Monument du Pakistan à Islamabad

UNESCO Islamabad

Representation for

About the office

As a specialized United Nations agency, UNESCO has been operating in Pakistan since 1958, providing the Government of Pakistan with support over seven decades. The Government of Pakistan recognizes UNESCO as a long-term strategic partner in support of achieving Pakistan’s national development plans and priorities.

Statistical Highlights


out-of-primary school children enrolled by UNESCO in marginalized areas of Pakistan (2018-2023)

> 5 Mellennia

of remarkable history - Moenjodaro

Over 4 million visitors explored the Heritage Sites in Pakistan in 2021
More than 2 million people visited archaeological museums in Pakistan in 2021
188.71 million mobile phone users were recorded in the year 2021
241.49 million is the current population of Pakistan with annual growth rate of 2.55%,

Population Census 2023

UNESCO Sites & Designations

6 World Heritage Sites
4 Biosphere Reserves
26 Sites on the Tentative Lists
3 Cultural Practices inscribed on the Intangible Cultural Heritage List
1 Documentary Heritage inscribed on the Memory of the World Register
1 city designated as member of UNESCO Creative Cities Netowrk