UNESCO's contribution to the UN Climate Change Conference - COP 27

27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Sharm el-Sheikh Climate UN Change Conference - COP 27

The complexities of climate change require a holistic approach, which UNESCO provides though its longstanding expertise combining science, education, culture, and communication and information. UNESCO will organize or participate in a series of events and exhibitions to bring this expertise to the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, known as the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference - COP 27.

About COP 27

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the entity tasked with supporting the global response to the threat of climate change. The annual Conference of the Parties to the Convention is a global climate summit. COP 27, presided by the Government of Egypt, focuses on the implementation of the Paris Agreement, which aims to keep the global average temperature rise this century as close as possible to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Logo of COP 27 Presidency

UNESCO pavilion

The UNESCO Pavilion is located in Tent "E" of the Green Zone: Private Sector and Development Partners (see map).

UNESCO is bringing together its partners and civil society to share experiences of successful climate action. Over 40 events are hosted at the UNESCO Pavilion, ranging from scientific presentations of climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, to incorporating climate change related issues into education systems, promoting local and indigenous knowledge and its inclusion in global climate science and policy processes, and the inclusion of youth.

To participate remotely, please register (click on the title of the event of your choice).

First week (08-12 November):

Time/DateTuesday 08/11/2022Wednesday 09/11/2022Thursday 10/11/2022Friday 11/11/2022Saturday 12/11/2022
10.00 - 11.00 Frontliners to climate solutions: the challenges and opportunities of indigenous peoples in understanding climate science and translating into policy and practiceSustainable financing of biosphere reserves and world heritage sites in Central Africa to build resilience to climate changeThe role of Basic Sciences in Climate Change MitigationInclusive media representation on climate changeHeatWave MA VILLE CONTRE – ATTAQUE
11.15 - 12.15A Million Voices and 7,767 Kilometres: A Global Call for Climate Education Resilient Digital Schools: The Technology-enabled Open Schools for All projectTransdisciplinary contribution of indigenous and local knowledge to climate researchRole of Media in Reporting on Climate Change in Egypt and the Arab Region HeatWave MA VILLE CONTRE – ATTAQUE
12.30 - 13.30-Greening TVET and Adult on EducationInaugural meeting on Greening Education Partnership: Getting Every Learner Climate-readyAcademic training in water sciences, is it adapted to new challenges including climate change?Special (Round Table) Discussion of Water Sector Adaptation
14.30 - 15.30Eaux-Changements Climatiques : renforcement de la résilience des communautés rurales au MaliSmart Financing and Governance for Accelerating Capacity Building for Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Africa and MENA regionUNESCO's contribution to multi-hazards early warning systemAccelerating Climate Change and Sustainable Development knowledge-related Education and Utilization in Africa and Mena regionOn the road to the UN Water Groundwater Summit
15.45 - 16.45-Communicating Ocean Science for Climate ActionAchieving the Climate and SDGs related goals through accelerated scientific excellence and cooperation in Africa and the MENA regionRenewable energy transition and heritage sites/museums: greening heritage and museumsDigital Transformation and Climate Change
17.00 - 18.00Education au Changement Climatique en vue du Developpement DurableQuality Climate Change Education For All: What Is It and How Do We Achieve it?Education à la prévention et à la lutte contre les changements climatiques au MaliDigital Heritage of Egypt-

Second week (14-17 November):

Time / DateMonday 14/11/2022Tuesday 15/11/2022Wednesday 16/11/2022Thursday 17/11/2022
10.00 - 11.00Presentation of the ecohydrology demonstration site of the zapatosa swamp complex - Colombia IHP TWAS and Elsevier Foundation join forces for Gender Equity and Climate ActionCoral Reefs and Mangroves of the Red Sea - Conducive Public-Private Partnerships towards Conservation and Adaptation - (10:00-11:30)Climate Engineering: Scientific Advancement and Ethical Challenges
11.15 - 12.15Groundwater-based solutions for water security in a changing climateOpen data, the remedy for climate change disinformation?Dialogue for Conservation Finance - A new paradigm to landscape restoration in the Arab Region -(11:45-13:15)Youth as Researchers, Egypt Hub: Promoting Youth research in the field of Climate Change
12.30 - 13.30Climate Change, Water, and Peace: Adaptation through Water CooperationA global perspective on Reference Hydrometric Networks – a vital part of detection and adaptation to support adaptation to hydrological change-Achieving climate justice: building youth capacities and boosting intergenerational cooperation
14.30 - 15.30Citizen Science for Adaptive Water ManagementYouth Demand Quality Education: outcome of global surveyUNESCO Designated Sites X Climate Actions - Youth 4 Alliances and Partnerships - (14:00-15:15)Knowledge for Youth-Led Climate Action in the Arab Region and youth-driven policy recommendations for Community-led Action
15.45 - 16.45Launch of CRIDA Frech and ArabicIndigenous water resources management technologies for sustainable livelihoodsNature-based solutions for reducing disaster risksGEOTSIRAR: Towards Strong Alliances in the Arab and African Countries
17.00 - 18.00Restauration et suivi des terres dégradées dans le bassin arachidier du delta du Saloum au SénégalThe Art of conservation in UNESCO Designated SitesUrgent Interventions to Build Socio-Ecological System Resilience - Multiple Natural Hazards in the Arab region -Presentation of the BRIDGES Coalition

UNESCO Pavilion is at the Green Zone at Sharm El-Sheikh

The UNESCO Pavilion is located in Tent "E" (Private Sector and Development Partners)

High-Level events

Ocean Decade Africa Roadmap


From 12:00 EGY

Ocean Pavilion, Blue Zone

Ocean Knowledge for Climate Resilience



Bellona Pavilion, Blue Zone

Transformative Pathways for Climate Action through Open and Citizen Science and Youth Empowerment



UNFCCC (Blue Zone) — Akhenaten

Ocean Science for Climate Action in the Framework of the Ocean Decade


From 10:30

Ocean Pavilion, Blue Zone

Youth demand quality climate education: Ministerial session on climate education



Action Room 2 (Blue Zone)

Achieving climate change adaptation and mitigation through water resilience


15:00 - 16:30

UNFCCC (Blue Zone) — Hatshepsut

Groundwater, key resource for adaptation



UNFCCC (Blue Zone) — Osiris

"Our Organization is proud to bring its scientific expertise to this collective debate, but also what constitutes its originality, its vocation to change mentalities, in the long term, through education, science and culture. We are indeed convinced that, insofar as it is technical thought that has made nature alterable at will, it is in the minds of men and women that the defenses of the hospitality of the world will be raised."

UNESCO Director-General
Audrey AzoulayUNESCO Director-General


World heritage glaciers: sentinels of climate change
This publication is a contribution to the UNESCO "FutureKeepers” campaign made possible by the Australian Government.
United Nations World Water Development Report 2020: water and climate change

Climate change will affect the availability, quality and quantity of water for basic human needs, threatening the effective enjoyment of the human rights to water and sanitation for potentially billions of people.

Droughts in the Anthropocene
The Andean glacier and water atlas: the impact of glacier retreat on water resources
UNESCO Declaration of Ethical Principles in relation to Climate Change