Celebrating our #LivingHeritage
It is a vibrant tapestry woven through singing, listening, tasting, and touching. Rooted in the practices of daily life, it encompasses traditions and living expressions handed down from our ancestors to our descendants.
For over two decades, UNESCO has been honoring and preserving global traditions, practices, knowledge, and skills. Let's explore the richness of our #livingheritage together. #SharingHumanity.
UNESCO pays tribute to journalists killed in the line of duty
UNESCO figures show that 2023 has been a particularly deadly year for journalists who work in conflict zones, with killings almost doubling compared to the past three years.
The Observatory of Killed Journalists provides updated information on the killing of journalists since 1993.

Race to the Top
Putting racial equity and justice at the forefront of development agendas
The third edition of the Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination will be held in São Paulo, Brazil, from 29 November to 1 December 2023.
This edition will focus on the importance of placing race at the center of developing and implementing strategies for socioeconomic development. Government officials, including ministers, policymakers, practitioners, academics and members of civil society and artistic communities, will be invited to discuss effective strategies to address systemic racism.

Youth Forum
The UNESCO Youth Forum, provides youth with a space to engage in discussion and debate, and to share their recommendations and solutions with Member States during UNESCO's General Conference.
This year's Youth Forum focuses on the social impact of climate change and the need to achieve an equitable climate transition.
The K-pop group SEVENTEEN took part in a special session during the Youth Forum at the Organization's Headquarters in Paris.

Training Judicial Operators
The judiciary plays an essential role in the protection of freedom of expression, freedom of press and access to information. It can, in particular, ensure the safety of journalists, in terms of prevention, protection against, and prosecution of crimes and attacks against journalists.
Since 2013, UNESCO’s Judges’ Initiative has raised the capacities of judicial actors on international and regional standards on freedom of expression, access to information and the safety of journalists in over 150 countries around the world.

Compartir la humanidad es promover el patrimonio cultural
La diversidad y singularidad de nuestras culturas enriquece nuestras vidas, ayudándonos a construir comunidades resistentes, innovadoras e integradoras. La UNESCO tiene como prioridad preservar, promover y compartir estos aspectos de la humanidad. Tratamos de celebrar nuestro patrimonio común, porque la cultura es un bien público mundial.
Queremos agradecer especialmente a Yalitza Aparicio, Embajadora de Buena Voluntad de la UNESCO, su participación en nuestro video #unesco #yalitzaaparicio #Porunahumanidadcompartida

La UNESCO tiene como prioridad preservar, promover y compartir estos aspectos de la humanidad. Tratamos de celebrar nuestro patrimonio común, porque la cultura es un bien público mundial.
Queremos agradecer especialmente a Yalitza Aparicio, Embajadora de Buena Voluntad de la UNESCO, su participación en nuestro video.
Protecting Biodiversity calls for #SharingHumanity
Embark on a captivating journey where the threads of nature and humanity intertwine, revealing a profound truth: we are not mere spectators but an integral part of the natural world. Discover how UNESCO unravels this extraordinary relationship in their thought-provoking article, inviting us to rediscover our roots and redefine our role in preserving the beauty and balance of our planet. Join us as we explore the profound connection that makes nature an inseparable part of who we are.

Protecting Biodiversity calls for Sharing Humanity
Our Lives depend on biodiversity, and today biodiversity depends on us. To protect, restore and preserve, we must share science, knowledge, best practices and bring out the best of who we are as human beings. This is UNESCO's call for #SharingHumanity.

The UNESCO Courier introduces the living legacy of the Villa Ocampo
A distinguished woman of letters, Victoria Ocampo was one of the most influential figures in the Argentine cultural milieu of the 20th century. A patron of the arts, she also welcomed into her home, the legendary Villa Ocampo, the greatest artists and thinkers of her time, including the writer Jorge Luis Borges, the composer Igor Stravinsky and the poet and novelist Octavio Paz, among many others.
Discover more about this iconic figure as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of her donation of the Villa Ocampo in a special edition of the UNESCO Courier.

Impact Stories
Our Mission and Strategic Objectives

Our Vision
Since wars begin in the minds of men and women, it is in the minds of men and women that peace must be built. UNESCO uses education, science, culture, communication and information to foster mutual understanding and respect for our planet. We work to strengthen the intellectual and moral solidarity of humankind and bring out the best in our shared humanity.