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Transformer le Curriculum d'aujourd'hui pour construire l'éducation de demain.

Qu'est-ce que le Curriculum?

L'UNESCO-IBE définit le curriculum comme une articulation dynamique et transformative des attentes collectives concernant le but, la qualité et la pertinence de l'éducation et de l'apprentissage. L'UNESCO-IBE base son action sur une compréhension du curriculum qui est : Systémique, Holistique, Participatif, Inclusif et Endogène. Regardez la vidéo et obtenez des réponses à vos questions sur l'activité centrale de l'UNESCO-IBE.

Nos réalisations

L'UNESCO-IBE travaille à transformer les programmes d'études et à améliorer les systèmes éducatifs à travers le monde. Pour concevoir et mettre en œuvre les meilleures pratiques, nous collaborons étroitement avec les administrations nationales et régionales ainsi qu'avec les parties prenantes. Notre objectif principal est d'élever les normes, l'efficacité, l'efficience et l'accessibilité de l'éducation pour tous.
12 Flagship Innitiatives

Innovative curriculum transformation to build agile, effective, inclusive, and impactful education systems

+ 140,000 Documents

An online resources accessed +2 million times by over 100,000 visitors worldwide

Transforming Curriculum

The UNESCO-IBE acknowledges that the curriculum has a significant impact on the information, abilities, and values that students learn.

Our Transforming Curriculum initiative seeks to assist nations in creating and putting into place curricula that are successful in fulfilling the requirements of students and society.

Transforming Curriculum
Capacity Development

We provide countries with technical support in designing and transforming curricula for a greater impact on education quality. We also provide countries with tailored training to strengthen their autochthone curriculum change. 


Curriculum Development
Early Childhood Education

We build a transformative journey that nurtures young minds, fostering holistic development and instilling a love for learning from the very beginning.

It encompasses a range of enriching experiences, including play-based activities, social interactions, and tailored instruction, designed to cultivate a solid educational framework during a child's formative years.

Hybrid Learning

Hybrid learning combines and integrates physical and virtual presence to expand and democratize learning opportunities, processes, and outcomes for all learners. Curriculum makes it possible to restructure the teaching, learning, and assessment methodologies based on the complementarity between face-to-face and distance learning and enhance and democratize education.

Hybrid earning
Multilingual Education

We support the creation and implementation of programs that value the role that students' mother tongues play in the learning process.

This entails creating curricular resources in several languages, educating instructors in multilingual pedagogy, and encouraging the use of regional languages in the classroom.

Multilingual Education
Greening Education

The UNESCO-IBE green and blue curriculum initiative focuses on supporting the implementation of the TES demand to integrate climate education into all aspects of teaching and at least double the number of countries that include climate education in school curricula at the pre-primary, primary, and secondary levels from the current 45%.

green and blue
Empowering Minds, Transforming Curriculum

Empower change through education to shape a better tomorrow

Empowering Minds, Transforming Education

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world

Nelson MandelaFormer President of South Africa
Curriculum Resource Pack
Preschool girls in Niamey, Niger
Competency Based Curriculum
Promoting Litteracy in Multilingual Settings
Two boys Africa
Curriculum on the Move
Young boy studying Asia
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