8
5.CLT4 - Member States and communities capacities strengthened to identify, safeguard and promote living heritage 8 6
5.CLT5 - Member States and civil society capacities strengthened to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions through dynamic and inclusive cultural and creative industries 10 10
5.CLT6 - Member States capacities strengthened to promote, monitor and measure the contribution of culture to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the local, national and regional levels 5 2


Les projets sont une séquence d'activités budgétisées, quelle que soit la source de financement, qui contribuent aux résultats de l'Organisation et doivent être achevés dans un délai convenu. Les projets peuvent inclure des sous-activités et peuvent être liés à un Programme plus large.
Note: For projects with multiple beneficiaries, the distribution of budget and expenditure figures at the beneficiary level is based on indicative percentages.
N° du projet Intitulé du projet Utilisation des fonds Budget du projet (USD) Dépenses encourues cumulées (USD) Date de début Date de fin État
2210212051 Strengthening capacity of Nigerian stakeholders, Indigenous peoples and local communities for national uptake of IPBES Assessments and methods
19,140 16,746 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
2210212071 Biosphere Reserve in Sierra Leone and Supporting Application for UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGp) in West Africa 62,000 23,831 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Benin 6,200 2,383
Côte d'Ivoire 6,200 2,383
Ghana 6,200 2,383
Guinea 6,200 2,383
Liberia 6,200 2,383
Nigeria 6,200 2,383
Sierra Leone 18,600 7,149
Togo 6,200 2,383
2210222081 Promoting designation of Ecohydrology demonstration sites and implementation of integrated, and holistic Ecohydrology approaches, within selected Biosphere Reserves for improved water management in West Africa. 43,900 39,841 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Togo 5,268 4,781
Sierra Leone 5,707 5,179
Nigeria 5,268 4,781
Liberia 5,707 5,179
Guinea 5,707 5,179
Ghana 5,268 4,781
Côte d'Ivoire 5,268 4,781
Benin 5,707 5,179
2210222091 Strengthening the knowledge base of IHP National Committees in West Africa, to advise Member States in managing water resources sustainably and in using WINS (Water Information Network System) 41,185 38,903 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Benin 5,354 5,057
Côte d'Ivoire 4,942 4,668
Ghana 4,942 4,668
Guinea 5,354 5,057
Liberia 5,354 5,057
Nigeria 4,942 4,668
Sierra Leone 5,354 5,057
Togo 4,942 4,668
2210242041 Capacity Strengthening on Implementation of 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in West Africa 10,800 3,954 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Togo 1,404 514
Sierra Leone 1,296 475
Nigeria 1,296 475
Liberia 1,404 514
Guinea 1,404 514
Ghana 1,296 475
Côte d'Ivoire 1,296 475
Benin 1,404 514
2210251011 Promoting S-S and N-S-S research and exchange of knowledge. 80,000 69,326 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Eswatini 8,000 6,933
Viet Nam 8,000 6,933
Nigeria 8,000 6,933
Madagascar 8,000 6,933
Lebanon 8,000 6,933
Cambodia 8,000 6,933
Jamaica 8,000 6,933
India 8,000 6,933
Ghana 8,000 6,933
Argentina 8,000 6,933
2210251012 Promoting S-S and N-S-S research and exchange of knowledge. 4,801 - 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Argentina 480 -
Ghana 480 -
India 480 -
Jamaica 480 -
Cambodia 480 -
Lebanon 480 -
Madagascar 480 -
Nigeria 480 -
Eswatini 480 -
Viet Nam 480 -
2210251013 Promoting S-S and N-S-S research and exchange of knowledge. 42,300 28,881 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Argentina 4,230 2,888
Ghana 4,230 2,888
India 4,230 2,888
Jamaica 4,230 2,888
Cambodia 4,230 2,888
Lebanon 4,230 2,888
Madagascar 4,230 2,888
Nigeria 4,230 2,888
Eswatini 4,230 2,888
Viet Nam 4,230 2,888
2210251014 Promoting S-S and N-S-S research and exchange of knowledge. 69,117 43,998 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Argentina 6,912 4,400
Ghana 6,912 4,400
India 6,912 4,400
Jamaica 6,912 4,400
Cambodia 6,912 4,400
Lebanon 6,912 4,400
Madagascar 6,912 4,400
Nigeria 6,912 4,400
Eswatini 6,912 4,400
Viet Nam 6,912 4,400
2210254021 Capacity Building in SETI and Standardisation for Mobilization of Professionals 30,000 12,002 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Asia and the Pacific 3,000 1,200
China 9,000 3,601
Japan 3,000 1,200
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 3,000 1,200
Republic of Korea 3,000 1,200
Mongolia 7,500 3,001
Nigeria 1,500 600
2210262031 Promoting Effective and Gender Transformative STEM Education for Sustainable Development in West Africa 20,000 20,000 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Benin 4,000 4,000
Guinea 4,000 4,000
Liberia 4,000 4,000
Nigeria 4,000 4,000
Sierra Leone 4,000 4,000
2210512031 Strengthening capacities to identify, protect and manage tangible heritage in West African Countries 94,000 84,720 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Benin 14,100 12,708
Côte d'Ivoire 14,100 12,708
Ghana 14,100 12,708
Guinea 9,400 8,472
Liberia 9,400 8,472
Nigeria 14,100 12,708
Sierra Leone 9,400 8,472
Togo 9,400 8,472
2210522011 Supporting the Return, Restitution and Preservation of Illicitly exchanged Cultural Property in West African Countries 25,000 16,452 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Benin 5,000 3,290
Côte d'Ivoire 5,000 3,290
Ghana 5,000 3,290
Guinea 1,250 823
Liberia 1,250 823
Nigeria 5,000 3,290
Sierra Leone 1,250 823
Togo 1,250 823
2210522071 Strengthening National Capacities to protect and promote the Underwater Cultural Heritage of West Africa 15,000 10,464 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Nigeria 7,500 5,232
Côte d'Ivoire 7,500 5,232
2210532011 Protecting Cultural Heritage Under Conflict Situations in West African Countries. 40,000 18,758 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Côte d'Ivoire 12,000 5,627
Guinea 12,000 5,627
Nigeria 16,000 7,503
2210542011 Safeguarding and Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage in West African Countries 50,000 40,830 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Togo 5,000 4,083
Sierra Leone 5,000 4,083
Nigeria 7,500 6,124
Ghana 7,500 6,124
Côte d'Ivoire 7,500 6,124
Benin 7,500 6,124
Guinea 5,000 4,083
Liberia 5,000 4,083
2210552011 Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries for a sustainable development of the West African Countries 50,000 49,251 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Benin 5,000 4,925
Togo 5,000 4,925
Sierra Leone 5,000 4,925
Nigeria 10,000 9,850
Liberia 5,000 4,925
Guinea 5,000 4,925
Ghana 7,500 7,388
Côte d'Ivoire 7,500 7,388
2210562031 Implementation of the SDGs through the Culture and Heritage in West African Countries 30,000 12,426 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Togo 3,000 1,243
Benin 3,000 1,243
Côte d'Ivoire 4,500 1,864
Ghana 4,500 1,864
Guinea 4,500 1,864
Liberia 3,000 1,243
Nigeria 4,500 1,864
Sierra Leone 3,000 1,243
2210651021 Strengthening Digital Competencies to Bridge Digital and Knowledge Divides 105,000 76,134 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
Global 84,000 60,907
Africa 21,000 15,227
257GLO1045.5.11 Nigeria - UNAIDS country envelope
70,093 69,580 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
257GLO1046.5.11 Nigeria - UNAIDS country envelope 2023
49,065 8,084 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
268NIR1000 Nigeria UN-EU Spotlight Initiative
2,608,098 2,196,192 2019-01-25 2023-12-31 On-going
408MAS5041 Multi-Donor Programme on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists - Media Development and Media and Information Literacy Global 3,654,240 857,096 2022-01-01 2023-12-31 On-going
534RAF5000 Empowering young people in Africa through media and communication 3,482,226 3,359,855 2018-09-12 2022-09-30 Completed
Côte d'Ivoire 119,819 107,582
Cameroon 119,819 107,582
Ghana 119,819 107,582
Guinea 119,819 107,582
Mali 119,819 107,582
Niger 119,819 107,582
Nigeria 119,819 107,582
Senegal 359,456 322,745
537RAF4001 Advancing professional opportunities for young women filmmakers from Africa Africa 149,801 145,621 2019-12-09 2022-11-30 Completed
567NIR3000 Strengthening Peacebuilding and Resilience in Northeast Nigeria through Education, Economic Empowerment and Social Change
233,653 62,184 2023-02-14 2024-02-13 On-going
578RAF4000 Supporting conservation and promotion of World Heritage in West and Central Africa - Rehabilitation, Research, Promotion 100,334 72,874 2016-12-08 2022-05-31 On-going
Burkina Faso - -
Cameroon - -
Ghana - -
Nigeria - -
702RAF2000 Appliquer le modèle des réserves de biosphère transfrontières et des sites du Patrimoine Mondial pour promouvoir la Paix dans le bassin du Lac Tchad par la gestion durable de ses ressources naturelles 6,248,118 6,168,916 2017-05-29 2023-12-31 On-going
Chad 147,273 131,433
Nigeria 147,273 131,433
Niger 147,273 131,433
Cameroon 147,273 131,433
Central African Republic 147,273 131,433